Hello everyone, guys and gals.
I have decided to put "The eXpandables" on indefinite hiatus. It pains my heart (I mean, literally), but it must be done.
One of the main reasons is the perceived ratio between efforts spent and benefits gained.
The eXpandables took a lot more effort to research and to write. I could barely made 3 chapters per week. As a result, it has very low visibility. Coupled with the rather niche theme and setting (if you ask people from 15-20 years old if they care about 'cyberpunk' you'd probably get blank stares most of the time) and the rather somber tone, very few people cared about it.
I know it had a lot of potential (and I see the collection still slowly climbing, meaning some people are interested in this genre) but I don't see myself being good enough to bring out those potential in an acceptable time frame.
By comparison, my third work "Legend of the Gunslinger Mage" is light-hearted and a lot more fun (for me) to write. Judging by the amounts of collections, views, reviews, votes and comments it has received, it is also a lot more popular to readers.
Just as an FYI, on Oct 23, after three DAYS of its launch, Gunslinger Mage exceeded the number of collections (number of people who added it to the library) of eXpandables. At the moment, it had four times the amount of collections, and more views than eXpandables, despite having fewer chapters, fewer words and being only 9 days old.
I don't have enough time and energy (and let's not talk about skills) to work on more than one novel at a time. I learned that when I started my second novel. Now that my third novel is out, and has received a much enthusiastic reception, I've arrived at this decision.
I'm really sorry for dropping the novel. It's unfair to you guys, but please think of me as a normal guy too. I can't work very long without motivation.
I might revisit this series, but not before I complete my new novel. In a few days, I will the planned plot points for the series. No really big spoilers, of course.
Again, I hope you guys understand, and (maybe) see you in my new work.