
Auction hall

"Rich! These people are dam really rich, they have all kind of Luxurious items here, makes me envious."

| hey, I was thinking what if they don't take me seriously after all I am just 4th stage spirit realm? Do have something which can help? |

A/N: All the text in these new brackets | .... | are when Aarav talks with Law Via thoughts.

"[System: skill 'False-Faith' can be acquired by the host to deceive opponents]"

| False-Faith? Can you explain? |

"[System: False-Faith has total of 4 Sub-skills]"

'[1st sub-skill; Bloodlust Deception: Can fake-Bloodlust ]'

'[2nd sub-skill; Realm Deception: Can fake-Cultivation Realm ]'

'[3rd sub-skill; Skill Deception: Can-Fake Skill visuals ]'

'[4th sub-skill; Broken Illusion: locked ]'

| A skill which can do fakes, the one who made this was for sure very wicked! I don't have much time and they might be coming here anytime now, so which one of it I can learn faster? |

"[System: Host needs to comprehend the False-Faith to obtain all these skills, after 25% of the understanding host can unlock Bloodlust-Deception ]"

| ahh-shit, that will take a long time, cant we do anything about that? |

"[System: Host can comprehend the Skill inside the Space-of-law as 1 day inside the space is 1 hour in the outside world ]"

| I am literally fed up with your habit of keeping secrets, why didn't you tell me about this when you told me about the space before ? |

"…. Shit- whatever, let me start then."

After 10 minutes - that is 4 hours inside the space*

[System: Skill False-Faith Acquired; understanding at 34%; Bloodlust deception: Level 1 ]"

"Can we add this Percentage-Bar to my status?"

[System: Progress-Bar added to Status; would you like to check? - Y\N ]"


Screen appears*

"[ Name: Aarav V. Frost ]"

"[ Age: 14 ]"

"[ Constitution: Locked ]"

"[ Cultivation: Prana spirit realm 4th stage (9%) ]"

"[ Title: The one Chosen by Eternal Law ]"

"[ Skills: Flash ghost steps (16%) ]' [ False-faith (34%) – Bloodlust deception : Lv1 ] [ Appraisal ]

"...Nice-Nice! Now it's perfect, also at lv1 how much affective is this Bloodlust skill?"

"[ System: Bloodlust pressure is measured according to the lives, At lv1 it can exert the bloodlust pressure of 10,000 kill's ]"

"10,000 kills? He-he! this is – "

The Hall-Master and Elders enter the room, Aarav instantly sat in a straight posture all serious and quiet, He had no idea that the hall-master of the Pill-hall is the young lady, but when she sat on the Couch in front of him while other stands he realizes that She might be the person with the Highest authority here, most probably the Hall-Master.

"Greetings to the lady!"

"it's my pleasure to be greeted by you, Sir! I am Clarice W. Arkwright, The Hall-Master of Pill-Hall."

Even though Her face is covered by a veil but with such graceful tone and bewitching eyes, anyone could tell that she is a beauty amongst beauties.

"We have already seen your Item! though we can tell that its not your ordinary treasure, but can you tell us more about it?" asked The Grand-Elder.

"Of course – the name of the treasure is – Divine Tear of heaven – even though there are only 5 drops you might have already seen how powerful they are! Each of these drops can Increase Vitality and can cleanse impurities from the body, though the drops may take time to be completely absorbed but they can help break through one or maybe even 2 Minor-Realms, each drop can also Increase around 90%~99% success rate in alchemy as well."

Aarav used a self-made alias for the Deity-Neer Ale in case anyone recognizes it.

"The Divine Tear of heaven is for sure a great treasure and will be used as the final auction Item, our Pill-Hall will only charge 5% of total bidding amount as fee instead of 10% for our Better relations in the future! The auction will be starting soon, our staff will show you the Room."

She kept her Talk simple and small to maintain their Stature of Hall-Master, though they all had tons of question but they knew that there are bound to be many instances where they can interact more comfortably.

"Thank you for your hospitality!" he did a palm-fist stance and left.

"How very interesting! How did a 4th stage Spirit realm find such a treasure? Should we do a background check?" asked the grand elder

"don't be deceived, maybe he is concealing his cultivation? There was an aura of bloodlust on him, though it was faint – he might be an expert, after the auction is over send someone to follow him, make sure to keep distance alright!"

"Yes! Hall-master."

