
The Eternal Damnation

In a tale of cosmic entanglement and desperate longing, William, a grief-stricken father, goes on to a desperate quest to be reunited with his daughter for eternity, as William finds himself fused with the powerful evil God, Hadeon. Their souls entwined, William becomes an entity driven by an insatiable longing to follow his daughter's soul, Aurora, as it reincarnates across different timelines and dimensions. William embarks on an epic journey through the fabric of reality following Aurora each time her soul takes on a new form with her memories wiped clean, oblivious to her father's eternal presence. His connection to her remains unbroken, a cosmic bond that transcends time and space despite the chaos and destruction left in their wake by Hadeon's disruptive presence. Driven by his desperation, William tirelessly seeks a way to break the cycle of reincarnation, to ensure that he and Aurora can be together in eternal bliss. He delves into forbidden knowledge, consulting ancient texts and seeking the guidance of mystical beings, all in the hope of finding a solution to their eternal separation. Throughout their journey across the multiverse, William, who is possessed by Hadeon, encounters countless challenges and adversaries. Facing formidable cosmic entities, time-bending anomalies, and treacherous dimensions that test his resolve. But William's determination remains unyielding, fueled by his unwavering love for Aurora But Hadeon, reveling in the chaos and destruction he sows, becomes a formidable adversary to William's quest. The cosmic entity relishes in disrupting William's plans, throwing obstacles in his path, and attempting to sever his connection to his daughter. Hadeon is driven by a lust for chaos, seeking to tear apart the very fabric of reality itself. Time is running out, and the fate of his destiny hangs in the balance. Can William overcome the overwhelming odds stacked against him, or will he succumb to the darkness within, forever condemning his longing love for his daughter to an eternity of despair?

Orange_Butter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


In the idyllic countryside, the sun's gentle rays cast a warm embrace upon the land, painting a picturesque scene of tranquillity to where the golden fields swayed in the gentle breeze, a devoted man named William set forth on another day of toil upon his sprawling farm that he sees from afar as he sat on his moving wagon. The morning sun bathed the landscape in a warm glow, casting a serene backdrop for the labour that awaited him.

As William got off from his wagon he made his way through the fields, and there his trusted friend and neighbour, Samuel, greeted him with a smile, "Another day of toiling in the fields, William. Sometimes it feels like the farm owns me instead of the other way around." wiping his brow.

William chuckled at his statement, "I know what you mean, my friend. The land can be demanding, but it's where we find our livelihood. How's your brother holding up? Haven't seen him around lately."

William noticed the unwind look washed away by pester on Samuel's once fervent face, "He's been working tirelessly, after his wife fell ill. He's out there from sunrise to sunset, pouring his heart and soul in working to buy remedies for her. It's a tough life, but he's always been resilient." he answered as they walked through the field.

William spoke, "He needs to take care of himself too, Samuel. You know, having more than two labours is not good, both physically and mentally. How would he help his wife if he's all battered with work." Samuel nods, agreeing to William's words before he uttered, "I've been telling him the same thing, but you know how stubborn he can be. He's got this unwavering belief that hard work is the answer to everything."

As they traversed the fields, sharing stories, concerns, and the weight of their daily responsibilities. Their camaraderie brought lightness to their tasks, weaving a tapestry of friendship amidst the rustic landscape.

However, their tranquil existence was abruptly shattered when an otherworldly spectacle unfolded before their disbelieving eyes, "What in God's name is happening?!" Samuel's eyes widened in disbelief as he stood there motionless while William had evident fear-stricken eyes visible on his honey-coloured iris as he felt his body tremble from the force descending from the sky.

From the heavens above, a horde of celestial beings descended upon the earth, their once serene countenances twisted into grotesque forms of malevolence. These angels, once symbols of purity and guidance, now unleashed havoc and terror upon the unsuspecting inhabitants.

Fear clutched at William's heart as he thought of his beloved wife, Evangeline, and their precious daughter, Aurora, waiting for him at home. Panic seized him, urging his legs into a frantic sprint across the fields forgetting the wagon he had left near the Apple tree, Samuel hot on his heels as well as they parted ways.

