
King Boa!

Carleton was the 2nd son of Aarav's first uncle – Werinbert Maron V frost , who is also the 2nd younger brother of the current patriarch, he is not a very upright person though being in a prana void realm 5th stage, he still uses schemes and trickery against his opponents and that's what he encourages his own son's to follow as well, that is one of the reason why both the brothers Brentley and Carleton are very proud, egoistic and garner such hatred towards the 5 sons of patriarch, they both have always been compared to them in terms of strength, talent and even the Riches. They have always been so pampered by their father that they think they can get away with doing whatever they want without any problems.

Now Aarav who has always been considered the lowest of low made a fool out of Carleton, he is enraged and screaming in his backyard while hitting a practice wooden dummy.

"you fucking shit, I will kill y-you – I won't spare you and will break each and every bone you have – I really was too lenient in the past, I need to show you your place, just you wait – gr-r-r-r." he was yelling like a madman

At the time Carleton's big brother Brentley was passing through, he heard some noises and came to see, there he saw Carleton, he started moving towards him,

"hey carl, what happened to you?"

Carleton who was in rage didn't notice Brentley and just when he spoke Carleton was surprised and instantly through a punch on him,

"w-what! who is this?" Carleton yelled

Brentley caught his punch and replied;

"what are you doing? It's me -and what happened to you? Why are you shouting?"

"Brother Brent, it's just that trash, I will fucking kill him."

"well- who was it that made you act like this? he might not love his life very much, and what did he do for you to be so angry?" Brentley said while laughing

"it was that Aarav, he is too full of himself – he dares to make a fool of me in front of so many people, I will not spare him at any cost." He said while grinding his teeth

As soon as Brentley heard Aarav's names, his body became stiff, his eyes were red and they looked like they would pop out any moment, and he thought;

"didn't that asshole die on the mountain? How can any non-practitioner survive after falling from such height, but if he is alive doesn't that mean I am in big trouble? No-no, he didn't saw me, I came out after he fell ye-yeah!."

"hey carl, ar-aren't you in 3rd stage of spirit realm how can you lose against that trash, w-who can't even cultivate." He said while biting his thumb-nail

"no brother- he fooled us all, he is also in 3rd stage of the spirit realm, that is why he came to the library today- he was very fast as well when I attacked him, I wasn't able to hit him at all and he even tripped me in front of so many people, i-i became a laughing stock! Fuck- , Gr-r-r."

As soon as Brentley heard Carleton, he ran;

"that shit how dare he trick us- no wonder he survived that fall, maybe he knows I was there, I need to inform him!"

"why is brother in such a hurry?"

Brentley arrived at the mansion named 'Golden Violet mansion' which belongs to the 4th wife of patriarch 'Ionna Violet V frost' he entered the mansion shouting,

"Luke – Luke- huff, where is Luke," he asked the maid while panting

"m-master is inside the training grounds" she replied

Luke was training his newly-acquired arcane arts as he reached 3rd stage recently as well,

"luke – ha-ha, here you are?"

"Yeah, here I am, what happened to you? You look like shit, here drink some water."

"Aarav, h-he is still alive."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Luke shouted

"he is really alive; Carleton saw him inside the library today."

"N-No- how can that be?"

"Also, he is in the 3rd stage spirit realm as well, he fooled us all."

"that shit! How dare he; no wonder that lil shit is still alive." Luke said in an angry tone

Both Luke and Brentley knew that if Aarav told the Elders that they tried to kill him, they both will have to face a very harsh punishment that can also affect their position and status in the family.

"I think we need to meet him and scare him to not open his mouth in front of others," Luke said

"no- I don't think that is very wise, maybe he doesn't know who attacked him and he is waiting for someone to show up so that he can confirm who did it, we need to act normal for now, in case he knows it was us, we can silence him in secret."

Though Brentley replied in a very confident speech but it was all to save his own self, he thought that if Aarav was really at 3rd stage of the spirit realm than there is no way he didn't saw that it was Luke who threw the rock at him, and at that time he himself was hiding behind the bushes so there's no way Aarav would ever know about him, but if Luke confronts Aarav now, he will know that Brentley was also present there.

Luke has always been straightforward and does things directly without even thinking what might the result of his action would be. That is also why he was always easily manipulated by Brentley.

"Alright then, we will do as you say! Ask someone to keep an eye on him, ok!"

"yes, leave it to me! I have someone who can do this." Brentley replied and left the mansion

As usual, Aarav is on the mountain, that is the only place he can practice without any worries and can destroy things as he like, also prana on these mountains are way thicker than anywhere else.

"maybe I should find a good spot to cultivate here! It will be way more effective."

"Hey, is there any place which we can use for meditation? With thicker Prana that is," he asked

"[System: Scanning the surroundings, 3 Locations found in the vicinity]"

"how far they are? And also pick up the best one, ok!"

