
The Eternal Scenes

In a world where there are advanced individuals who possess mysterious powers, Romian, a modern advanced, dreams a strange dream after his ends, he retrieves an unclear fragment of mysterious memories that do not concern him.

Oussama_El_mesbahi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Artis Academy

In the southwest of the capital Sellarik, the towering towers of the prestigious Artis Academy rise, as if ancient guards protecting the flag of the ether.

Surrounded by buildings carrying the architectural elegance of the gray era, where wide doors are interspersed with smaller doors, witnessing the passage of more than two and a half centuries.

Each tower represents an academic year, in a curriculum that spans three years, and at the heart of these towers lies a great domed hall, housing the practical training square, where theories merge with practice.

To the left of each tower, student rooms are scattered, while classrooms are situated on the right side.

In their uniform gray attire, students flow into the entrance of the academy, females in their long skirts and males in their trousers, all sharing the same color but differing in design.

In front of the ancient academy doors, ornate carriages adorned with gold or silver stopped, proudly displaying family crests.

From the window of the carriage prepared for him by Dineer, Leon observed the atmosphere, sensing tension, excitement, and the gleam of fear in the eyes of the new students.

He murmured to himself with a nostalgic tone, "This atmosphere may cause tension for ordinary students, but habit has made me calmer than these youngsters."

In reality, Leon had been reborn, retaining memories of his previous life.

Suddenly, a strange feeling came over Leon, as if invisible eyes were watching him.

He looked around, but found no one.

He shook his head, smiling, ignoring the feeling.

"Is this because of that dream headache?... I must be hallucinating."

At the ancient Artis Academy gates, the carriages stopped proudly, respecting a rule unchanged since the academy's founding: no carriages crossed this threshold, not even the king's own vehicle.

Amidst the carriage shadows, Leon stepped outside, attracting the gaze of the girls like sunbeams.

His face, carrying a hidden charm, became the subject of their whispered conversations.

The noblewomen, with their customary pride, kept their distance, while the commoners drowned in a sea of admiration.

In a world where lineage determines destiny, Artis Academy stands as a proud exception. The applicants, who make up only 2.7% of the population of the Kingdom of Leocodia, are the rare gemstones in the crown of the four main lineages.

These individuals, considered a standard for a nation's strength and stability, find in Artis a priceless sanctuary.

Here, it's not about noble blood, but about extraordinary ability and talent.

In his hand, a black paper adorned with white lines, as if it were a key to another world.

"Chapter C," Leon murmured softly.

Then, with a smooth motion, he returned the paper to his pocket and headed inside the academy.


Roumiyan arrived at the gates of the academy, his eyes were blue, he did not want to attract attention because of his unusual eyes so he changed the color of his eyes.

Fortunately, the magical eye drop had concealed the uniqueness of his eyes, giving them a heavenly color that blended smoothly with the crowds. Nevertheless, one could see depth behind that blue, but it did not generally attract attention.

As he contemplated the surrounding faces, a carriage adorned with a noble emblem passed by, drawing a hidden smile on his lips.

There was something intriguing in observing this extravagant display of wealth and status.

He quickly glanced at the black paper bearing his instructions.

"Chapter C," he whispered to himself almost silently, as if confirming a secret that must not be revealed.


In front of class C, Leon stood, listening to the whispers coming from within, a sign that the class was not empty.

As he entered, he captured the attention of the attendees, some looked at him with admiration, others with envy, and some with curiosity, while a few remained indifferent.

Leon cast a scrutinizing glance at everyone, but his eyes stopped at two people in particular.

The first was a girl with silver hair that sparkled like stars, and clear blue eyes like crystal, her cold gaze giving her a mysterious allure.

Her high bridge nose and sharp jawline made her look like a work of art, surrounded by an aura of coldness and isolation, which added to her charm.

This girl was none other than Katrina Van Hall, from the great eight families, the heiress to the temples of combat and victory, and the daughter of the complete angel.

The second person, whom Leon knew well, sat in the second-to-last seat in the third row.

She was a girl with lively blonde hair and wide blue eyes like lakes, possessing a mature beauty that set her apart from others.

This girl was Marta Caron, from the great Caron family, linked to the deity of light.

Leon chose his seat behind Marta without hesitation and greeted her, "Hello Marta, what a coincidence that we are in the same class!"

Marta smiled and replied, "I'm really happy to have a friend in class!"

"It seems that this class will be full of fun and challenges!" said Leon, casting a quick glance towards Katrina.

Marta understood what he was implying and replied, "Yes, it will be tough, especially for you. You are the boy who approached his spiritual awakening at the age of four more than the daughter of an angel."

Leon laughed and said, "I think you underestimate your abilities."

In his mind, Leon thought with amusement, 'If only you knew that I have a leaning towards two paths.'

Leon, who possessed a rare talent for leaning towards multiple paths and blessings, was considered a miracle.

His early awakening to his spiritual core made him understand his path faster than others and gave him an advantage that his peers could not bear, thanks to being a person born anew.

"No, I just know my limits—!!?" Marta suddenly stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" Leon asked anxiously.

"I suddenly felt like someone was watching me, I felt a chill." Marta said nervously.

"That's normal, it's not surprising that people are looking at you, especially in

this place," Leon replied calmly.

"Yes, it's normal," Marta confirmed, trying to regain her composure.