Breathless and filled with trepidation, Fear gripped William's heart, his thoughts racing to his village, his home, and above all, the safety of his beloved wife, Evangeline, and their cherished daughter, Aurora. With a surge of desperate urgency, he sprinted through fields once brimming with life, driven by a love so fierce it fueled his every step, his every breath.

As William reached the outskirts of his village, a scene of utter chaos unfolded before his eyes. houses lay in ruins, smoke billowed into the sky, and the air was thick with the stench of despair, he watched as the people fled for their lives trying to escape God's judgement. With trepidation, he made his way toward his home, his heart pounding with an ominous premonition.

Entering the shattered remnants of his once-happy abode, William's worst fears were realised. There, amidst the debris, lay Evangeline and Aurora, their bodies battered and broken, their breaths feeble and laboured. Agony surged through William's veins, his world collapsing around him as he knelt beside his beloved family, tears mingling with bloodstains, he could see how they were barely clinging to life.

Driven by a desperate need for salvation, William staggered toward the village temple, clinging to a fragile thread of hope. He embarked on a desperate pilgrimage to the sacred temple that stood atop a distant hill With Evangeline and Aurora cradled inside the stolen carriage, William raced against time, each seconds for a fervent prayer of salvation. Legends whispered that within those hallowed halls, the reverend Bishop possessed the power to heal even the gravest of wounds and was said to be bestowed by the King of Gods.

William had entered the hallowed sanctuary, as he cradled his wife on his arms and his daughter on his back. Inside the dimly lit temple, the air was heavy with anticipation. The flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows on the walls as he made his way towards the altar, where the bishop stood, deep in prayer.

William gently lays his Wife and daughter to the ground, his body trembling as he approaches the Bishop, a figure of solace and guidance, to heal his family, to restore the light that had been extinguished from their lives."Please, Reverend, I need your help. My wife and daughter are barely clinging to life. They need healing, and I have heard that miracles can happen within these sacred walls." his voice quivered.

The bishop slowly turned his head, his eyes opening to reveal a glimmer of scepticism. "My son, God's judgement is upon us. I am but a humble servant so forgive me for I Am incapable of performing such miracles."

Desperation etched across his face, William fell to his knees, tears streaming down his cheeks. "But, Reverend, I implore you! I have travelled through tribulations and hardships to reach this place. They teeter on the edge of death, their lives slipping away with each passing moment. Please, any kind of help will be alright. They are all I have, and I cannot bear to lose them."

The bishop's face contorted with fear, his eyes darting around the temple as if seeking an escape. "I... I cannot help you," he stammered, his voice tinged with desperation. "I have told you, Aetherius has not bestowed upon me the power to heal, they were all hoax. I am but a vessel of faith, powerless to alter the course of events."

William's hope shattered like glass, replaced by a profound sense of despair, "But... but you…. How can you stand idly by when innocent lives hang in the balance, even if you're not blessed with powers to heal, At least do something! Anything!"

The bishop's gaze fell to the ground, shame etched upon his face. "I am no saint, William. In the face of God's judgement, I have faltered. Fear has clouded my faith, and I am left impotent, unable to perform miracles."

Tears welled up in William's eyes as he confronted the harsh reality. "So, you abandon those who seek solace in this time of darkness? You turn your back on the suffering, on the very essence of your calling?"

The bishop's voice quivered as he replied, "I am flawed, William. I have failed as a shepherd. But in my weakness, I cannot bear the weight of the world's pain. I must save myself before I can save others." A mixture of anger and sorrow flooded through William's veins. "You are no shepherd. You are a coward, hiding behind your robes and abandoning those who need you most."

As the bishop's treacherous footsteps echoed through the temple, fleeing from the imminent judgement of God, William's heart shattered. He cradled his dying wife and daughter in his arms, their feeble breaths growing fainter with each passing moment. Anguish consumed him, and he cried out in despair, his voice reverberating through the sacred temple

"Please, someone, anyone, save them!" he screamed, his voice filled with desperate agony. "I can't bear to lose them. Save them!"

In that moment of unyielding pain, a surge of dark energy crackled within the temple. Hadeon, the malevolent god, imprisoned for aeons, responded to William's anguished plea, harnessing the last remnants of his fading magic.

