

"Skipping through the woods early in the morning going back home late in the evening..." Nana sings as she skips along the dirt path in the forest.

Meet Nana, a leonin from the Enchanted Forest with the ability to play around all day. When I say "play around" I meant pranking her fellow leonin during daylight.

Nana is special. She often uses her humongous boomerang that her grandfather gave her as a present for her 7th birthday to cast basic magic. Not even her grandfather knew where she learned magic. He just found out about her magic thing when they were playing with the boomerang and sparkles of magic sprinkled all around them. But he did remember that there are leonins who are born with magical abilities.

"Nana. What is this sorcery?" He asked.

"It's magic!" she simply said with a grin.

He didn't ask any thing else other than that and instead smiled widely at his granddaughter. He never imagined that his pink haired grandchild will turn out to be a mage... Just like her mother. You see, Nana is such a sweetheart. She often plays with her doll Molina, she named it that by the way, when it rains outside and she cannot play with her friends. Her and Molina often play tea party with the help of her older sister, Nanita. They sing made up songs and eventually those become their daily jingles.

Every morning, Nana wanders around the forest to look for sprites. These sprites are mere legends but she knew that they were real and so she searches for them in early sunrise because according to the books, sprites enjoy morning sunshine.

"Hmmm... Where could they be?" Nana asked herself. "I bet they want offerings."

So she ran to the Enchanted garden near the river of Sprites and looked for Fire Blooms, a red flower that often illuminates at night but lits up like fire during the day. She took out a thick old book from her backpack and flipped it open to where a bookmark was placed.

"It says here that sprites love to wear flower crowns made from Fire Blooms. I just have to find out where they are planted." she closes the book, puts it back in the pack and went searching for the flowers.

An hour has passed and she still couldn't find a single Fire Bloom. She sat at a rock beside a bed of White Desert flowers and opened the book once again. "Hmmm... Where could they be? It says here that the flowers are found at the center of the Enchanted forest. But they're not here!"


Nana jumped of fright. A boy about her age scared her and she knew exactly who he is.

"Harith!" she said loudly. "Don't scare me like that you good-for-nothing feline."

"Hey, fellow leonin with pink hair, I didn't mean to scare you THAT much. I just saw you sitting there on that rock and continuously talking to yourself." He said slightly confused.

"Huh... I was just looking for Fire Blooms. Have you seen any?" she asked.

"Fire Blooms?" he repeated. "Aren't those the flowers that lit up like flames? I thought those were just myths."

"I'm sure they're real!" she shouted. "Oops... Too loud?"

"Enough to wake up the Moon Elves." he said.

She sat again on the rock feeling hopeless. "I will never get to see the sprites."

Harith kneeled on one leg and put his hand on her shoulder. "Hey. Don't lose hope so easily. I bet those sprites are hiding from mean creatures like the Orcs. I'm sure if they knew that a nice, sweet leonin like you are looking for them, they would show up without a doubt."

She smiled and her face lit up like the morning sunrise. She nodded. "I will find them!"

"Too loud." he said.

"Oh, right. Noted." she said with a giggle.

"How about we look together?" He proposed.

"That's a brilliant idea! Two leonins looking for sprites in the Enchanted forest early in the morning... Purfect!"

"Meowww!" Harith said. "Come on, let's look for those Fire Blooms first."

"Meow!" Nana replied. "Operation: Sprite Hunt is on go!"

The two leonin started to wander further through the forest to look for the flowers and hopefully find the sprites.