
'GB-1'&'MB-X' (3)

Our P.O.V,

"Ron, Give it to me."

Said Noir to one of the Explorer's as he approached the Half-dead Dren, laid on his Back while facing the sky of Orion.

"Yes, Sir. Her take it."

Ron, The Explorer ,replied hurriedly as he took out a Half-filled syringe from his pocket. That Syringe is filled with some kind of bright Pink liquid that seems more like an Aphrodisiac than Any dangerous Virus.



Noir took the Syringe and walked towards Dren with steady steps, Arriving at the tortured body of Dren filled with thousands of shallow cuts and bruises, He crouched beside him and pushed the plunger of the Syringe causing some droplets of it to fall on the ground. 

As soon as it falls, It evaporates in the Air, leaving no traces or smell.