Aarav was provided with a very high-quality Chamber on the first floor of the auction area, it was big and open, the view was very clear and everyone sitting down can be seen. As he sat down on his chair, a woman in green came near him very intimately;

"would you like to have something?" she said in a seducing tone

"[ System: Charm Skill detected; Effect Nullified ]"

Aarav instantly gave her a petrifying glare, she felt a spine-chilling murderous aura and was unable to move;

"M-m-my l-lord, I-a a-am s-sorry!" she said while shuttering

"don't do it again!."

She immediately ran outside the Room.

"Even! The Pill-Hall ha-ha-ha!"

A man wearing a white band on his head came inside with a huge stick and rang the big-bell on the stage three times, the silence took over the hall and the Grand-Elder entered shouting;

"Welcome everyone in the yearly auction of Marshal-Pill Royale Pagoda, today there are going to be many high-quality treasures auctioned and as everyone present inside the Hall are already aware of the rules, so I won't talk much and we will start with the 1st item."

All Top 9 families of Berifall town were present in the auction and not many competed against them for the items they wanted;

"This is the 12th Auction Item, A Cultivation method known as 'Four waves of Great Beyond' it an ancient book which was found in the excavation of the ancient ruins in the North, the content are not easy to comprehend but the one who succeeds can obtain great powers, the Bid starts at 100,000 Golds and each call increase the bid by10,000 gold!"

"[ System: The Cultivation method can be upgraded and be used by Owners of special Constitutions ]"

| doesn't that mean Rose can start with her cultivation, who knew I would get such an item here, let's get it |

The bid was already at 150,000 Gold and the bidder was Verli-Family Patriarch.

"160,000 gold" Aarav shouted

As soon as Aarav increased the bid price all the Envoys and patriarch's from other 8 families present there peaked towards the chamber, they were shocked as even they have to give Face to the patriarch of the other family if they want something, but they all were fascinated as well;

"What - who dares fight our family?" said the old man standing at the back of Patriarch of the Verli family

The Crowd sitting below started whispering,

"He's competing against the verli's?

"That man got guts."

"well he is sitting inside the VIP Chamber, so he might be from an influential family as well."

"200,000 Gold! Boy wise knows when to back down!" said the patriarch

"250,000 Gold, indeed!"

"260,000 gold! My family wants that don't interfere."

"300,000 Gold! So, do I"

"400,000 Gold! This is your last warning!" Verli Patriarch replied with an angry expression

"450,000 Gold!" he said while ignoring them

"500,000 Gold! you have crossed the line now!"

Aarav stopped for a second, as he felt the bloodlust,

"500,000 Gold, does anyone wants to bid further – then 500,000 goes - once - twice –

Before elder could close the bid, Aarav shouted;

"1 million!"

Just as he said his bid the crowd and even the 9 families had an astonished look on their face, even the Elders from Verli family were making an idiotic expression.

"w-what? Did he just say million?"

"wow, some heavy pocket."

"where did he come from? He just doubled the bid."

The patriarch gave a very resentful look but didn't say anything to keep his reputation, but then Young master Derese shouted;

"You fucker just you wait! We will see you outside."

As soon as he commented the grand elder of the Pill-Hall gazed towards Derese with the soul pressure and replied;

"Don't cross the line young man, you dare give threats in front of our Pill-Hall!"

Derese Instantly fell on his knees,

"We would like to ask for forgiveness, Great-Dean! The boy is young and was joking, do release him!" patriarch replied in a composed manner

The Grand-Elder released Derese and started with the auction again, while Derese was still on his knees, sweating.

"..shit! fucker!"

The Bid was closed and Aarav obtained the book at the price of 1 million gold.

"fuck-- one million, looks like I would need to use that – whatever if Rose can start with her cultivation then that's a small amount!"

"This is the 35th item, due to it being rusty and its spherical shape it's named as 'black-spherical ball' though there are prana fluctuations from it, but we have not been able to identify the item nor its use, so the price is not very high, the bid starts at 10,000 Gold coins, and each call should increase the bid by 1000 Gold."

No one bid for the Black-Spherical ball, as something that Pill-Hall wasn't able to identify, they all felt - its a waste of money.

"There's something even they cannot identify, he-he! well, let me try then."

Screen appears*

[ Name: Eternity-Abyssal Agni Orb ] [ Ancient Chaos-fire container]

[ Information is Locked ]