With a final burst of power, Hadeon summoned a luminous knife emerging from the holy ground through a small glimmering yet eerie portal before William. The blade shimmered with an otherworldly radiance, its ethereal glow pulsating with a sinister allure, but a glimmer of hope sparks his faith amidst the encroaching darkness.

In a trance-like state, hypnotized by the shimmering blade, William reached out and grasped the hilt of the enchanted blade. Its power coursed through his veins, Driven by the knife's enchantment, William stood on the ground with an eerie, puppet-like precision intertwining with his desperation and anguish oblivious of his wife's waking conscience. His eyes glazed over, no longer reflecting the man he once was.

Evangeline's eyelids fluttered, heavy with exhaustion, as she struggled to open her trembling eyes. Her vision was blurred, the world around her a haze of pain and despair. The cold, unforgiving ground pressed against her battered body, her breath ragged and labored. Her body screamed in protest, each movement a reminder of the injuries she had sustained.

She gave all her remaining might to crane her head to see the shadow looming over her frail frame, "William?" She spoke meekly with a hoarse tone "Please, William….no" Evangeline reached out her hand trembling as she strained to touch him, to bring him back from the brink. But her movements were feeble, her strength waning with each passing moment. The bruises on her skin, the pain coursing through her body, threatened to overwhelm her.

Tears streamed down her face as she realized her efforts were in vain. William was beyond her reach as she watch him walk towards the altar, ensnared in the web of Hadeon's influence.

Driven by the lingering magic of the knife, William moved with purpose. Step by step, he approached the ancient fountain concealed behind the altar. The waters, once pure and holy, now shimmered with purple flicker resonating like wind on the water as he dipped his calloused feet reflecting the essence of Hadeon's power that had taken hold of his soul.

As he stood within the fountain's embrace, William's voice, distorted and filled with an otherworldly resonance, uttered incantations long forgotten by humanity. He called upon Hadeon, The words, laced with both desperation and resolve, carried through the morning air, reaching the depths of the Underworld.

"Per vetustos ritus et verba obliviosa, te imploro, Hadeon! Audi precem meam, o deus miser, et frange vincula quae te in umbra profunda concludunt! Ex profundis desperationis, te invoco, essentiam tuam impia, ut responsum mihi praebas! Nomen tuum, Hadeon, lucerna erit ad ducendum te ex abysso! Relinque compedes tui carceris et emerge, o portitor caedis! Meipsum offero ut canalis sis ad libertatem tuam! Per aquas obscuratas quae per profunditates desperationis effluunt, te imploro, Hadeon! Ex abyssis tui carceris, ausculta vocationem meam et frange vincula quae te constringunt! Sinas malitiam tuam erumpere et ego ero catalysta liberationis tuae!"

And the With a final act of defiance, in a moment of sombre determination, William brought the knife to his chest, its point aimed directly to his heart. The moment the blade pierced his chest, Darkness consumed William's vision as he collapsed. The world seemed to hold its breath as the blade hovered just above his flesh, poised to enact the final act of sacrifice.

As the lifeblood spilled forth, an unholy transformation began.The once pure liquid now churned and frothed, its surface turning inky black. It was as if the very essence of Hadeon, The malevolent God, was being summoned forth after successfully luring William.

Silence engulfed the temple, broken only by the whispering wisp of darkness finding reason to rejoice. The air grew heavy with an unsettling stillness, The tainted water of the fountain, now disturbed by William's blood, began to churn and writhe, as if it were a living entity.

In a surreal display, William's lifeless body sank into the depths of the fountain water, disappearing without a trace. The inky black water accepted him willingly, as if eager to devour his very essence. No ripples disturbed the surface, no sign of his existence remained.

As the last remnant of William vanished beneath the veil of darkness, a palpable change overcame the temple. Shadows, once docile and unassuming, twisted and contorted upon the walls. They danced with an eerie malevolence, whispering secrets of ancient evils and forgotten sorrows.

