
The Erotic Trials of a Royal Slave

Good Princess Annabell is in line for the throne, and others want her hand in marriage. Actually, not just her hand... A WiP - Your ideas and suggestions welcome!

Neil_H · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Green and Blue

Note: I wrote this part once already, then an IT issue meant I lost it all. Don't you hate that? Anyway, here we go. Again…

I giggled, and went in for another kiss, which turned into a long, passionate snog. 

"Oh my!" she exclaimed, finally, once we stopped to breathe. "No, stop! I should get back, my chaperone is strict enough as it is. She's probably going insane right now!"

"If you don't mind me asking," I said, stroking her hair, "why did you even come here, knowing how your country feels about, well, girls with girls. They'll never let us marry."

She sighed, and kissed the top of my nose. "I was just lucky. My brother couldn't come, and it would have been rude for us not to send anyone. So, here I am." She looked at me, with those gorgeous brown eyes. "I'll never forget this. Plus, even though we can't marry, who's to say that we can't bring our countries closer together?""

I laughed, and hugged her. "Well, when I'm in charge, your embassy will be getting an upgrade, that's for sure!"

She laughed in turn, and we kissed again. I finally, reluctantly, pulled back. "I should get back."

"Me too," she said, and we both climbed to our feet, and spent several minutes rearranging our clothing.

"Come on then." I looked at her, and gave her one more kiss, and then we went back out into the ballroom.

Somehow, we managed to slip in unnoticed, and, with one last wink, my delightful fuck-buddy slipped away, into the crowd. I watched her ass depart, and then turned and grabbed a drink off a passing waiter, who did a double take when he realised who he'd just served, and managed, somehow to get to my parent's throne area without being accosted.

"Are you having fun sweetie?" my father asked, as I slumped down on his feet, at the base of his throne. He patted my head.

"I've had worse times," I replied, taking a deep draught of my drink.

"Good girl," he said, and sat back.

I sipped my drink and relaxed for the next few minutes, enjoying not being groped by strangers, not that I'm against that. I like being groped, as a rule. Let's face it, you only live once, well, most of us, and sexual pleasure is something to be enjoyed.

My drink was running low, and I was considering getting another, when there was a large explosion, right in front of the dais.

"Fuck!" I said, wincing.

The smoke cleared, literally, to reveal a slim figure, who hadn't been there before, standing in front of us. 

She was, how can I say this? Magnificent.

Wrapped in green silk, her bosom was to be applauded. I've always been a bosom girl, I admit, hence her majestic chest is what my eyes were drawn to first. Not that the rest of her was to be dismissed. She had a wonderful figure, and a sterling set of legs, which were wrapped in some kind of tall, leather boots. 

Two brilliant green eyes glistened from a handsome face, framed by blonde hair with twists of colour running through it. I panted slightly. Here was a woman!

Several black clad figures came out of the woodwork, as if from nowhere. Deadly blue energy spells flashed from them, which the intruder simply dismissed with a wave of her hand. 

Impressive, I thought, sitting there like a potato, as our bodymage spells were deflected.

The woman made another complex gesture, and our guards were thrown backwards, onto the floor, where they lay still.

"Impressive entrance Elvira," my father said, apparently unperturbed by this serious breach in our defences.

"You didn't invite us!" the green woman hissed, Elvira, as my father had addressed her.

"Had you wished to come, my guards had orders to let you in," he replied. "This is rather dramatic, don't you think? This is purely a diplomatic party."

"We should have had an invite! This is included in our agreement!"

"This is a party!" my mother interjected, apparently as unsurprised as my father. "It has nothing to do with our agreement."

"Everything involving her has to do with it." The woman in green looked at me. "Hello dear."

"Er, hi?" I said, still trying to catch up.

Our conversation was interrupted by our guards, who were recovering. I saw one mage cast a death spell at the intruder, as strong as I'd ever seen, which, whilst it stagger her, failed to impact. Impressive.

