
The Eye Of Samsara: Reborn!

From being used by the Uchiha clan to justify their actions to being used by the Hokage to make peace. Arashi Uchiha, a kid born with six paths power, and yet he hasn’t awakened it… Orphaned by the nine tails attack on the village, Arashi didn’t have the childhood everyone could ask for, the higher council forced him to live under a fake name called Tsuki Uzumaki without his knowledge because they feared what they were told about him. Eventually, Arashi befriended another orphan in the village, Naruto Uzumaki. At a young age, Arashi was in a violent disagreement with the third Hokage, this led him to awaken a power he never knew he had. The Rinnegan is a legendary power that is considered a myth to some. Arashi lives and trains to become a shinobi just like his friend, but unlike Naruto, he doesn’t do it for recognition and acknowledgment. Arashi simply wants to protect what and who he cares about. On his journey to becoming a shinobi, Arashi makes new friends who don’t care about his eyes, and he regains his family with the Uchiha clan after his brother finds out who he is. Arashi goes through a troublesome life in the village, but he never gives up. Arashi suffers at the hand of his villagers not accepting him and believe him to be a reincarnation of Madara Uchiha. And he suffers in the Uchiha clan who don’t fully accept him until he earns it. Arashi Uchiha faces multiple powerful enemies at a young age because of the natural desire for his eyes, and the people he loves are forced to pay for this, but he never stops trying to save them. Arashi Uchiha will always fight back! (I don’t own any rights to Naruto and its properties, and I only own my created characters and their powers.)

The_Hollow · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Shisui Steps In

'Damn it! They've even covered this place.'

"You're an impostor!"

I charged toward this impostor with a kunai in my hand; I kept on missing my swings. It's like he knew what I was going to do even before I did it.

I took another kunai as I quickly came up with a move.

I swung my right hand, and he ducked, then I tossed my left Kunai in the air and teleported to it, and came down pointing the kunai to his head.

'That's too fast for him to dodge.'

While I was falling, I noticed the chakra building inside him…

'He's about to use the substitution jutsu!'

Buzz! The body turned into lightning and shocked me.

'Just as I thought, big bro Kakashi.'

"Sorry Tsuki, orders are orders."

Kakashi picked me up.


"Always be two steps ahead of your enemies, isn't that right?"

Tsuki's voice echoed in the forest.

I was moving around the forest and using clones to constantly confuse him.

"Hand yourself in, you're making a mess of things, and I don't want to hurt a comrade."

Kakashi calmly said as he tried to find me.

"I'm through listening to what the Hokage wants! Leave me alone!"

"I know you didn't mean it, but there are consequences to attacking the Hokage, almost killing him too."

"How could you say that?! Do you think I knew what I was doing?!

Lord third took away my only friend for these useless villagers! They hate me and Naruto so much; they treated us like scum! I'm leaving this dump, you aren't stopping me!"

Kakashi frowned.

"Then I'm sorry I have to do this."

I watched as big brother slowly removed his headband…

My eyes widened seeing big brother taking off his blindfold, he had the same chakra as Shisui and Itachi in his eye, and then I saw it…

'He has the Sharingan?!'

"Tch!" I clicked and looked at him.

I got into a fighting stance and so did Kakashi.

'Even when he's holding back, I can't beat him, I can only run away from him, and even that will be difficult, I'm low on chakra. I made too many shadow clones today.'

Kakashi rushed towards me, and I did the same.

"Shadow clone jutsu!" I made four clones and ran toward him, we ran in a zigzag pattern to confuse him.

Fwoosh! A clone appeared behind Kakashi.

"That won't work on me!" He said as he grabbed the clone's hand and kicked the fallen kunai away.

"This will!"


I swapped places with him and made a hand sign.

Kakashi's eyes widened, seeing three clones turning into lightning.


The clones Knocked Kakashi out while I ran away.

I looked back and saw a log in the place where Kakashi was.

"Substitution jutsu?"

I anxiously looked around to find him.

'He's not behind me, not below, not to the side, and not above me.

Which means…'


Kakashi came from underneath and grabbed my legs.

"Earth-style: hiding like a mole jutsu!"

Kakashi pulled me underneath.

