
the exile prince

Reno a salary who got hit by car as he tried to get home and die. he then transmigrated to the world of trashia where science and magic collided with each other as he tried to survived in chaotic world. joined Reno as he explored the world where wars was a daily routine.

Dragovish · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

chapter 13: the steel giant

When Tina roar, most the assassin who knows Tina's special skill run away in panic.

Theo and the others who saw this curse there luck as the Tina charge at them.

"Protect the princess!"

As moss words, most of the guardsman form a shield line. But Tina's rage was terrifying as she wave her claws.

In an instant, the shield they are hold was cut like butter. The guard who also holding the shield didn't escape from fate as he was also cut in half.

This makes the infantry to panic and Tina attack the guard in both sides.

Moreover, the assassin who was slow to run also got caught in crossfire.

Right now, the battlefield became even more chaotic as Reno watch it in horrifying scene.

"We need to run now!"

At Theo's order, they took Reno's injured body as they escape with the princess.

As Reno tries to lift his body. Theo stops him as said.

"Stop it! There is no point to save them."

Reno look at the helpless people as they tries to block the way of the berserker half breeds.

Moss even left behind as he and his men fight back.

Princess Cassandra saw his beloved captain couldn't help cry as moss only smiled.

She never thought that her selfish desire will be the cost of many lives but she still insist as they ride with the horses to the capital.

Tina on the other saw the princess back. Roar in anger. But the few people including the left over mercenary charge at her.

After getting away in a mile. Reno couldn't help but to blame himself. If he just finished her up. More lives will be save.

But Theo didn't blame him, he heard Reno's story while riding the horses as they trying to escape.

"Don't worry Reno, it's not your fault that everyone died. In fact, if you didn't warn us before. We will be one of those people that died today.

As the group of people nodded their heads. Reno gritted his teeth as he accepted his regret.

But although they are far away. They can hear Tina's roar as everyone became horrified.

"Run fast?!"


Far away from them, they saw Tina was chasing them in great speed. They never thought she was still determine to kill the princess even though they already far away.

This makes everyone to be afraid. But Theo who was the leader of their group shouted.

"Any archers and gunners kill her!"

As few people who has rifles and bows. They shot Tina as they trying to run away but even though that Tina got wounded all over her body. She still chase them as she zigzag the incoming bullets and arrow.

"Dammit, why wouldn't you just die already!"

As Sasha shouted. Rita suddenly opened her mouth as the mana was gathering in the center.

When Theo saw this, he became horrified as said.

"Dodge it!"


The blue pillar of mana shot at them with great speed. But luckily they dodge it in no time as her attack landed in the near by trees.

"Do you have any other options? Am almost run out of arrows here!"

At Sasha's comment. Almost everyone doesn't have other ideas including Theo.

They only keep dodging from Tina's attack as they hope that they wouldn't get hit.

As Reno look at his mortal enemy. A notification pops out.

[Mission has triggered]

[Find a way to survive in the relentless attack by the beast.

Reward: 100 crystal coins and request from Cassandra.]

Looking at the notification, he then ask Sylvia.

"Is there a way to stop her Sylvia?"

At Reno's desperate question. He hopes that Sylvia can answer his question. Right now he couldn't move his arms from earlier battle. But to Reno's surprised. Sylvia spoke.

[Host there two ways, one to buy the monster trap which cost several hundred crystal coins or use the ring.]

"The ring?"

As Reno look at the red ring. He Then ask how it works, But the system didn't answered back as Reno gritted his teeth in frustration.

As Tina was almost near. Reno made a bold move and said.

"Captain I need your help."

When Theo heard his words. He then ask in a hurry.

"What is it?!"

As Reno look at the back. He then spoke in a smile.

"Am glad I met someone like you."

Reno push himself as he fall to the ground. When Theo saw this, he scream on the top of his lung and said.

"You fool!?"

As he shouted in anger, all of the strife group look at Reno who was struggling to get up.

This makes everyone to be horrified but they couldn't run back as Reno stood up in front of Tina who was charging at him.

As Reno gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Come here you bastard!?"

Reno run into the woods, Tina look at Reno as she chase him. It didn't know why she chase him but she was urgent to kill him despite losing her memory after the bloodline activation.


As Rita ask, they can see that there leader was gritted his teeth as he grip the on the reins.

