
The Eternal Soldier Reincarnates

In the end he died. This is the story of a man who had watched the end of everything and then was offered the future of a new beginning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Warning this is my first time writing and publishing anything publicly so don't expect me to write a new bible. Also I don't have an artist to help me so there will likely not be any visuals for a while Finally please just enjoy Cover is mine. Its Asataros's Helm

Blue_Robin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs


I stood on the path merging stone and dust back into place as Katia carried planks and bars of wood and metal to replace walls and street lanterns. The damage that had been done by the dragon of fire was extensive. Though currently bedridden and would be like that till tomorrow Dryis and Fillia both insisted that I participate in the repair job for the city due to, as I quote: "This was your emotionally overcharged mess". While true, I am honestly kind of annoyed at the moment. I had missed the chance to sleep with Fillia yesterday and likely today as well. In the end though I am satisfied with the fact she fought well and was unhurt despite her exhaustion.

I began to gather dust from the pile and condense it together to form small amounts of cobble. Though I received most of the material to do this job, it was subpar replacements that the governor was just going to use as an excuse to jack up taxes when it came time to replace them. I would not be participating in that leech's schemes. After that I helped out some of the shop owners refurbish their fronts with Katia's help. It was a little past midday now as the sun was now high overhead. Most of the work had been done and the fact that Katia and I had lent mana and muscle to the task was reassuring. If all went well the street would be up and running by next evening.

I leaned back and cracked my spine. It was not tough work but consistent menial labor and while I was by no means tired physically my mental state was in quite disfigured at the moment. I was irritated at the state of everything and the fact the Hollow, our home, was smashed beyond a quick repair didn't help. Fillia and Dryis were both resting in the church with a woman named Oadry watching over them. Nikky was apparently looking for lodging with some of the saved pay from me and Fillia's recent quests.

"Excuse us sir but we need you to come with us." {Unknown}

I turned to face the music. It seemed to be a bunch of bland piano players because there were two guards and a male secretary standing before me. He pushed up his glasses and the glare went in my eyes.

'Ha very funny try it again four eyes I dare you' {Astaros}

"Who are you exactly? I don't see anyone of authority besides the guards behind you." {Astaros}

I looked at the guards who looked away. The man pushed up his glasses and was about to speak but I reached over and angled them back before he could say anything. The guards in the back were now struggling to breathe and not laugh. He coughed twice to cover his embarrassment and spoke.

"I am the secretary of the local governor Mr. Ruth and I would like you to come with me." {Mr. Ruth}

I sighed and waved over Katia and she walked up after dropping off a ton of lamp posts on three poor saps.

"I gotta follow four eyes over here so I'll be out for a bit. Take care of this for me while I'm out." {Astaros}

"Sure" {Katia}

Real dependable that one. I turned to the slightly annoyed four eyes and looked at him. Suffer in my misery with me.

"Well what are you waiting for. Lead the way." {Astaros}

The guards turned around and began to lead the way as Mr. Ruth spoke with me.

"The governor is personally investigating yesterday's tragic events because as the matter stands, you repelled a force of beast men assassins from the city. Both him and the guild master would like to hear about the incident and why beast men assaulted your inn." {Mr. Ruth}

I grimaced under my helm. If they manage to figure out that Dryis and the others were not human, many different problems could arise.

At the end of the street I noticed several men in traditional guard attire that stood at attention in front of a carriage. The four eyes motioned me in and I ducked inside with the rest of the entourage. Let's see what our friendly neighborhood leech has to say about all this.

I reached the home of the governor within the hour. I could've made it in fifteen minutes but nope we had to take the carriage. A waste of time and maintenance if you ask me. We stepped out in front of the black and gold front gate which swung open as though it was the gate to the king's summer residence. It was obvious how vain the man was, from the perfectly leveled grass and trimmed bush statues of his plump self to the rows of well dressed maids and butlers simply there to welcome us.

What a waste of wealth. I walked down the rows and stopped in front of a butler who bowed and waved his hand to follow him.

"Please esteemed guests follow me." {Mr. Ruth}

My armor was positively shining as during the ride I spent the entire time simply removing dust and dirt and expelling it into the air above to dissipate harmlessly above the carriage just in case he might be a respectable man. It was a worthless endeavor however, something I discovered the moment I entered and saw the lavish interior that likely received attention 24/7.

