

We always thought that its a big problem, there are many like her , here more stronger more experienced more kind, but we never knew that the thing which no one is allowed to do..she will do it.. "When we become it no sorrow is left and unhappiness is removed so why she is the sad one here?" "Because she is bounded by a curse named love" He said heavily ,"How? Is this possible you have no mercy!!!!! Your cruel you killed that old man!!!so brutally how can you!! Say that you have love!!!" "I didn't killed any old man "she said "You have no shame left" "But it was a wolf I didn't saw any old man " "I won't I won't I won't " He was a mere wolf with lust in eyes. "Hello welcome to detective e_" "Sorry I don't talk to women wheres your boss?" "Well its_" I will kill you "You can't ". Mother I'll save you no matter what i promise to give my life just hold on mother just a little I still want to feel like I'm needed by you I hope that I do your chores and see your smile this world just judges only you have the peace I want.

Zoya_Khan_2097 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Arc 1: reluctantly working


"Hey Zaigham ! We're ruined!"

 Zaigham turned to face his friend.

In highschool Zaigham holds an outlaw personality and he was famous for his luxurious status and background perhaps guys like him are reckless by temperament and imprudent .

His sister 'Suzy'is bragging every time a short temper girl with her two hooters so called best friends 'Chi Chi'and 'Miko'... she's a pain in neck.

 "Zaigham! Today is a chemistry test! I told you not to party the whole night " His naive friend jack cared for him .

 "So what do you want me to do,scream?" He said wearily.

 "Don't be so careless don't you want to go to a good college?" 

"I don't need to do all this I'll go easily " he patted his shoulder.


 In the hallway someone was talking about a new unseen, disappeared .. scholarship winner transferred student who's locker Is just beside the locker of The most popular guy in the . Miracle School – The School of Royals: Miracle School holds the distinction of being the most expensive school in Japan, and rightfully so. This esteemed institution educates many of the country's most privileged youths, including heirs of prominent families and progeny of distinguished personalities 

Yet somehow the special thing wasn't the school for students but the guy no other then Kim kenzo 

Famous for his good looks, Nobel personality , captaincy of the basketball team which is constantly winning for 3 years , friendship and yeah the most important enmity with the 

Z group (Zaigham) for almost 5 years.

 Everyone wanted to see the new transfered village girl but where is she?....

[In classroom]

"Hey can I take part in the gamble too?"

 "Sure, here's my money".

 Class 11A is a mess students are smoking, gambling and girls are doing makeup and doing many things instead of studying, before the homeroom teacher came they are living their chill life , because they all think after the chemistry test they will lose their right to live but in the corner 

Two guys with small and short height are sleeping on bench beside the table on which an unknown girl in orange hoddie while listening to "Paris in the rain by lauv" is sleeping 

 ....... untill she came and wakes her up.

 "Hi there!" Smiling brightly 

She looked up and saw a sweet girl with pixie haircut and light grey eyes smiling at her.

 "My name is Marie I'm sure you're the transferred student welcome to MS ! here chocolate!" 

 She gave her that chocolate which she took.

Then a voice came behind Marie,her friend told her about the chemistry test Again which make Marie tensed up.She noticed it and stood up sleepingly, "where is she going?".

 She went to desk and hold a board marker and draw a triangle on the board everyone leaves their stuff and stare at her curiously.


 "So this is a sandwich" she said wearily 

"If I rotate it a bit like this...this is the state of equilibrium ...the corner of bread is equilibrium.. that one side is forward and and beneath this side is reverse... both are equal now this is equilibrium so this is the way to learn the graph just put numbers from 10 to 100 on x-axis "she stated it.


 "Now if we want to make ramen what we will ya do first?" 

 A hand rise"we will boil the water?"be said 

 "Exactly then the vapour of water goes up,it is forward now if we put the cap the vapour condenses it is reverse at the same time equilibrium establish this is same with the reaction of quicklime CaCo3 the whole damn chapter is about this sandwich and ramen " she placed the marker back and went to her desk and slept again while leaving them all in silence.


 "That was so easy?"

"Our teachers sucks!"Felix said.

 The bell rang and the unlucky students who were outside the class entered quickly and took thier seats and the others in class threw thier cigarettes and make up in bags quickly and the homeroom teacher entered.