A miasma of dread pervaded the air, seeping into the very stones of the temple. The once familiar surroundings transformed into a twisted nightmare, where reality and nightmare intertwined. The walls seemed to pulse with a sinister energy, their surfaces etched with cryptic symbols that glowed with an unholy light.

From the heart of the tainted fountain, a figure emerged. It was William, but not as he once was. His body now possessed an otherworldly etherealness, as if he were no longer bound by the laws of the mortal world. His once mortal flesh took on an otherworldly luminescence, casting an eerie glow that illuminated the temple with an unholy radiance.

As William ascended from the depths of the fountain, he appeared like a saint rising from sacred waters. His features distorted into an otherworldly beauty that defied comprehension,a profound transformation took hold, reshaping his physical appearance in the most unsettling of ways. Each aspect of his once-familiar features undergoes a dark metamorphosis, forever altering his countenance and reflecting the malevolent power that now possesses him.

The first change occurs within his eyes, which were once adorned with a warm and inviting honey-colored hue. These eyes, once filled with innocence and kindness, now metamorphose into a chilling shade of purple that glowed with intent. The deep and intense purple that now engulfs his irises brims with sinister energy, radiating an aura of malignancy. This unsettling transformation renders his gaze piercing and hypnotic—eyes that seem to hold secrets from forbidden realms, capable of penetrating the very soul of anyone who meets them.

William's tan and radiant complexion, once a symbol of vitality and health, succumbs to the grasp of Hadeon's darkness. His skin gradually loses its innate vibrancy, turning pale and ashen. The luminosity that once danced upon his cheeks fades away, replaced by an eerie and otherworldly pallor. This newfound pallidness lends an ethereal quality to his appearance, evoking an unsettling sense of detachment from the mortal realm—a distinct mark of his unholy possession.

In the merging of mortal and malevolence, William's features undergo a profound and disquieting alteration. Hadeon's ethereal and incomprehensible beauty intertwines with his own, creating a visage that defies conventional understanding. The contours of his face take on an otherworldly refinement, sharp and perfectly sculpted, as if crafted by a malicious hand. His cheekbones become more pronounced, casting haunting shadows upon the planes of his face, enhancing the air of dark allure that now envelopes him. The lines of his jaw and chin acquire an unearthly symmetry, lending an unsettling sense of beauty that is both captivating and disconcerting.

His once chestnut-brown hair, a testament to his mortal origins, undergoes a dramatic and profound transformation, mirroring the depth of corruption that now courses through his being. It turns coal black, devoid of any trace of warmth or light. The darkness that now permeates his hair acts as a stark contrast against his pallid complexion, creating a jarring visual impact. Each strand hangs in lustrous waves, cascading around his face like a veil of shadows, as if his very essence is interwoven with the night itself.

And, In that moment of his transformation the boundaries shattered. The veil between worlds torn asunder, and the darkness embraced William's Body and transformed into an untouchable being, merging with his essence as Hadeon, the harbinger of chaos, found his freedom, his malevolence reborn with a mortal vessel, suffused with cosmic might and a darkness that eclipsed his former self.

Inside the sacred temple, an oppressive silence hung in the air, shattered only by the faint sound of dripping liquid. Hadeon, his sinister smile etched upon his face, descended the stairs of the altar with deliberate, unhurried steps. The black liquid, akin to tar, oozed from his decieting form, The black liquid, an inky manifestation of his corruption, dripped from his beautiful countenance, tracing a macabre path down his body, pooling on the ground as if it were a vile extension of his malevolence.

Evangeline, her body bruised and battered, trembled on the hard ground, her spirit broken, her defiant eyes held terror as she witness the scene before her With every calculated step Hadeon took, a foreboding pressure permeated the temple, an oppressive weight that squeezed the life out of the sacred space.

The very fabric of reality seemed to strain under the weight of his presence, as if the temple itself recoiled in fear and submission. The ancient symbols and relics adorning the walls appeared to wither and crumble, their power diminished before the all-consuming darkness that Hadeon embodied.

He tood tall towering before the battered Evngeline who strained to shield her daughter, Aurora from his malice With a sadistic gleam in his eyes, he launched into a speech designed to shatter her hope and faith, brimming with mockery, insults, and tales of divine punishment.