Ruth and I walked through the halls passing sculptures and paintings detailing the governor's lineage and their triumphs. Each besides him had some form of impressive feat that made them an impressive person that deserved the title of baron. He seemed to have been born into both wealth and peace. A bad combination.

We then finally stopped in front of a massive wooden door with two large handles. The man turned his hand and rapped his knuckles twice against it's surface creating a clear knocking sound. These doors seemed to have been made just for this effect. He stepped back and waited for a moment before a voice sounded out.

"Come in." {Unknown}

Mr. Ruth opened the door and bowed, putting out his hand to invite me in. I walked into a massive office with a large window that looked out over the city square. Upon the shelves they're were little wooden models that seemed to belong to a child. My eyes then landed on an amusing sight. First off the baron was not fat. He was, without a doubt, large. However the statues out front are an exaggeration. What was not wrong was my thoughts on his likely attitude and personality. He was busy trying to get touchy feely with the person beside him. Guild master Kali. It was funny because her face was a center of calm within the room while her mana was basically telling me to get out so she could murder the man. So I laughed. Startling the baron out of his lecherous acts and surprising Kali as the baron hurriedly waved his hand for me to take a seat.

"Are you done enjoying yourselves or should I leave so you can finish up."

The guild master smiled and blushed slightly. This was not the blush of an innocent girl though. It was the kind that said "I am going to murder you in your sleep but right now I have to act ladylike." Then Kali tried to greet me

"Thank you for coming on such short notice. I heard you were busy working in the reconstruction of the street mister… I don't believe you ever did tell me your name could you please refresh me if you have?" {Kali}

She gave me a light smile that was completely shrouded in malice and treachery.

'Okay so that's how this conversation is going to go huh.' {Astaros}

It seems they are going to use this chance to gather information and perhaps get me to join an organization they can monitor me from. I will deny you both opportunities.

"You're right I didn't" {Astaros}

Silence reigned for a moment as they waited for me to say my name but it never came. The baron in his nervousness under the tension of two powerful people snapped and broke the silence.

"W-well then sir I welcome you to the Guidevierre abode! We would like to ask you a few questions about last night's incident." {Baron Guidevierre}

His pudgy hands clasped together as he rested them on the table. An anxious smile was plastered on his face as he looked at me pleadingly. I was going to offer no mercy to this pervert however as though I disliked Kali she had done me, nor anyone I have knew of any wrong. This man on the other hand blatantly sexually assaulted her. He was not going to have a fun time.

"As the town baron shouldn't you already know everything that happened.?" {Ataros}

Kali looked up at the ceiling and then looked back down replacing the smile on her face. Go on. Laugh. He can't stop you. The baron's eyes widened at my blatant hostility. Now let me make myself clear. I recognize authority and am willing to bow before it. This man however lacked any of the qualifications to be a leader and instead won the hereditary jackpot. I would offer him no respect. He began to stammer as he spoke.

"W-well that's w-why we brought you here sir, so you c-could personally explain what happened so we c-can match it to our reports." {Baron Guidevierre}

I laughed again audibly. I could see that behind his worry and nervousness he hid anger and frustration. I had the audacity to oppose him and when I was in his grasp he would work me to the bone. The fool. I shan't yield to thy foolery.

"Alright then BARON I'll explain. I was attacked in the street by three beast men and defeated them before returning home to find out multiple beast men attacking the inn I stayed at. I then chased down and killed their leader alongside another warrior present while the fugitive used beastification which in turn required me to sacrifice my surroundings to preserve the safety of the populace." {Astaros}

It was the truth with no holes. I was told what that animal like form he took after he survived my throw was by Katia and that anything less may have simply slowed him down. If they wanted more information they would have to ask others for more information. I had hidden nothing. And they couldn't argue with me. So now what.

"So you destroyed the city to kill one enemy?" {Kali}

I looked at her and then spoke in a flat and clear tone.

"No I damaged a city block to kill him. There was no other option that I could think of." {Astaros}

She looked down at a grey and red cross hanging off her neck and it turned blue and grey. A lie detector? I quickly activated my mana sense to check the situation and saw a mana line from her ears to the necklace.

