
The Evil Boyfriend

Woodybooch_4741 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Name

There's a lot of people in class 1B. "Ok everyone take a seat," the teacher says. "We have a new student, please introduce your self." "Hi I am Akina Ena." (Whispers among the class) "Ok take a seat," the teacher says. I look around for a seat and the only one open is right next to dreamy boy. I took a seat and stared out the window.

This time of year, the Somie Yoshino trees are really pretty, so I think I'll eat lunch on the roof. The bell rings so I try to find the roof. I find it and open the door but someone's already here. It's dreamy boy. I decide to go up to him. "Why are you up here all alone?" I ask. "You're here too aren't you?" he asks. "Well that's true." "You can eat here if you want," he says. "Thanks." I sit down and unwrap my food,which was a single rice ball. "There's not a lot to it," he says. "Yeah I didnt have a lot of time this morning." "Is that why I found you on the ground?" he asks. "Yeah." (Bell Rings) "Well, back to class." We get up and walk to class. The rest of the day went by fast. The final bell rang, so I started my walk home. There seems to be a lot people taking this road. I notice they start to get closer then they surround me. "You know he's a killer right? You'll die. Stay away from him," the group of girls said. "You know he killed his parents right," one of them says. She has blonde hair and a pink scarf. I try to get out but they push me back in the middle. I fall into a puddle and feel the water soak my uniform. I start to cry, so I close my eyes and yell for help. I hear the girls start yelling and run away. When I open my eyes, I see dreamy boy. He reaches out his hand to help me. I'm a little scared at first because of what they said, but I reach for his hand anyways. It has a rough feeling. He helps me up and I wipe my tears away. "Were they bulling you?" he asks. (shiver) "N..No." He gives me his jacket. "I'll walk you home," he says. "Th..Thank you." We walk for awhile in silence and I feel my cheeks get hot. I notice whenever I'm around him my heart speeds up and I cant think straight. He has a certain aura that brings me in but makes me scared at the same time. "This is it," I say. "I'll see you tomorrow then," he says. I hand him his jacket and he starts to walk away. "Wait I didnt get to hear your name this morning," He dosen't turn around. "Its Satsujin Akuma," he said with a demon looking gleam.

To be continued