
Ancient Chaos Fire

|"err…Eternity-Abyssal Agni Orb?? Ancient Chaos-fire container?? Can I get a little bit more information…just a little bit more! Pretty-please !!" |

[ System: The Orb is one of the highest-grade Element, very sturdy and can be used to make high-grade Artifact, it is currently confining an Ancient-Chaos Fire, thus acting as a Container; The name of the fire is 'Eternity-Abyssal Agni' ranked 79th among the 200 Chaos fires ]

| "wh-what the fuck! For real! Lucky-, it's mine now! |

The Auction-hall was quiet, nobody was offering for the Orb, and exactly when the Grand-Elder planned to Eliminate the Orb from the auction;

"11,000 Gold"

The patriarch of the Verli-Family who offered for the Orb.

The crowd and even the Verli-Elders were stunned, and everybody had a similar question; for what reason would somebody bid for something like this? yet none of them ever thought that an object Pill-hall wasn't able to appraise might not be as simple. But this act was enough to make other Nine-families emissaries and patriarchs raise their eyebrows;

"15,000 Gold"

Crowd murmuring *

"who was that?"

"that voice, --it think it belongs to the patriarch of Ritchson's—Yeah I am certain it was him."

The Verli-patriarch had an irritated expression all over when he heard the voice.

"20,000 Gold!"

"someone else joined! Who was it this time?"

"it came from the right Chamber – I saw a man with a Big-Black halberd entering inside before the auction started."

"A Black halberd? There is only one guy I can think of!"

"yeah! That's him without a doubt – the Fletchers family - Chief-master of Black-Nights 'Ussian Jungmen' – also known as 'The Miasma Halberd' –one of the 10 most powerful men in Berifal and a devoted Guardian of Fletcher's."

"If he is here- that means that – are you saying that bidder was fletcher's Patriarch?"

"ha-ha, the auction sure is getting interesting."

"- err- dangerous too!"

"50,000 Gold!" Aarav shouted

"Wh-what that man is insane! He raised the price again!"

"Well-this does make me think-exactly what is that thing for them to bid like a madman?"

"it should be a valuable treasure or why else would they ---"

"you again! This is now the 2nd time - don't think I would forget this easily." Shouted the Verdi's-patriarch.

Aarav didn't reply, which made the Verli's-patriarch angrier; the other two patriarchs remained silent they knew if they spoke, that man would for sure ignore them and they would just be making a fool out of themselves and currently, they are all inside the pill-hall and offending the Pill-hall isn't worth it.

"whosoever he is- death is inevitable!" he whispered

Grand-Elder resumed the Auction –

"This is the last call! I will now close the bid! The 'black-spherical ball' is sold!"

| "This trip was really worth it, a technique for Rose and a rare treasure, Law I have some questions for you- but will ask them later" |

After 1 hour*

"Now- the time has come everyone for which you all have been waiting for hours now- the final treasure of the end of the Auction but this time it's not your average or rare treasure but we can say that it's a Treasure among Treasure." Shouted the Grand Elder.

Silence inside the hall was nerve-wracking, everybody had their eyes on the two-men who were conveying a major and incredibly delightful Golden Table, the top part was covered with a Red-Cloth of exceptionally high grade..

"and the Last item for today's auction is –" The Grand elder removed the red cloth Graciously.

There was a Chest beneath made of Tanzanite, one of the most extravagant stones. The grand-Elder opened the Chest – Everyone inside the corridor made an extremely upsetting and unsatisfied face, the Nine-families were no exception.

"what the hell? You boosted so much for this piece of crap?"

"hey- is this a joke?"

"what's this shit? A Vase? It's not funny at all!"

"wasted so much time for this! Fuck!"

The Grand-Elder used his soul pressure to subdue the crowd and yelled;

"Let me finish, then leave if you all are not interested! – "

He picked up the vase and opened the cork, suddenly the prana inside the Hall become dense and very thick, everyone inside the hall lost their sanity for a moment and he then closed it after 10 seconds, and everything went back to normal again.

As to cultivators who have never been exposed to such dense prana cannot handle it without prior preparations, they need to have mental and physical stability, which can then help them in proper absorption of prana.

"Wh-w-what i-is thi-this? th-this is insane – j-just what was that?" shouted the Ritchson's patriarch

No one was able to question Grand-Elder about the vase; instant exposure to such solid Prana made them all paralyzed, they all persistently gazed the Grand-Elder without blinking-, sitting tight for his clarification;

"Ahem! So let me now explain this Treasure now, - The treasure inside the Vase is known as -The Divine Tear of Heaven- the origins are unknown but you all have already experienced the Impact of this treasure – one more thing to note there are just 5 drops inside the Vase."

He at that point gradually clarified the effects of the tear;

"Now the Bid starts at 1,000,000 Gold, every call will increase the Bid by 50,000 Gold, let-us-start!"