'So it is a lie detector. I should be careful.' {Astaros}

She then smiled at me with a bigger, wider grin. It was a devious sadistic smile. She was becoming red. This woman definitely enjoyed someone hard to get. She was the kind of person to view her targets not as opponents as prey. Well I am happy to make this a fun hunt for you, though it will be fruitless.

"While I am most elated by your gallant acts in the defense of this town I must also enforce the law no matter my own feelings. I must charge you and your partner with the destruction of government infrastructure though with reduced sentencing due to being in a life or death scenario. All in all I should be giving you five years in prison." {Kali}

She lowered her head after delivering the best voice acting since peter cullen. Impressive though the sentencing is jacked and would be scary if I hadn't read up on the law when I first entered the library. Let's play along though and see her hand.

I leaned back in my seat and my arms went limp.

"So I defend the town and this is what I get?" {Astaros}

Kali seemed to soak up my despair and could barely contain herself in her happiness. The baron was no longer fearful and was also looking forward to my subservience. Alright let's play it to the end.

"Is there anything I can do to avoid this?"

Suddenly an empty smile came my way. If I had not lived as long as I had I would have never seen the pleasure and bliss behind it.

"I didn't want this to happen myself so I made an offer to the governor and he accepted. If you serve the adventurers guild for two years you can avoid the sentencing. All you have to do is sign this contract." {Kali}

The governor had been silently watching for a while now and nodded greedily as she pushed a document across the table. Okay no more games then.

"So if I sign this I can stay out of prison?" {Astaros}

She nodded in fake solemnity.

"Forget it, I'll pay the court assigned fine for both me and my friend. If you want me to serve, offer me something worth my time {Astaros}

I picked up the paper and incinerated it. It had been a witches binding contract. Had I signed it my fate would have been sealed. They then both stared at me in surprise then the governor began to speak.

"What do you mean court fine?" {Baron Guidevierre}

I tilted my head as though confused.

"Law 171 "In the face of property damage due to the defense against a domestic or foreign opponent." {Astaros}

Shock spread on the governor's face as a grin began to creep across Kali's face.

My hand then lit up red as I placed the platinum pile on the table. It was everything I had. I am not letting them slowly jack up the price while stalling for time. I leaned forward, my armored elbows now digging into the varnished surface as I meshed my fingers and rested my chin upon them.

"I you want my help then offer me something worth my time. My subservience is not free. If you attempt to force me I'll wipe you out." {Astaros}

I was speaking calmly but the heavy, dense mana pressure I emitted was leaking out slowly. The governor was sweating and shaking as he wiped his forehead. On the other hand the sadist switch sitting in the chair beside him had mirrored my position and put out her own pressure while slightly wet from sweat. I think.

The governor was being crushed in between the two of when he finally gave up.

"I-I'm s-sorry f-for-r ta-taking u-up y-y-y-your t-time s-sir y-you a-are d-d-dismissed." {Baron Guidevierre}

I leaned back in my chair, retracting my aura and lazing in my chair as though nothing had happened.

"A pity, I would've like to be in the presence of a venerable Guidevierre for a bit longer. Well then Kali, see you another time" {Astaros}

I stood up and turned away as Kali was now drooling slightly as she reached for her blades but she stopped herself and wiped her mouth. However her happiness at arrival of new and interesting prey seemed to rile her up.

'I'll enjoy hunting you, my newfound prey. After all, the hunt is the best part.' {kali}

I left as the guild-master began to delve into her own fantasies.

I had been escorted out of the grand entrance to the Guidevierre estate and then slipped into the nearest alleyway and checked over my body for any kind of 'Objects' I may have picked up. Call me paranoid but I don't trust Kali one bit.

I then left the damp, dark, muddy alley and began to head towards the town square. You see instead of hospitals the church is responsible for healthcare and is made fairly cheap through government funding. A single gold coin is usually the maximum one will be forced to pay for treatment. but normally one would have to provide ten - fifteen silver coins, around a one hundred and fifty dollars when looked at by modern standpoints

I walked into the square and made a b-line for the church, it's massive bell rang out telling the town another hour had passed. It was now two o'clock and it had been two hours since I left Katia to her own devices. A little worrying given her sharp yet oblivious tongue but she could take care of herself.

