
The Eternity Walk

A mediocre man who lost both in life and will, a person who used to spend his day writing spreadsheets in his cubicle has now turned into an immortal and thrown into a world unknown. How would a man whose body is full of life while his mind is deprived of life survive to live an eternity?

Adrain_Garcia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Blades and Beasts

The forest path wound deeper into the Heartwood, a labyrinth of ancient trees and vibrant flora that seemed to pulse with life. Kael moved with an effortless grace, his footsteps as silent as a whisper, while I stumbled and tripped over the uneven ground, struggling to keep pace. He glanced back at me with a half-amused expression, his eyes twinkling with hidden knowledge.

"Watch your step, Alex," he called over his shoulder. "The Heartwood is a living, breathing entity. It demands respect."

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, determined not to let my frustration show. Who was this Kael, and why did he seem so at ease in this bewildering place while I felt like a lost child? Yet, there was something about his presence that was oddly comforting, as if he held the key to unraveling the mysteries of the forest.

After what felt like hours of walking, the path widened into a small clearing. I took a deep breath, allowing myself a moment to marvel at the play of sunlight on the dew-kissed leaves. It was as if the air itself was infused with magic, filling my lungs with a sense of wonder I hadn't felt since childhood.

Kael leaned against a tree, his gaze fixed on me. "The Heartwood can be overwhelming at first," he said. "But as you spend more time here, you'll come to see its beauty and its danger."

I finally found my voice, curiosity overriding my annoyance. "What kind of danger?"

Kael's expression grew serious. "There are creatures in this forest, both benign and malevolent. Some seek only to protect their home, while others are drawn to the power that courses through these woods."

My heart skipped a beat at his words. I scanned the clearing, half-expecting some monstrous creature to leap out at us. "And you? Are you one of those creatures?"

He chuckled softly, a sound that seemed to echo the gentle rustling of leaves. "I'm not a creature, Alex. I'm a guardian, of sorts. My role is to help those who find themselves within the Heartwood, to guide them on their journey."

I opened my mouth to ask more questions, but a sudden rustling in the underbrush silenced me. Kael tensed, his eyes narrowing as he shifted into a defensive stance. Before I could react, a trio of grotesque creatures emerged from the foliage.

They were like twisted amalgamations of various animals—snarling wolves with scaled tails, feathered wings sprouting from their backs, and eyes that glowed with an eerie crimson light. Their forms shifted and flowed, as if they were born of nightmare rather than nature.

My heart raced, fear coursing through my veins. I had no idea what these creatures were, but their malevolence was palpable. Kael unsheathed a slender, gleaming blade from his side, the metal catching the sunlight as it sliced through the air.

"Stay behind me, Alex," he commanded, his voice firm.

I swallowed hard, my limbs trembling as I moved to stand behind Kael. My hands clenched and unclenched at my sides, my fingers itching to grab hold of something, anything, to defend myself. But I was unarmed, helpless in the face of these monstrous abominations.

The creatures circled, their movements sinuous and predatory. Kael's gaze never wavered, his stance unwavering as he assessed the threat before us. In a swift, fluid motion, he lunged forward, his blade meeting the first creature's scaled hide with a resounding clash.

The battle was a blur of motion, the clash of steel against scales, and the cacophony of snarls and growls. Kael moved with a deadly precision, his blade striking true with each swing. But the creatures were not easily defeated. One of them lunged at me, and I stumbled back, my heart pounding in my chest.

As panic threatened to overwhelm me, a glimmer of steel caught my eye. A sword lay discarded on the ground nearby, its hilt adorned with intricate designs that seemed to shimmer with their own inner light. With a surge of desperation, I seized the sword, feeling its weight in my hands.

Kael's voice cut through the chaos. "Remember, Alex, the sword is an extension of your will. It's not just about strength, but about focus and intent."

With his words echoing in my mind, I took a deep breath and faced the creature that had attacked me. My grip on the sword tightened, and I could feel its energy resonating with my own. I stepped forward, my movements less awkward than before, guided by a newfound determination.

The creature lunged again, and this time I met its attack head-on. The clash of steel against scales reverberated through me, sending a shock of adrenaline through my veins. I could feel the sword responding to my every thought, as if it was an extension of my very being.

With a surge of newfound strength, I swung the sword in a wide arc, its blade slicing through the air and connecting with the creature's side. A searing light erupted from the point of impact, and the creature let out a howl of pain, its form disintegrating into ash and mist.

Encouraged by my success, I turned my attention to the other creatures, Kael's guidance still echoing in my mind. The battle raged on, but with each swing of my blade, I felt more in control, more connected to the rhythm of the fight.

Finally, the last creature fell, its form dissolving into nothingness. The clearing fell silent, the only sound the ragged breaths that filled the air. I lowered the sword, my arms trembling with exertion and adrenaline.

Kael approached, his eyes filled with a mixture of pride and approval. "You did well, Alex. You tapped into the sword's magic and channeled it with precision."

I stared at the sword in my hand, a mix of awe and disbelief coursing through me. "I... I can't believe I did that."

Kael's lips quirked into a small smile. "The Heartwood has a way of revealing hidden strengths. But remember, the sword is just a tool. It's your courage and determination that truly matter."

As the adrenaline began to ebb away, I felt a bone-deep exhaustion settling in. Kael and I exchanged a knowing glance, and he gestured toward a nearby grove of trees. "Rest now, Alex. We'll continue our journey once you've regained your strength."

I nodded gratefully, my body feeling heavy as I sank onto the soft moss beneath the trees. The events of the day swirled through my mind, a maelstrom of wonder and uncertainty. As my eyes drooped shut, I couldn't help but wonder what other secrets the Heartwood held, and what role I was destined to play in this enchanted realm.