"what 1 million, last time it was just 300,000 Gold."

despite the fact that the price was so high- every single of the family present inside the hall wanted those 5 drops, cause the effects those drops made them all worth it;

"1,500,000 Gold"

"1,600,000 Gold"

"1,650,000 Gold"

"1,700,000 Gold"

"1,900,000 Gold"

"2,000,000 Gold"

When the offer crossed 1.5 million Golds the vast majority of the families had surrendered, presently the main rivalry was between the Top Nine-families, however, they were all still carefull about Aarav but since he didn't offer even once, they all thought that maybe he ran out of Gold.

The patriarch of Fletcher's family stood up and shouted;

"2,500,000 Gold! Our family wants this, let me see who try to fight with me!"

Surprisingly The bidding actually went on and Verli's-patriarch raised the offer to 2.6 Million. Even after the warning of fletcher family patriarch, none of the Nine-families Stopped bidding, cause all of them knew whosoever gets the Tear may become the predominant power of the Berifall town.

The offer was at 3 million gold made by the Envoy of Lancasel's one of the Top Nine-families.

"5 million gold!"

After hearing the amount, even the other Eight-families shooked, this time the bidder was the Envoy of the Frost family, though the Frosts were Silent all this time, yet out of nowhere raising the cost to 5 million made them most noteworthy bidders in one go.

frosts have been the most impressive and most extravagant family of the Berifall Town, there are numerous high realm experts in the family which makes them most-prevailing power as well, and the Frost's-patriarch who is as of now the most influential and powerful man makes even the other Eight-families reconsider before bidding.

"The bid is 5 million Gold! And the Item is sold! The highest bidders -the frost family have acquired - The Divine Tear of Heaven -! Congratulations!! And we now announce the Completion of Yearly-auction, all the winners will get the Room number; please go there, pay the sum and collect your Winnings!"

"who might have thought that they will win the ale, ha-ha-ha-5 million Gold-simply crazy; it truly was my day!" Aarav murmured while smiling

He was then again then taken back to the Emerald room, as he entered inside, he saw - The Hall-master Clarice was perching on the lounge chair;

"Ah welcome- please take your seat. Would you like to have some spiritual-tea?"

"No- I am good, thank you!" he replied

"ha- you really are a very straightforward man, so I won't twist my words- I just have some question which I hope Honourable sir can answer!"

"I will- if those questions stay inside my comfort zone!"

"Alright then, 1st of all can you tell me something about that Black Spherical ball?"

| "hey law- should I answer that question?" |

[ System: Yes, the host can address that question as the information about the Ancient Chaos fire in this world has been lost for a very long time, at this point they just knew about it as some Ancient-Legend ]

|" I think it's still Dangerous" |

[ System: This world has no such techniques which can be utilized to Open the Orb to get the Chaos fire; much less any method to Synthesize the fire within one's body]

"Alright, I will answer your question, however, the words shall never leave this room! – This Black-Spherical ball Is actually known as Ancient chaos fire Orb; the shell of this Orb is amazingly durable and can't be broken easily- which likewise makes it a fine material for High-level Artifact Refinement. That's all I can say.."

"I understand! Then what about that cultivation method you bought? Is it also something special?"

"No, it's not, I just bought it on a whim"

"Please don't lie, you did promise to answer me truthfully." She replied with her sharp gaze

| when did I make a promise? |

"it's nothing special really, I just bought it for someone I know and this method was not bad, that's all!"

"then that means that the individual is new to the cultivation-world, would you also like to buy some pills??"

| Jackpot! |

"hmm- well, pills are not an issue, but I would like to take a look?"

"sure! - Manager Borin, please go bring some – might I ask if Sir is also an Alchemist?"

"yes, I am!"

"that's great! Might I ask Sir to evaluate our Pills?"

"That's not a problem!"

"Alright then, I thank you on behalf of our Pill-Hall"

"Hall-master doesn't need to be polite, I would also like you to address me casually."

"Ha-ha, then I won't! Can you tell us your name?"

| "Fuck! What should I say?" |

"You can address me as, Arod"

|Shit, I just missed my time to sound cool, what the fuck is Arod? T_T|

"Alright then, I will call you Arod – Ahh, here are the pills!"

Arrav picked up the pill;

Screen Appears*

[ Name: Prana Liquification Pill ]

[ Grade: Origin-order High-Rank ]

[ Class: E ]

[ age: 1 day 13 Hours ]

[ Prana: 545 (+200) ]

[ Pill-Efficiency: 67.45% ]

[ Pill-Success: 55% ]

[ Realm-Advance: prana spirit realm 1st – 3rd Stages ]

[ Realm Assistance rate: 5% ]

[ Effects: The prana inside Pill can be absorbed; increases Prana absorption-rate by 8%; increases recovery-rate by 5% ]


[ Name: Prana Origination Pill ]

[ Grade: Origin-order High-Rank ]

[ Class: E ]

[ age: 7 day 6 Hours ]

[ Prana: 711 (+310) ]

[ Pill-Efficiency: 40.82% ]

[ Pill-Success: 40% ]

[ Realm-Advance: prana spirit realm 3rd – 6th Stages ]

[ Assistance-rate: 3% ]

[ Effects: The prana inside Pill can be absorbed; increases Prana absorption-rate by 10%; increases recovery-rate by 7% ]

"Hm- not enough!" Aarav replied