As I arrived I began to take in the church's architecture. Unlike the churches of my world they lack angelic and other forms of celestial imagery. The glass however was still stained and depicted several familiar figures. They were the goddesses who invaded my soul scape that one time. I now understood the gravity of what I had done that terrible day. Goddess of love, Ira, the goddess of war, Theadris and finally the goddess of materialism, Niryl. There are actually many goddesses but they don't all get along with each other though the ones I faced are fairly major ones. The first three actually. I really messed up.

'Well you live, you learn and you learn to live.' {Astaros}

I pushed open the massive heavy doors and walked through, passing some of the priests and priestesses as they whispered and stared. The priest and priestesses were not like the ones of the old world as well, with very few restrictions heft upon them for their position. The nuns could even get married and bear children.

I passed through the church atrium and headed to the back room as I shielded my eyes from the blinding reflections coming off of all the white surfaces. I opened the door and finally entered the recuperation wing.

This place was far less dazzling and intense with wooden walls and stone supports. It was spacious and utilitarian, much more to my tastes.

From there I made it to room 7 where both Fillia and Dryis were staying. I walked in and greeted Oadry who was staying with them. She had opted to stick with the two to keep their disguise charms running as they were too exhausted to provide any mana themselves.

"Hello Oadry how are they right now?" {Astaros}

She nodded in greeting and touched Fillia's forehead before answering.

"Fillia's temperature has been returning to normal slowly and the lady Dryis should reawaken in prime condition soon." {Oadry}

She smiled as I sat down and sighed.

"You worry like a father for these two." {Oadry}

She giggled as though her teasing was top notch.

"Sorry only Fillia can call me da-"

Before I could make my vulgar retort a priest came in and bowed to us both.

"Sir madam I must do their treatment now." {Priest}

Oadry got up and beckoned me to the hall but I raised up a hand in defiance. I turned and looked at the priest.

"May I stay to see the process?" {Astaros}

The priest shrugged. The man before him didn't have a shred of divinity so he thought it should be fine.

He began the process murmuring in prayer. Each priest or priestess was chosen by a deity and then devoted themselves to serving said deity. Their divinity also was a gift and was known to have different abilities depending on the patron you serve. Should you refuse it depending on the deity you might be ignored, or receive a divine curse. If you anger the deity in question you will also lose their blessing and your divinity.

The Vampires received a curse from the goddess of health Aila that stopped them from having children but they then evolved into monsters and only around thirty years ago did the curse get lifted and "purebloods" began to appear again.

A golden light with a greenish hue appeared and began to wrap around his hands. His green and brown attire seemed to billow as the power slowly reached out to his two patients. He must be a disciple Nantra the goddess of nature.

I watched not in awe but confusion. I recognized that this power was like mana but not exactly, a relative power. I closed my eyes and reached inside himself searching for something similar. I had attempted to use grey mana but it was as exclusive as it seemed. The only thing I seemed to be able to do was reduce its effectiveness, channel it, and destroy it. This however was different, it was there and I could feel it. Drawing on it would be tough though.

I opened my eyes and the priest had stopped and was looking at me. Had he sensed my divinity? Then he shook his head and slapped his cheeks before looking at me with tired eyes and speaking.

"They'll be ready to be discharged by tomorrow sir. I wish you all well." {Priest}

He turned and left motioning to Oadry to head back inside the room. I then began to leave as well before placing a hand on the maid's shoulder.

"Thanks for watching over them Oadry, I owe you one" {Astaros}

She nodded and smiled while watching me leave the room.

It was becoming dark and Katia was now protecting the church in case there was a second set of assassin's. I had left to go to the guild to speak with the witch and make a deal for some potions. I don't want to but it was potions that saved Dryis not me, plus having mana replenishment potions would be nice.

I traversed the dark streets while concealed and ended up in front of the door. A man came flying out destroying the entrance as I sidestepped the flying body. Inside a chant was being yelled by the drunk mob.

"KALI, KALI, KALI!!!" {Adventurer Mob}

I walked through the devastated entrance into a scene of pure chaos as a massive crowd surrounded Kali and another man who were arm wrestling. As the man struggled to hold the stalemate as Kali slowly pushed his hand down towards the barrel they were wrestling on. This was an honest to goodness test of strength and Kali was barely winning against a small fry. It went to show how much she relied on technique and mana enhancements in combat. Or perhaps she was only expending strength in relativity to her opponent. Either way she is having trouble and it's kind of disappointing considering her position.