"Let's go."

As everyone including the knights and princess look at the direction where Reno run. They only look bitter as they travel in the capital.


Meanwhile, Reno runs from the forest in full speed. He can feel that his breathing was getting heavy but he didn't stop running.

Right now, Tina was struggling from the dents tree. Since her mind only focus on her target. She couldn't think straight and she destroyed everything in her path.

Reno who was already exhausted, falls to the ground and Tina was almost catch him.

Looking at the berserk half breed. He couldn't help but laugh and said.

"So this is how I die, I wonder if I transmigrated again."

He then looking at his ring, as he saw a memory reno saw rigid's memory.

He can see that rigid who was a child was happily playing to someone. He didn't know who is she but Reno knew her as he said.


As Tina jump towards him, Reno's ring shine.

Meanwhile in the secret base of black scorpion, the people of the storage facility was checking the items they about to sell.

Suddenly, the ground shake as one of them said.

"What happened? Is their a earthquake?"

As he ask himself a question, the steel giant who was sleeping in the storage shine it's eyes and teleported without noticing.

As Reno accepted his fate. A giant fist hit Tina's face causing her to send flying far away.

This makes Reno to surprised as the giant made of steel stood up.

[Searching the owner.]

As Reno heard the Mechanical voice from the steel giant. It then saw Reno as his eyes shine. But due to so much exhaustion. His eyes became heavy a lost consciousness.

[Checking the owners condition.]

[Unable to move.]

[To weak to fight]

[Initiate auto pilot mode.]


As the steel giant said. It charge Tina in full speed. Tina who got a mild headache saw the steel giant as it swing it's giant fist.


This makes Tina to be surprised but the steel giant isn't done yet.

[Activating rapid punch mode.]

As the mechanical Giant said.

The giant delivered a rapid punches which enough to turn ordinary people into meat paste.


Although Tina cried in pain. The steel giant didn't stop. But as Tina tried to counter attack.

The steel Giant didn't let him and gave a solid punch in the face then crash in the large tree.

When Tina become unconscious. The steel giant check Tina and said.

[Enemy neutralize returning to base.]

As the mechanical said. It suddenly teleported again and Reno who already unconscious didn't saw the whole fight.

After a Reno opened his eyes, he can see that everything turned into messy, he didn't know where the steel giant came from. But was glad that he said him.

"Ouch, my battered body."

As Reno took the rune stone in his pocket. He then called Theo.

"Captain can you hear me?"

After waiting for a couple of minutes, Theo finally answer.

"You bastard?! Are you alright."

This makes Reno to laugh out loud as Theo because even anger.

"It's not funny!"

"Sorry, my bad. But am fine for now, can you guys pick me up here in the forest?"

"Haa... Seriously don't scared me like that. And also don't do that stunt again!"


As Theo finally calm down. He then ask.

"So which part of the forest are you?"

"I don't know but am probably still here in the same place I jumped. I didn't ran that too far."

"I see then we will meet you."

"Thanks capt-"


As Reno heard loud noise from the other side of the forest. He thought that the beast was going to attack him. But Reno saw Tina who was almost naked as she was already covered in wounds.

This makes Reno to frown as he couldn't even stand up.


"Huh? What happened?"

As Theo ask in confusion, Reno said.

"That bitch was still kicking."

Unlike her previous attitude, Tina was like drunk. Her movement was sluggish as her body has full of wounds.

"Damn, don't worry we almost there. You should be glad that Rita wants to search for you before you contact us."

"Rita? What about the princess? Is She fine?"

"Yes, don't worry we almost there."

As Reno smiled a bit, he saw that Tina was walking at him causing him to frown even more.

When Tina was already in front of him, he then said.

"For a bastard like you. You're very terrifying opponent."

Reno who spoke irritated look at Tina but she didn't reply as she already standing in him front of him.

Looking at her, Reno couldn't help but to admit that she beautiful but something unexpected as she crawl at him and gave a kiss.

This makes Reno to be surprised as she said.

"Give it to me."

"Give me.... What?"

As Tina grab Reno's little brother. He already guess it as she rip his pants.

"Hey w-wait....."

Before he could even close continued. Tina kiss her again as she lower he body to his.

For a couple of minutes. Reno felt like he was in heaven and hell as Theo and the others finally save him from Tina.