I looked at Kakashi and saw him turn into mud.

"Let me go!" I say as I squirmed to get free.

'I don't have enough chakra to teleport.'

Kakashi appeared to be taking a call on his com link.

"He's with me."

'Who is he talking to?' I ask myself.

"Yeah got it," Kakashi said as he walked towards me.

"Don't tell anyone this happened.

There's a unit of Anbu in the south and north side, take the west and hurry."

"What? You aren't making any sense, big bro!"

"Just hurry!" He helped me out of the muddy hole.

"I'll help by leading them on a false trail."

Just as he said that Kakashi flickered away.

I didn't waste any time, and I started running again.

Hours passed as I ran away. I didn't stop going full speed, using the body flicker to get far ahead, just like Shisui taught me.

I constantly looked behind to see if I was being followed.

'Naruto, I'm sorry, perhaps sometime I'll come back to Konoha.

For now, I can't come back, I can never come back to the village hidden in the leaf.'

I thought as I continued running away.

I stopped and hid behind a tree to catch my breath.

'I'm running out of chakra.'

I thought while using a log for support.

"I was wondering when you'd take a break.

Consider me impressed, now I'm glad I taught you the body flicker jutsu so well."


I jumped back and looked above with a kunai in my hand.

Shisui was standing on a branch.

I stared at Shisui, inspecting his chakra and wondering if it was really him this time.

'His chakra is the same as Shisui's, I wonder if I should still be wary.'

As I tightened my grip on the kunai, my hand started trembling.

"Relax, I'm not here to fight, I'm just here to talk.

Besides, you're not beating me when your chakra is that low."

"How do I know you aren't here to stall until the Anbu members catch up?"

"Come on Tsuki, if I was here to capture you, don't you think I would've put you in a genjutsu already?"


I looked down and loosened my grip on the kunai.

"Come with me, I want to show you something." Shisui used the body flicker jutsu and vanished in a blur.

"Don't fall behind!" He said and continued going.

'Shisui would never betray me, would he?'

I shook my head and put my kunai in my pocket.

'Of course not.'

"Wait up!" I caught up to Shisui and followed him.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," Shisui responded.

"Tsuki, tell me something." I looked at Shisui.

"Were you really about to leave the village like that?"

"Yes, I had to."

Shisui nodded.

"I have to say, you're one of the smartest people I know.

However, that was probably the dumbest thing you've ever told me."

My eyes widened.

"The third Hokage hates me, he wants me gone, and he tried getting rid of me like I'm a pest!

He only keeps me alive for my eyes!"

"Just because the Hokage and his elders don't like you doesn't mean that you should leave all the people who love you.

Would you leave all your friends? Naruto? Sasuke? Me?" I frowned.

I shamefully looked away and started thinking about my eyes again.

"Why did it have to be me? I never wanted my eyes! I never wanted to hurt the Hokage, so why me?!"

I asked.

I couldn't stop myself from tearing up a little.

"Why is there so much pain in this world? Naruto suffers just like me, we're hated in the village for something we couldn't even control! Why?! Shisui, tell me why!"

Shisui's eyes widened.

He walked towards me and kneeled, then said,

"Truth is, I…

Don't know.

I can't tell you why there has to be so much pain and suffering in this world.

My father was injured in the war, he ended up being bedridden because he lost his leg and got sick; I have to constantly pay for his hospital bills, even though I know that eventually, he will die.

All he ever did was protect his home and family.

Bad things happen to good people all the time.

I wish that wasn't true and that it never happens, but it happens and it is true.

It's our job to prevent bad things from happening as much as we can.

Even the smallest task, like helping an old lady carry her grocery bags, can change how they view life and make them happier.

Even the smallest effort still counts as an effort."

He ruffled my hair and smiled, and then continued running.

'The smallest effort still counts?'

I clenched my fist and continued running after that.

I passed 200 collections yesterday, I just want to say thank you to all of you who've kept it in your collections!

Thanks for reading my fan fic! I appreciate all of you :)

Don't forget to leave a comment if you have any ideas, I'm always open to hearing you out.

It really helps when I know what my readers like and dislike.

Join my discord to talk about the book and other things the link for the discord is now on my profile.

The_Hollowcreators' thoughts