I stepped past the rowdy crowd and headed into a back hallway, their loud voices reverberating and echoing in the wooden halls. I finally found the office I was looking for and knocked on a door labeled "Nyxus".

'Jackpot' {Astaros}

I stood back, listened and waited. Clutter being moved and angered footsteps could be heard from beyond the door as my target came to open the door. A face peeked out to sneer at me as brown hair fell across her face.

"What do you drunkards wa-" {Raven}

She wore long black robes unlike the first time we met. She brushed the hair out of her eyes and smiled slyly.

"Hoh, what could possibly tempt you to seek me out at such an hour?" {Raven}

She then began to charge a magic circle and a empty look came into her eyes.

"Unless you're just as drunk as those idiots in the main hall at which point I will send the shadow realm without hesitation." {Raven}

I flashed the damage core and took out the book I was supposed to take back. Things had been hectic and I had nearly forgot to return it.

"I came to return the book and ask a favor." {Astaros}

She opened the door further and motioned me inside.

"Well I can't exactly deny my disciples friend a conversation." {Raven}

She smirked and turned away before going and sitting at a desk. The room in one word was disorganized. Books, potion bottles and ingredients were strewn about while disorderly shelves lined the walls. The person really didn't match the room.

I sat down in front of her and looked around at the mess as she began to use the clear surface of her desk to mix a potion.

"So exactly what was it that pushed someone like you to meet a lowly witch."

She placed a magnifying monocle on her right eye as she took a knife to carefully split a small thin stem.

"I would like to learn a bit about potions for a little bit, if you would indulge me, miss Nyxus." {Astaros}

She used the knife of the blade to scoop out some small green bead like objects from inside and slide them into the potion bottle. She then sighed and took off her monocle before looking up at me with appraising eyes.

"You don't have the grey mana to make potions, or are you so illiterate that when you read that tome you didn't see that only women can wield it." {Raven}

I chuckled and leaned back, the chair creaking under my weight.

"It's not the process I want, it's the product, I had a recent run in with some undesirables and it was the small amount of potions I had on me that saved my allies. If you can make them I want them. Simple as that." {Astaros}

She raised an eyebrow and glanced at me curiously.

"And if you happen to gain the process and take it to another witch without contract you could absolutely gain a near limitless supply." {Raven}

She laughed at the ridiculously undesirable deal I was offering. I knew it wouldn't fly but I wanted to see someone else to be honest, not her. And the mana connection I had put out to reel the person in was working quite well.

"And which gullible fool in this greedy world would take such a deal?" {Raven}

Then the door creaked open as someone stepped through carrying a large stack of books.

"Master, you have to clean this room, no one can move around in here." {Christine}

She then place down her load and looked up at me locking gazes.


I waved and chuckled a little.

"Yo Christine."


POV: 3rd Person


Within the core of the Trudas dukedom, in the depths of the church, a woman opened her eyes. They were a pale icy blue which radiated power, elegance and regality. Her lovely blonde hair slipped past her shoulders and flowed down her beautiful robes. They were a white as snow and were highlighted with streaks of pink and gold. Her body curved and flowed, while every breath she took seemed to silence the world with the movements of her luscious, bare pink lips. In her hand she held a golden shakujo which jingled as she shifted to bring her legs under her in prayer.

Light was cast upon her by a large window of orange stained glass which seemed endlessly bestow her the beautiful evening rays of the sun which illuminated the gilded white biretta that crowned her head and seemed to brighten her pale, fair skin.

She was beauty incarnate, the priestess of the deity Ira, goddess of love. The voice of her patron deity sounded out within her head.

'A being you may find interesting has arrived upon this world. Seek him out.' {Ira}

She lowered her head and bowed before the statue she would pray to. The lines of pews behind seemed to go on forever as she spoke.

"Your graceful will shall be my own lady Ira"

Her voice was empty of emotion. Her blue eyes seemed to flicker with interest as the goddess rarely took any time to notice those on the individual level.

'Perhaps this being will be different from all those who have seen my face.'

She then smiled as the idea that perhaps her deity had finally provide her humble servant what was promised to her so long ago.

After this the chapters will be shorter so I can keep writing without stopping and thinking about how to mesh things so much.


Something born of love and terror now treads this way.

Blue_Robincreators' thoughts