 "So everyone you ready for test?"

The test starts, everyone moving their pens on the paper harshly looks like they know what to write,the teacher looked surprised and curious after 45 minutes the test ended, class president starts collecting the test sheets.

"Hey Totoro! Everyone were prepared for test" said by kenichi a tall handsome guy.


 "Yeah" Totoro hummed.

"Look kenzo has done the test after uzui.. Both brothers are so good at everything Uzui San finished it in only 20 minutes" Totoro said while admiring kenzo.

 "Yeah usui San is kenzo's big brother but both are opposite in nature,Uzui San doesn't like to socialize unlike kenzo but he is still born with that charm" kenichi blushed while gazing at his bench.

 The president collected all the test sheets and passed them to homeroom teacher Mr.misaki and the bell rang..., before leaving Mr.misaki said

"Shinobu you was the friend of the student who get caught gambling at the bar?"

 "Yes?" Shinobu mumbled as he doesn't want to get involved, AGAIN.

 "Good after the school come to the VP office police wants to investigate a bit"He left.

Shinobu let a long sigh, he was going to play games after school with his friends.

At the lunch time she went towards the sports hall, 'Chichi, Miko and suzy being the center of attention stood in front of her vision.

 "Hey new piece!" She asked.

Without paying heed she walked pass her while leaving them dump founded ....

Miko reached for her arm, stopping her.

Suzy clenched her jaw and took her ear plugs and MP3.

She with her innocent eyes said "I beg your pardon"

While laughing in a mocking tone she listen to the current playing song." Oh..nice,do you need that back?" 

 "Hmm" she didn't pay heed on her words,the only thing she wanted was to continue walking and go to Library through this long never ending and noisy sportsroom.

"Hey where are you looking at?" Chi chi shouted.

 "Please speak a little low your pitch is thin and high,it's teasing my ears , not pleasant at all",she said.

 "What do I have to do to get it back", she get to the point without wanting to waste an impulse more.


"Well all you have to do is go their at punch that boy" Suzy gave her the dare no one can think about or no one dare to think about is the correct sentence.

Without nodding or saying something she went towards kenichi and Totoro who were standing with the no.1 popular guy in MS ..Kim Kenzo, he starred at her seeing her coming towards him.

 "Is she coming towards us?" ,said by kenichi glancing at kenzo.

 "She better not,not another proposal please!",kenzo said lazily.

 Suzy and miko was smiling at her stupidity,and clothes.... waiting for her to make that mistake and get her life time punishment and a regret of coming to this school which she doesn't even deserve.

[For the record chi chi was still eating.]

 Steps coming more closer... everyone could hear it.

She was this close to kenzo, she clenched her tiny fist And pulled it up and slowly moved her fist towards kenzo's thick wide chest,her motion was soo slow that kenzo was confused what was her intensions?

 "Oh here we go!" Miko smiled.

Kenzo was pushed backwards to the wall slowly,the fact is she didn't hit him,she simply made her fist a contact with his chest and pushed him slowly so he touches the wall,the fact again is...she wasn't being told for punching him fast,she merely fulfill the dare with the little usage of mind and taking advantage of choosing wrong words.

Kenzo was just looking at her hand on his chest ,she came and pinned him to the wall out of knowhere .The warmth of her hand on a small area of his chest and her constant gaze on his eyes made him blush...she tilted her head without breaking eye contact "thanks"she said as she moved away her hand....

But Kenzo holds it." What are you doing?"he narrowed is eyes.

"I was given a dare to punch you ",she stated with blanked expressions .

 "It was a punch?" He chuckled and release her wrist.

"I wasn't told to use force,if you want to punch me your free to do", she played fair and square.

He leaned closer to her "hmm interesting,I don't call it a punch you can go" he smirked and she left .

Those three idiots were frozed in spot at this,they imagined her being punished by kenzo

"Hey!" Kenzo shouted from behind.

 She stopped walking, but didn't turn.

"What's your name?" He asked .

 She again started walking towards suzy and took her ear plugs and MP3 while Suzy's jawline was dropped.

She put them on and before walking away she turned her head towards kenichi,totora and Kenzo 

While breaking the silence she told her name.




' The eye of Truth '

I see no humans

Note: kenichi and Totoro were too stunned to speak.