
The everlasting encounter

Coming to terms with the possibility of something good happening in your life, trying not to sabotage yourself when that happens and staying committed

DiaConstant · Realista
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6 Chs

3. Deus ex machina

Aphrodite couldn't believe

her favorite experiment was in danger.

There was no way she'd start to grieve

even if she were indeed a stranger.


She calls Poseidon to join her quickly

a favor she needs for a special project.

She says she's troubled and feeling sickly

and tells him her troubles' main object.


There is a boat already at sea

from Santorini making its way.

It carries a girl they all agree

she's very special, a lot at play.


A wind she wants but not a monsoon

to slow things down just enough.

They must act now and not just soon

she needs an idea off the cuff.


That's not a problem Poseidon exclaims

I'll cash-in a favor Aeolus owes.

He's the best at re-igniting flames

on just his wish any boat slows.


Both mortals fear all has ended

taking already a separate path.

Their two hearts once so clearly blended

now firm in the hands of weather math.


A massive commotion, intense exchanges

she's really worried her thoughts a mess.

His existing plans he quickly changes

there must be a way to relieve the stress.


Plans are formed with new alternatives

things get better and then get calmer.

There is no need for more superlatives

no need to call a heart embalmer.


He rushes close to the port

it's complicated but not impossible.

The ball is now out of their court

but maybe they'll meet it's now possible.


She's happy and she smiles once more

surprised at her own reaction.

Her heart's now obviously open door

surely that's not just an attraction.


He's happy now he smiles once more

content that they may see each other.

He wants to jump, rise from the floor

they'll be in company of one another.


A last minute panic appears out of nowhere

her reason and feelings have started fighting.

Is an alternative to be found somewhere

or is it better that all's exciting?


And then there's peace and calm and warmth

sharing a moment and feeling close.

Aphrodite looks at them from up North

no logic, no reason, it's nature's prose.