He reveled in taunting Evangeline, demeaning her and her kind, "Oh, Evangeline, First wife of William" he spat, his words laced with venom, distorted by the possession of William's body, resonated with a chilling resonance. "Behold the wretched state you find yourself in, clinging to your feeble beliefs. Your prayers, your devotions, it is all for naught. Your God has now abandoned you. The one you placed your trust in, has forsaken you, leaving you broken and utterly powerless. Your failures are a testament to your insignificance."

He circled around her with calculated cruelty, his eyes filled with sadistic satisfaction, his words lashing out like venomous strikes. "Your prayers were nothing but empty echoes, falling on deaf ears," he taunted. "Your God, the supposed source of love and compassion, has deemed you unworthy. You see, your God has judged you, and his verdict is clear," he continued, relishing in the power of his words. "You mortals, so flawed, so insignificant, are nothing but a plaything for his divine amusement. He revels in your suffering, in your futile hopes and dreams."

Evangeline, though unable to respond, her body battered and frail, could only listen to his mockery, enduring his venomous tongue that pricks her faith and hope, the weight of his insults bore down upon her like a crushing weight.

"Look at your daughter, Aurora, a mere child, barely thirteen. Caught in the crossfire of your shattered faith. Your God's punishment knows no bounds, reaching beyond your existence to inflict pain upon the innocent. How does it feel, Evangeline, to witness the consequences of your misplaced trust?" a deep chuckle escapes from his lips, "Your faith is but a jest, a pitiful attempt to find solace in a world that has abandoned you. Your mortal existence is an exercise in futility, a mere blip in the grand scheme of things. Embrace the truth, for it is a harsh reality that you cannot escape."

Tears streamed down Evangeline's bruised and anguished face, a flicker of enmity in her amber eyes as she struggled to muster her growing courage. With a weak and hoarse voice, she looked up at the towering figure of Hadeon nesting the body of her Husband.

She took a deep breath, steeling herself against the weight of his mocking and insulting words that had sought to diminish her every being. With a voice that trembled, yet carried a quiet strength, Evangeline addressed Hadeon directly. "God's divine judgement…where every soul's actions are scrutinised for, even if he were to condemn us from our damnation ….even if I were weak and pathetic, I will not yield to your mockery, I refuse to be swayed by your words, to succumb to your malice. I will not falter from your overwhelming presence."

Hadeon stands tall, his glowing eyes laced with amusement fixed upon Evangeline's staggered state lying on the cold ground shielding her daughter. A twisted smile curls upon his lips as he savours the taste of her futile defiance. "Oh, Evangeline, your bravery is as futile as a moth fluttering towards a flame. Such audacity, to witness your feeble attempts to challenge me." he chuckled.

"I can't help but admire your tenacity. But perhaps, there is another way, instead of resisting, have you ever considered the possibilities that lie beyond? A path where you can find true happiness, solace and serenity….. all yours for the taking, if only, you would abandon your futile devotion to the God who abandoned you and consider the benefits of embracing a true Deity. With your faith redirected, you could even be a beacon of authority and influence, think thoroughly, Evangeline."

With an unwavering resolve, Evangeline answered firmly, "Your offers are but illusions, designed to ensnare and corrupt. My conviction is not a bargaining chip for your games."

Hadeon's eyes widened, his lips curling into a forced smile with a simulated disappointment. He feigned surprise, as if Evangeline's rejection had caught him off guard. He let out a dramatic sigh, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly. Darkness flickered in his eyes, a sign of his hidden power. "Is that so?" a hint of faux sorrow in his voice

"You know, it pains me to witness such potential squandered by your adherence to a misguided faith. I had hoped you would see the wisdom in my proposition."

As Hadeon raises his left hand mid-air on his side, a surge of dark energy crackles around it, Shadows swirl around him, coalescing into a tangible form. A sword materialised in his grasp, a wicked blade forged from pure darkness. Its edges gleamed in pulsating purple colour with an otherworldly aura, as if it were a weapon drawn from the depths of nightmares through the manipulation of dark magic

The air crackled with tension as Hadeon brandished his newly summoned sword, his eyes fixed on Evangeline. "Words alone will not be enough to sway you for you have rejected my offer, Evangeline," Hadeon spoke, his voice laced with an undercurrent of darkness. "But know this, I am not one to be trifled with."

