
The Erotic Trials of a Royal Slave

Good Princess Annabell is in line for the throne, and others want her hand in marriage. Actually, not just her hand... A WiP - Your ideas and suggestions welcome!

Neil_H · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


"Their royal personages, Prince Marcus and Princess Annabelle."

I frowned at the breach of protocol. As the next in line to the throne, I should have been announced first. Still, I didn't have time to complain, as my brother moved forward, nodding left and right at our peers, and near peers, from other lands. Elsa followed close behind us, Rafael having departed on the way.

They were there, in their entirety, my fellow royals, or, for some countries, high officials, wearing the most spending finery money could buy, magic could conjure, and science could create.

It was like stepping into a human firework display, which was exploding all around you. Elsa helped shield my brother, but I had always refused a bodyguard, and so was more open to the mob.

"Princess," a tall, dark youth said, winning his way to the front of the crowd. He was wearing some kind of long red robe that glittered with a light of its own. "Allow me the honour of the first dance?"

"Well, why not?" I replied. He was pretty cute.

I took his hand and we managed to slide our way through the throng, with my new partner fending off many other attempted intercepts.

We made it onto the floor just as the orchestra struck up a popular song that allowed me to dance with my new acquaintance without having to get up close and personal, which some tunes would have demanded. 

"Please allow me to introduce myself," he said, once the dance got underway, which, for this tune, involved mostly moving your legs in a rather chicken-like fashion, whilst keeping your upper body relatively still. "I am Prince Horace, third in line to the throne of Dresmil, and am honoured to make your acquaintance Princess." He half bowed, as much as the dance allowed at least.

"Well, I am happy to make your acquaintance," I replied, which wasn't actually a lie. Dresmil was one of the less powerful kingdoms, some way to the north and east. It had a nice coastline, and was renowned for its beautiful beaches. As such, Horace, as he'd called himself, was a fairly harmless choice to dance with, plus he was easy on the eyes.

Sadly for me, the end of the dance came about too quickly, and a new figure imposed itself up on us, one far less welcome to me.

It wasn't that he wasn't handsome, but The High Dark, as he styled himself, was probably the most threatening figure to our land, and to me, personally.

"May I cut in?" 

Horace, seeing who it was, quickly bowed and retreated, which was a shame. He had been fit, and I'm fairly sure he was quite heavily loaded in the trouser department.

"Princess, may I have the honour of this dance?" The man leaned forward, and smiled, like a lion addressing a deer.

"Of course, High Dark," I replied, bowing slightly. I didn't want to, but here, in the middle of our castle, in the centre of the dance floor, I was probably as safe as I could be. And this man was someone out of my league. He was no prince, but the ruler of his land, and he ruled it with an iron fist. Drennon was a powerful country too. It had, in recent years, waged several wars of conquest, and all but the last had been successful, swallowing up, with some ease, nearby, smaller, kingdoms. Finally, some of the larger lands closer to the new, expanded borders, had allied together, and stated that if it attacked anyone else, they would declare war. So far, this new peace had held.

"May I say that you are looking particularly delectable today princess?" the High Dark said. He pulled me close, for this dance, of course, was a slower one. 

I have to say, I breathed a little harder. He was almost a stereotypical villain. Tall, pale skin, handsome, with dark hair and a goatee which, yes, looked pretty damned good on him. He was dressed in black robes, of course, but ones that highlighted his muscular frame, and he towered over me, whilst holding me in such a way that I didn't feel overwhelmed.

"Damn," I said, as we twirled about the dancefloor. "You're good!"

"Thank you princess," he smiled. Even his voice was smooth! "I don't approach you lightly. I appreciate you may have heard things about me, but you should hear both sides of the story, no?"

I may have just been given a serious fucking by my brother, but something about this man was making my pussy itch, and hard. Maybe it was his rock-solid bod, or perhaps he was simply using magic on me, but I found I was willing to hear him out.

"Maybe," I said. "But I don't like what I hear about your country."

"And what do you not like?" 

He really was a handsome bastard.

"I hear your people are restricted in what they can do, who they can worship, and anyone with a certain level of magical ability must join the army."

"There are some of these restrictions, it is true," he said, swirling me around with debonair ease, before pulling me close again. I could feel his taught frame push against mine, and tried not to pant.

"People should be allowed their freedoms," I managed to get out.

"I am always willing to listen to novel ideas." He smiled down at me, and I quivered slightly. "Of course, if you were my queen, you could oversee some of these reforms."

Fuck! Did I just manoeuvre myself into this?

"Wow, you don't mess about do you?" I replied, trying to divert.

"Perhaps not, but I do believe the entire point of this ball is for you to be, how can I phrase this? Put out on display? Seems a little crass, not something I would do myself of course."

"Of course," I replied, not trying very hard to keep the sarcasm out of my tone.

He merely laughed, and even that was sexy! I really wished this dance would end.

"I really am here in a genuine capacity princess," he said, sliding his hand down my back so I could do spin. 

I shivered.

"You think I could marry you?"

"You don't know me, only what you have heard. And if you wish to change things, what better position to do it from?"

"I…" I started, but then the song finished, and a new figure interrupted.

"Sister?" Marcus was there, almost as tall as the High Dark, and, bless him, standing up to the man.

"Ah, the infamous Marcus," the High Dark said, totally unphased. "It's so good to see family supporting each other. In all sorts of ways, am I right?" He raised an impeccably manicured eyebrow.

Marcus, to his credit, barely flinched. "High Dark," he replied, nodding at the man. "Welcome to our kingdom. I hope your trip is a pleasant one."

