
The Extra Demigod Inside The Novel: Son of Hades

A boy lost everything he once had. As his family was killed before his eyes, something deep inside his soul died. His emotions turned numb and his eyes became lifeless. As he lost every connection with the world around him, relationships became a burden in his eyes. Life or death. It didn't matter to him. His door was open, for if ever death came, it could enter as it wished. And it did come to his door. Though not to exterminate him but to free him. Following his death, the boy reincarnated into a novel he had once read. A novel where Greek mythology and fantasy became real. A novel where the main character is the son of Zeus, the strongest demigod who was destined to save the world. The boy, on the other hand, was just an extra. But when he learned that he was the son of Hades, his fate was already sealed. What will he do in this new life, search for meaning, search for power, or search for peace? With his knowledge of this world from the novel, the boy embarks on a journey...

Smle_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Flag War (3)

We dashed from one branch to another as we moved through the forest in secret. The scouting group had collected the information about the whereabouts of the enemy flag, which we were heading towards.

I was trying to stay as close as possible to the main cast to not lose them. Soon the whole group halted and I could see a red flag fluttering due to wind on a 1-meter stick. Our objective was to steal it and bring it to our base.

The demigods signaled each other with hand signs and gestures without making any noise. From what I understood, the plan was to send a decoy troop from the other side to divert their attention. Once the defense around the flag was weakened, the other ones would be able to push past them and get to the flag.

The decoy troop maneuvered to the other side while we waited still. After a minute or two, we heard the war cry of our comrades, which quickly averted most of the defense forces towards them, leaving the flag open to assault.


We all rushed at the enemy flag, eliminating anyone unfortunate enough to have come across. The ringing of metals clashing reverberated through the forest as the painful screams of demigods filled the air. Although the weapons were dull, it still hurt like hell. Of course, killing was strictly forbidden and once someone can't fight anymore, they are eliminated from the war.

A demigod went for me. He was a few years older than me. For some reason, the look in his eyes held a spark of hatred towards me.

"Oho... Look who we got here. Isn't this the infamous son of the rich one!"


'I can't run from these flies even in the middle of a fucking war... I just can't.'

I had gotten enough of this shit already. For the past week or so I was constantly harrassed by the annoying stares of others. Normally I wouldn't have minded his attitude but now that I had a viable excuse for beating the shit out of him, I decided I would give him a lesson.

He unsheated his sword and so did I my pair of daggers. We both channeled our divine energy through our bodies and lunged at each other. His swords met my dagger and fiery sparks appeared in the point of contact. I diverted his swords to the side and slashed horizontally which he dodged by backing a little.

Seeing how I counter-attacked, his face was turning serious. I pressed against the ground and shot myself. As I examined his body movement, I noticed her footwork changing to side-step.

'Too late...'

As I approached him, he sidestepped to the right thinking I would thrust my dagger. But to his surprise, I didn't thrust my dagger. In fact, I just didn't use my dagger. I threw one of my daggers and threw a fist coated with divine energy in his stomach.

He fell to his knee and held his stomach while trying to inhale but he couldn't. I had created a spasm in his diaphragm, causing him to be unable to breathe properly. taking advantage of his vulnerable condition, I reverse-gripped my other dagger and swiftly thrust the blade deep into the space just below his right lung.

"Arrgh! What the fuck!"

The blood flowed out of the wound and dripped onto the ground through his thighs. He had lost his strength and fell on his face. He was groaning in pain. I kicked his head as hard as I could, causing him to faint. The detector on him went off indicating he was eliminated.

The sound of battle and my vision of surroundings darkened as I looked at my bloodied hands. They were trembling but I couldn't discern whether what I was feeling was fear or excitement. The memories of my parents getting stabbed to death once again forced its way into my mind.

I recalled the sensation of stabbing him. Yet I wasn't distressed by the fact that I had just severely wounded a human.

'Why would I?! Why would I?! Why would I care about hurting others when others didn't care for me once? This is the brutal reality of being weak. Weak people don't have any right to feel wronged or upset when no one cares about them. It's what they deserve for being such a miserable being. This is the hypocrisy of humanity: Everyone is fine as long as they are not on the receiving end of the pain. It's always been like this. If not, then why was my mother and father dead? They had done nothing wrong but all they got was a painful death! In a world where the only incentive for humans is greed, there is no such thing as morality. The only righteous act is to seek your own benefit and survive. Everything else is a lie fabricated by the weak to protect themselves from the strong. Even human life isn't anything special at the end of the day.'

The blood didn't irritate me. Since that night, blood had become a typical liquid in my mind. Since that night, I knew what this world was built on. Since that night, I have been enlightened to the hideousness of the human heart. Every human, deep inside, was the same, they all hid under their masks; some were so delusional that they believed the mask was their real self until the storm came knocking on their door. Since that night, I have come to the realization that one was obligated to ignore all emotions to survive this hell we call life.

'So what if I take a life? Why or how does that concern me? If the act of killing was such a taboo, why did the blood of my parents remain unavenged? Why was no one there to stop him before killing my parents? Why didn't a hero save me, a weakling, from this fate?'

After all, the end always justifies the means. And only the strong survives. That's why I had no other choice but to be strong. So that I won't ever feel miserable like I felt that night.

I snapped out of my thoughts and the trembling of my hands ceased. As my mind calmed down, everything became much clearer as if I had finally reached to a resolution, a salvation.

The battle was still going on and my team was pushing forward. I took one last glance at the faint person I just stabbed and caught up to my team. As my eyes searched the main cast, I saw them fighting on the other side of the battlefield. Adriel was overpowering everyone who tried to prevent him from reaching the flag.

He was controlling the air to slow down his enemies and increase his own agility. His spear was also covered in electricity which looked quite threatening.

On the other hand, Eleanor wasn't any worse than Adriel as she was fighting beside a river. Once in a while masses of water were thrown to her enemies with great force while. As I watched her I noticed the wounds across her body were slowly healing as water fused with them.

'As expected, they both have awakened their first bloodline abilities and can effectively use their authorities over their respective elements.'

As the battle continued, we finally reached the flag. As the last opponent fell to the ground after her leg was pierced by the tip of Adriel's spear, the path to the flag was clear. Adriel ran towards the flag and grabbed it, raising it as high as he could to let the aggression group know their mission was done here. 

However, just as we were about to retreat, the enemy reinforcement arrived and ambushed us, catching us off guard. They had outnumbered us. Realizing there was no other option but to run with the flag, the one who was responsible for the aggression group shouted at Adriel.

"Adriel, take a couple of people with you and run towards our base as quickly as possible. The rest of us are going to hold them back! Understood?!"


"There is no time to argue! Just go!"

Adriel's heroic heart didn't allow him to leave his comrades behind but he too knew we had no choice. He glanced around the battlefield to spot his friends. 

"Amelia! Eleanor! We are retreating with the flag! Follow me!"

The two girls quickly met up with Adriel and they left the battlefield without looking back twice. As they left, the roars of the battlefield fell silent until nothing could be heard. The last thing they heard was the shouting of some people.

"They are escaping with our flag. Everyone! chase them!∼"

"Soldiers! Hold the line with your life! The only way to get past us is by stepping over our dead bodies!∼"

However, amidst the chaos of the battle, a boy with black hair left the scene unnoticed. He traveled through the shadows under the trees, following the traces of the three demigods that had just left the battleground with the flag.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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