She replied firmly, "Do it, I dare you. Strike me with your blade, but I will never compromise my principles."

He scoffed, "Then so be it." The ancient temple stood in eerie silence, its hallowed halls suffused with an oppressive darkness. Hadeon, who had worn a faux dismay now wore a sinister grin as he raised the gleaming blade, his eyes fixed upon Evangeline.

But just as Hadeon prepared to unleash his malice upon her, a thunderous crash echoed through the temple. The roof shattered into fragments as a figure descended gracefully, his arrival announced by a gust of divine wind as he landed with a resounding thud, Hadeon knew the moment the figure entered the hall that it was a High-ranking Archangel just by his shafting aura, his three pairs of wings, majestic and resplendent, unfolded behind him, spanning wide as it exudes ambiance of command and power, "Hadeon." The voice seethed.

Hadeon smirks before letting out a malevolent chuckle under his breath and turned slowly, his eyes finally fixated on the Archangel's chiselled figure, his twisted expression of delight sent shivers down the spine of the opposing angel but it was left unnoticed. With an air of arrogance, he spreads his arms wide, as if welcoming the imminent confrontation.

The wicked blade on Hadeon's left hand begins to emit a dark, swirling purple smoke. The blade dissolved into nothingness, vanishing into thin air. The temple's atmosphere grew with anticipation, the silence punctuated only by Hadeon's eerie chortle.

"Ah, Lucian, how I've missed you, did you missed me?" Hadeon's voice hissed, dripping with malicious glee. "Do you still remember the great war that was waged eons ago? How your light trembled and faltered in the face of my relentless power? It was a pitiful sight to behold."

His voice carried a mocking tone, laced with the echoes of past conquests. Hadeon reveled in recounting the details of their millennial-old clash, savoring the memory of his triumph over the archangel's once-blazing radiance.

"I still recall the way your divine essence flickered and waned," Hadeon continued, his voice laced with cruel mirth, "Your feeble attempts at resistance were but fleeting sparks, extinguished under the weight of my malevolence. You were powerless against me, a mere pawn in the grand tapestry of my sinister machinations."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in, relishing the effect they had on Lucian. Shadows danced around Hadeon, as if they were eager to share in his wicked triumph over his archangelic adversary.

Lucian, however, stood firm and unwavering, his countenance a testament to unyielding resolve. Though memories of their past clash echoed within him, he refused to be diminished by Hadeon's taunts. He stood as a beacon of unwavering faith, undeterred by the malevolent god's words.

"Your may revel in your fleeting victory, Hadeon," Lucian responded, his voice resolute and filled with unshakable conviction. "The battle we fought in the depths of time was but a single chapter in an eternal struggle. Though you may have reveled in your momentary triumph, know that the light I bear is not so easily extinguished for I have been forged anew by the divine light that guides me."

Hadeon's malefic laughter, filled with scorn and derision, pierced the air, his dark aura pulsating with wicked energy. "You cling to hope, Lucian." he sneered. "How amusing it is to see your delusions of grandeur." Hadeon continued, "Your faith, your light, they are but feeble sparks in the face of my overwhelming capabilities. Your faith is nothing more than a desperate delusion. For aeons, I have waited, imprisoned, biding my time. And now, finally, I stand here free, ready to unleash the full extent of my power."

The malevolent god's words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his malevolence. Lucian's gaze remained resolute, his unwavering faith unbroken. With a steadfast determination, he drew forth his celestial sword, its radiant glow shimmering with divine purpose.

"You may revel in your temporary freedom, Hadeon," Lucian declared, his voice carrying the strength of righteousness. "But the light I bear is fueled by a power far greater than your darkness. I stand here as a guardian, a beacon of hope, ready to face you once more."