"Oh, so far it has been delightful," the other man said. He smiled at me, which made me go weak at the knees, and then kissed my hand. "I shall see you soon princess. I promise."

With that, he nodded at Marcus, turned, and walked away.

"What the hell was that about?" my brother asked.

"I don't know," I gasped.

"Are you hot for him? Your face is flushed."

"It so isn't!" I retorted, as the next dance started. We made our way off the dance floor. "I'm just… never mind. Thank you for rescuing me."

"What was I supposed to do? You are the hottest girl here, by a league."

"You're my brother, stop it," I scowled at him.

He leaned in close and whispered. "You and I can still…" he started.

I stopped and pushed him away.

"You are a handsome devil," I said to him. "And a damned good fuck," in a lower voice. "But when I have offspring, and with whom, will be up to me, you understand?"

Marcus frowned, and, for a fraction of a second, I thought I saw someone different, not my brother, but someone more like… well, who The Dark was supposed to be. Then it was gone, and Marcus was back. 

"Of course sister," he said. "Come on, mother and father are waiting."

He held out an arm, and, slipping my own through his, we made our way towards our parents.


"Here she is!" My father stood up from his seat, well a mini-throne really, and embraced me. "How are you doing sweetie?" he asked, smiling down at me.

Marcus had to have inherited his power from my father. Being in the king's presence was like being drunk or something. Everything felt wonderful, and anything he said was like honey flowing through your system. As his daughter I'd had many years of familiarity, which gave me a little bit of immunity, but even so, being in his presence made me happy.

"Daddy," is said, hugging him back. "Why are you putting me through this trial? You know I don't want to marry yet."

"I know sweetie," he replied, stroking my hair. "Don't worry, this is just protocol. It's expected, it will allow you to meet some of your prospective mates. And no doubt sample their wares too, right?"

"Daddy!" I exclaimed. 

He just laughed, and a wave of love washed over me. Marcus had nothing on my father's power, not yet.

"Stop it," I said. 

"I can't stop my love for my girl," he replied, releasing me. "Now, go, go and have some fun." He kissed the top of my head.

"Yes daddy," I said, feeling, as I always did in his company, like a five-year-old girl.

He let me go, which made me feel cold and empty. 

"Mother," I said, nodding and doing a small curtsey towards her.

"Go play Bell," she nodded, smiling.

"Yes mother." 

I turned and waded back into the crowd, and was instantly mobbed.


"Let's go to the balcony, yes?"

The girl I was dancing with, a slow dance which we had spent grinding against each other, was about to come to an end.

It was later, and I was drunk and horny as fuck. I'd spent the night being, essentially, passed around from one potential suitor to the next. Most males about my age, some older, some a lot older, one or two younger. Some were female, including my current dance partner, who was a cute, dark-haired girl with a fit body. I had always had a bit of a fetish for slight girls with small tits, and this one, a princess from some kingdom to the north, was right up my street. Slightly taller than me, with her long hair platted into braids, chocolate coloured skin, a thin frame and delightful pair of hard nipples that had been pressing into my flesh for the whole dance. She was going to get some of me, I had decided.

Giggling, we slipped off the dance floor and, holding her hand, I led her out of the main hall, into a small side room, and then out of that, through a set of doors, onto a quiet balcony.

"Oh, this is better," she said, pulling me close.

I nudged her nose with mine, and then went in for a long, passionate, kiss, which she replied to in turn, as her hands slid down my back, over my ass, and under my skirt.

"Oh," she exclaimed, breaking away slightly. "You're not wearing any panties!"

"I like to be ready," I replied, moaning as she caressed my buttocks. "Oh yes, please!"

Giggling, she explored further. She was dexterous, I'll give her that. One finger slipped up my asshole, whilst another, on her other hand, slid up my moist cunt.

"Oh fuck!" I moaned, slumping against her, as she explored both my holes at the same time. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" 

I panted harder, as another digit joined the first up my pussy, and she probed deeper up my ass. "Oh gods! Yes!"

"You're such a sexy bitch," she panted, molesting my Areas further. "I love this so much, I can't do this in my own land!"

"Just do me, do me hard," I pulled her top, a wonderful silk affair, down and sucked on a perfect brown nipple. 

"Shit!" she moaned, and we both collapsed onto the floor, writhing about in each other's arms, kissing madly and exploring each other's intimate places.

She giggled, and slid down my body, kissing both my nipples on the way, which made me groan and bite my lip, before pulling my skirt up and tracing a line with her tongue down my stomach and to my slit, which was gushing I was so horny.

"She slid her tongue up, and then, for a second, pulled back. "Someone's been serviced tonight," she said. "Who's cum am I tasting?"

"It's my brother's," I moaned. "He such a randy bastard."

"Oh, Marcus is hot as fuck," she said. "Please arrange for him to shag me before I go back?"

"Yes, yes!" I wailed. "Just do me first!"

With a titter, she went back to work on my pussy with her tongue, which made me wail, and tighten my legs about her.

"Oh, oh ohhhhh!" I screamed, as she brought me to a massive, juddering, climax. I clamped my thighs about her head so hard I nearly choked her.

After a good thirty seconds of hard cumming, I relaxed, releasing her and slumping back on the, I realised, cold floor.

"By the gods," my girl panted. "When you cum, you cum hard!" She climbed up my body and kissed me again, wrapping her wonderful arms about my body. "Did I do it for you?" she asked.

"Fuck yes," I puffed. "Thank you."

She slumped down next to me. "Believe me, it was my pleasure. Your pussy is a delight!"