
Great elder!

Offending a family elder is no good, and those who have been serving the frost family for very long even patriarch has to respect them, Elder-Robion is one of the most respectable great-elder in the family and was very close with the Grandfather of the current Patriarch, he also participated in war 40 Years ago and was Crowned as one of the great heroes who saved Frost family, during the time of crisis, and all of them present in the room know about his status, so no one dares talk back to him.

"Great-Elder! I am a child and still inexperienced, I apologize to the Great-elder for any disrespect caused knowingly and unknowingly, please punish me!" Carleton said while sitting on one-knee in a martial respect stance.

"boy, this is your 1st offense so I won't be strict, you are banned from the library for 3 months starting today, now anything you would like to say?"

"This disciple will obviously obey; I would take my leave now!" he said while grinding his teeth and left

Carleton was angry, he has always disliked all 5 sons of the patriarch but wasn't able to do anything against them due to them being strong and more favored by family, but he has always been against Aarav as he knew that no one cares about him and he can do whatever he wants, but this time he was shamed and disrespected by that same loser and now his pride won't let this slide so easily.

"This disciple thanks Great elder for upholding justice." Aarav said while bowing

"Haha- Boy, as the elder of the Seven library halls that's my job."

"Great-Elder is really a great and respectable man!" Aarav replied

"No need to butter me, boy, by the way, those were some great moves back there, you were really fast."

"they are nothing much, I just practiced some quick steps".

"ha-ha boy, I have been elder for so long that I can tell such speed arts are not here in this library but don't worry I won't pry further."

"Many thanks, great elder" *gulping*

"You need to take care boy, though you are 3rd stage still it won't be enough to counter many experts, so try to stay low and don't make enemies!"

"This disciple, thanks elder for the lesson".

"your time will be over soon, finish the work you are here for, alright!"

"Yes, I will"

Elder Robion left while smiling

" Elder is a good person, I should try to get him on my side if I want to survive here, a master in 7th stage of the void realm and a great-elder would be a great backup, wouldn't he!"

"[system: An ally in 7th stage void realm can certainly help host achieve a lot in these plains]"

"How should I get him to join me? Hey, he is injured, right? Can we cure him to show our goodwill and then ask him to join us? He might accept the invitation if I give him some benefits -right?."

"[System: Internal injuries are easy to cure, but to fix half-meridians rupture will require to host have medicinal-alchemy knowledge]"

"so, how do I learn that? Don't you have any book I can use to learn it?"

"[System: Host level is too low to perform alchemy, you need to be at least 6th stage of the prana spirit realm to perform it yourself, though learning won't be a problem]"

"hey, but I once read that alchemy masters need to be 1st stage of void-realm to start making pills."

"[System: Alchemy Is a rare job only talented individuals can perform it, normally cultivators need to be in the void realm before performing alchemy, cause they alchemy require the individual to control prana and soul essence very accurately to create a soul-fire and then use it to make pills, but in host case, you have been using the cultivation method of the eternal law which is much time powerful and it helps strengthen hosts soul to a very higher degree, thus host can create soul fire at the 6th stage of spirit realm]"

"I am still at 3rd stage - I should get to 6th stage as fast as I can, then I can help elder with his problems, by the way, what type of pill do we need to cure him?"

"[System: to cure half-ruptured meridians, host requires Red sky beast-element pill that is a high-rank Origin order pill]"

"wh-what the hell? A high-rank origin order pill? Even our family has only 2 alchemists at mid-rank origin order and at best they can make a mid-rank pill, shit I feel so demotivated." He said while sulking

"by the way can you give me an alchemy book so that I can start leaning at least."

"[System: sending an All- principle rank alchemy book 'Rasa-sastra' to host]"

Golden-light enters Aarav's forehead

"This shitty feeling. Ahh!"

[System: transfer completed]"

"dam, as usual so much information, well I am not a big fan of alchemy but I guess it might help me a lot in the future."