"[System: 2nd location, High-amount of concentrated prana detected; Distance 14.5 miles; Danger level F detected]"

"high amount that's a find hah! But what do you mean by danger level F? is there any beast nearby?"

"[System: Yes! Danger level F refers to 3rd order peak rank beast!]"

"lol no way, I would for sure die if I go there."

"[System: That is the best option out of all, law also detects a spirit herb at the location]"

"w-what a spirit herb? Dam I don't really wanna go but a spirit herb ahhh-h! shit lets go, we will think more when we get there."

After 15 minutes*

Aarav inside the bushes,

"I can't see any beast here? Are you sure there is one?"

'[System: Peak rank beast usually have their own territory so other beats don't trespass, Host won't find any other beast here; 3rd order peak rank beast, 'Black-Head king Boa' detected on the left side]"

A 15 feet long Giant boa, a monstrous beast that hugs the ground, soulless, dark, and menacing; the slender serpent slithered silently, its scaly skin shimmered in the light as its tongue occasionally flicked out to taste the fear in the air, it had a Black crown on his head very befitting the word king.

The presence alone gave a sense of fear to Aarav as it was his first time observing a 3rd rank beast.

"dam, that's a big one and that crown on its head, so catchy! No wonder its named black-head king boa- hey maybe, It's going somewhere?" he said while sweating

"[System: Snake type Beast are very quick and can observe intruders around them, it came out after sensing an unknown presence]"

"Hey, doesn't that mean someone else is here!"

Just as he finished speaking, a giant shadow covered him from the back, he felt the heavy presence and said;

"Fuck! That someone !"

he slowly turned and saw two very big, sharp, and bloodthirsty elliptical pupil's very glassy in texture, the boa wasn't attacking at all but was instead trying to manipulate its prey into submission. Those eyes were beautiful and also very deadly.

"[System: Charm detected; effect nullified]"

charm skill of boa was nullified, Aarav regained his sanity and instantly made a distance between them.

"wh-what the hell was that- it was very pleasurable dam!"

"[System: The Black-head king boa used a skill called jade charm, if anyone directly stares in their eyes they will get caught in a pleasurable loop and lose their sanity, then the boa will slowly devour its prey, sometimes even Void realm masters are not able to resist this skill]"

"dam.. scary! That's one hell of a skill."

King boa suddenly attacked Aarav with a tackle, though he avoided it with ghost steps but boa was a lot faster so he wasn't able to avoid the tail and thus hit and smashed into the tress, Aarav was coughing blood, though at the final moment he strengthened himself with prana and was able to avoid any severe injuries.

"ahh-h fuck! It still hurts, dam if this goes on, I will die for sure!"

Just as Aarav looked up, the boa attacked again with a tackle, he avoided it and threw a sharp wooden branch towards its face, but the crown on the boa head was not just for show, though Aarav threw a sneak attack, the crown had the ability to create a barrier and thus no damage was done.

"wh-what! hey, how am I supposed to fight this thing? This is just too overpowered, doesn't this thing has any weaknesses?." He yelled

"[System: weakness detected- attack under the jaw, Black-head king boa is only 20 years old and cannot use the ability of the crown frequently, it also cannot cover his whole body with the barrier at once and need to relocate defensive barrier each time and also the boa fought some beast recently so it's not in its best shape either, it's advised to the host to launch multiple attacks on different places and then aim for weak spot]"

"I just hope- I don't die!"

Boa launched multiple attacks on Aarav, though he was able to avoid critical hits, Aarav wasn't getting any chance to counter at all, the boa looked like it was in hurry and wanted to finish it as fast as possible, it became a fight of endurance, whosoever would slow down first would give the chance to other for a critical attack, the boa was already injured from his last fight, just as it slowed down Aarav went for a counter and aimed a punch with internal energy towards the tail, the boa instantly shifted its barrier towards the tail and just as it turned his head, Aarav threw a sharped wooden piece which successfully hit the part below the jaw and went through thus damaging its brain and killing the boa on spot, Aarav was also injured but it wasn't serious.

"Ah- I – I killed it! Ha-ha-ha, let's check out our harvest before anyone else comes here!".

"[System: 3rd order peak rank beast core detected; the whole body of Black-head king boa is considered valuable]"

"Yeah, I got the core! But how do I carry the body?"

"[System: The body can be stored in the space of law]"

"tha- why do you always tell me something so important, so late every time? A storage inventory is such a valuable thing, it's a man's love bro! alright, then how do we put this inside?"

"[System: host need to concentrate prana at the center of the palm and then let it flow outside towards the item to store it ]"

"Okay! Here we go."

Boa vanished and was stored in the space of law

"wow! That feels so goo—ood! I have my own personal inventory ha-ha!"

"[System: Host need to feel the space of law and choose the item to extract it]"

"alrighty! Thanks a bunch, now we need to explore our little cave here – let's go!"

--- i wanted to explain the fight scene a lot more than this, but I guess it would have got boring TT_TT

DinkarArtscreators' thoughts