Every syllable dripped with malicious intent from Hadeon's silver-tongue seeks to undermine Lucian's unwavering faith and cast doubt upon his purpose. But the archangel stood firmly on his feet, his gaze fixed upon his adversary, unyielding in the face of darkness. Lucian's golden eyes, filled with an adamant determination, locked onto the malevolent god. His unwavering faith formed an invisible shield around him, shielding him from the venomous taunts that resounded through the chamber. His belief in the divine purpose that fueled his every action remained unbroken.

With a swift and deliberate motion, Lucian drew forth his celestial sword. The blade, forged in the fires of divine energy, shimmered with a radiant glow that illuminated the darkness around them. Its ethereal light danced along the intricate engravings that adorned its surface, symbolizing the power and purpose it held.

As the sword left its sheath, a surge of celestial energy pulsed through Lucian's being. The air around him seemed to crackle with anticipation, as if recognizing the divine purpose and determination that emanated from the archangel.

The celestial sword, held firmly in Lucian's grip, became an extension of his unwavering faith. Its radiant glow intensified, casting luminous beams that cut through the oppressive darkness, illuminating the path before him. The malevolent god, momentarily taken aback by the divine radiance, recoiled ever so slightly. His confident smirk never faltered as he observed the obstinate archangel, his unwavering faith unbroken, his celestial sword poised to strike.

Hadeon stood motionless yet imposingly, with his back turned against the figures of Evangeline and Aurora, a sardonic smile emerged on his visage. He turned his head slightly to the right, his piercing gaze peering down at Evangeline's bruised form and Aurora's feeble existence. His eyes, emitted with a menacing and unsettling purple luminescence, seeming to revel in their suffering, luxuriating in their vulnerability.

He began to undertook low, secretive murmuring of mystical invocations under his breath, His voice, resonating with a chilling resonance, pierced the air like a dagger with each syllable carrying the weight of his dark will, weaving a spell that would banish his victim to a dimension accessible only to him. "By the abyssal void and the forgotten planes, I invoke the mysteries of the beyond, with arcane might and wicked art, I sever the ties that bind, to transport to where my darkness reigns, banish to a realm unseen, veiled from any eyes, where only I hold domain, and escaped is but a distant dream."

Black tendrils of energy snaked from the ground, encircling his intended target. The air crackled with malevolent power, as if reality itself recoiled from the impending act of translocation. The vortex expanded, its gravitational pull intensifying as it pulled down the two frail figures down the portal. It drank in the ambient light, devouring it voraciously, until only an impenetrable void remained. Within its depths lay the gateway to Hadeon's personal dimension, a desolate realm where his malevolence reigned supreme.

A derisive grin played upon Hadeon's lips as he observed the completion of his dark work. The two unfortunate victims' absence left an eerie void in the temple, a testament to his power and cruelty.

He deliberately shifted his line of sight to face Lucian again, the Malevolent god could sense the intensity of the Archangel's anger seething through the air, rather than be intimidated, Hadeon's unwavering conviction fortified, elevating his bolstering determination to trample over Lucian's spirit once more.

A fiendish smirk crept across Hadeon's Lips, "Pardon, where were we again? Oh, Right, I have to battle against you and as always, and reclaim my victory again." a baleful gleam in his eyes emanated with nefarious light, the malignant vigour that radiated from him surged in power, Enthused by the ferocity of Lucian's fury.

"You loathsome creature, I am astounded that you have the temerity to proclaim yourself a God. given the heinous acts you have perpetrated throught time, up to the present. Do you believe I wouldn't hear you incanting enchantments to transport the two blameless mortals within your realm?" his hand that constricts around the hilt of his sword tighthens firmly, "Your vile conduct will not go unpunished, Hadeon."

Hadeon's odious laughter resonated throughout the sacred temple, a chilling sound reverberated with his maleficent delight. He scoffed at Lucian's dauntless words, dismissing them with a wave of his hand.

"This is why out of all the angels in Aetherius' realm, you're the only one I favor. Why don't we put an end to this charade, Lucian? Let us begin this battle, and I shall show you what true power looks like from a True God."

What do you think of the prologue? you might be wondering why is it long right? Me too, Ive been wandering about it also. but anyway a nice and kind criticism about this prologue would be appreciated so I can further improve my writing in the future!

Orange_Buttercreators' thoughts