Alchemist has been a very respectable and one of the hardest jobs ever, alchemy masters are highly valued by every family on every land, Alchemy pills have always been considered treasures and thus their prices are very high, and also high-grade pills are always auctioned cause selling them normally would be a great loss.

Alchemy master and pills are divided into 4 orders: origin order, soul order, holy order, and Primordial order alchemists, and each order are further divided into 3 ranks: low, middle, high ranks respectively.

"let's read more once we get home, I guess I should leave now".

He exists the 1st floor

"Boy, are done? You still have an hour left."

"yeah, I am done reading the technique, I will start learning once a reach home, thank you for your help again great elder."

"ha-ha good, keep learning, you can go now".

"umm-m elder, I wanted to talk to you about something, if you have time that is?"

"say, what do you want to talk about?"

"Not here, it's about your condition so- "

Elder Robion instantly covered both of them with prana-barrier to stop the voice from leaking out.

"now say, what you have in your mind?" he said with an expressionless face

"Great-elder I know that you are injured and you have half-ruptured meridians- "

Elder Robion used his 7th stage void realm soul pressure as soon as Aarav spoke about his condition, cause that information was only known to the patriarch no one else.

"how do you know that? Speak boy." He said in a very deep and angry tone

"[System: High-level Soul pressure detected, 60% is soul pressure is nullified]"

Aarav was somehow able to stand, he was barely holding himself.

"even that 40% soul pressure is to heavy for me, shit," he thought

"Great elder stop I can help you!" he shouted

Elder Robian stopped and said,

"what are you saying boy? I don't know how you got to know about my condition but don't spout nonsense".

"Please let me speak first, I can tell this to you cause I have learned medicine before, and -second I can really help you, but seeing how you are reacting you might not be very interested, so I will take my leave."

As he was leaving

"Boy, stop there, don't be offended it just- those injuries have made me a little sensitive, please continue."

"Al- alright – it's just that I can help you but it might take some time, I also know that you are in the 7th stage of the Void realm and haven't made any breakthrough in many years, I can also help you with that, but I need your help as well."

"wh-what how did you know that? I haven't made any breakthrough in the last 8 years, due to these injuries, I use most of my prana to suppress them so,- also if you can really help me with all this then I will take a vow to always serve you as a master till the end of my life."

After seeing elder acting in such a manner Aarav understood him the most at that moment, cause he knows, how it feels to get some hope when you expect it the least!

"I-I still need some time before I can help you cure it, but you have to gather some ingredients before that."

"you can take your time it's not a problem, and please tell me what I need to collect, I will certainly do it."

Great elder Robion was barely holding his tears to not show his weak side to a younger person

"ok-ok, please collect all these and send them to my house, I will take my leave now!" he said gently

Aarav then wrote the ingredients and his address on a piece of paper and gave him

"50-year old water lily and Moon-essence basil root might take some time to locate, others are not a problem though, alright I will send them to you as soon as I am done gathering them all" elder said while smiling

"There's no rush I also need to prepare myself so you can take your time."

He started moving towards the gate and as he got there he turned back and said,

"There's one more surprise for you, but I will tell you about it when this problem is solved" Aarav smiled

"ha-ha-ha, alright, I will see you soon then!" Elder replied

Aarav used his flash steps and left the hall

-"This boy is baffling, he saw through my injuries and even my cultivation level, and these ingredients – I am 100% sure they are used for alchemy, is he an alchemist as well? But how can that be possible, he is still in the 3rd stage of the spirit realm, and also that speed? I am sure he will have great achievements in future, ha-- I am very old now, and i think with his help I might have a much better future if he can really do what he said then I will never-ever regret following him"-

He smiled and said;

"You were right father; the new generation will sooner or later surpass us old-bones".

Creation is hard, so cheer me up! fellas!!


i thought to write something here, but... why am I so blank T_T

DinkarArtscreators' thoughts