Still, reinforcements were arriving, and more battle spells were cast by our defence forces Elvira, who scowled.

"This is not over," she said. "We are not happy." Then, she looked at me. "I shall see you soon my dear."

"What?" I asked.

She didn't answer, but clapped her hands, and vanished, allowing several spells with enough power to melt the castle, to fizzle out.

I finished my drink in one go. "Well, that was fun."


"Up you come my little slutty princess, your father wishes to speak to you." 

I was woken by Sylvia, slipping a finger under my blanket and between my legs, into my waiting crack.

"Oh, Sylvia," I moaned writhing about. "Yes, yes, please."

"No, get up you lazy tart." 

"Wha…?" I opened my eyes as her finger was abruptly taken away, leaving me feeling unfulfilled. 

"Up, the king is calling for you." My blankets were whisked away.

"Sylvia!" I screamed, trying to recover my warmth.

"No. Up, up, up up." 

She pulled my limp, hungover, body upright. 

"Fuck! What the hell?" 

"Get your tits into the bathroom," was her only response.

It's true I was a princess, which comes with a certain level or respect and authority built in, but it also comes with duties one can't ignore, and one of those is a summons for the king, which means any servant, who would usually have to do what you say, can overrule you. Sylvia was taking full advantage of this, it seemed, and I knew I couldn't do anything about it.

"Fine, fine," I muttered, swinging my legs out of bed. My eyes were barely open.

"Arms," she ordered.

Stil mostly asleep, I raised my arms, allowing her to pull my nighty off, leaving me totally naked.

Sylvia fondled my plentiful, exposed, tits for a moment, which made me moan. 

"Sylvia!" I gasped. 

"You like that don't you, you little whore?" she hissed.

"You know I do," I wailed.

"Well, get your tight ass into the bathroom then, maybe I'll give you something else to enjoy," she replied.

Thus encouraged, I allowed her to guide me to my washing area, rubbing at my eyes and yawning.

She shoved me into the shower, and, whilst I slowly woke up, soaped my body down, which, I admit, felt fucking wonderful. Her hands slipped around my plentiful tits, and then down my stomach and to my pussy, which was dribbling by then.

Under her expert and delicate touch, I wailed out loud, and leant against her, as she massaged between my legs, making my whole body vibrate. 

And then she stopped.

"Sylvia!" I wailed, unfulfilled. "What the hells?"

"The king is waiting," she scolded me, by way of a reply. "You must attend."

"Come on!" I cried, but she was having none of it. Intercepting my attempts to do myself, she rinsed my body, and then expertly pulled my out of the water and dried me off, all the while managing to avoid finishing me off.

I was hustled back into my main chamber where Sylvia passed me a cup of coffee, allowing me to sip at it and get my bearings as she dressed me, first in panties and a bra, then stockings, and finally in a long, purple dress.

That done, she sat me down, put on a small amount of makeup, I didn't really use much, and then tied my hair up in a yellow bow. Finally, she added a sparkling tiara, before standing my back up and admiring her handiwork.

"Well?" I asked, now at least mostly awake.

"You'll do," she replied. "Come." 

She led me to the main doors to my chambers, and then opened them, to reveal two palace guards standing outside, one on either side.

"She's ready," she informed them.

"Ma'am," one said, nodding. "Princess?" He gestured.

"All right then," I sighed. 

"See you later," Sylvia said, and closed the doors behind me. I had a feeling she was looking forward to the rest.

One guard ahead, one behind, we made our way to my father's private study area, which was accessed through a sort of smally, plush, lobby area. A solid wooden, rivetted door was guarded by two more guards, one male and one female, dressed in the black and white uniform of the King's special squad I noticed, trained in weapons as well as magic.

"The princess," one of my escorts said, needlessly. 

The woman nodded, and knocked on the door. "She's here sire," she shouted.

"Let her in!" my father's voice replied, and the door swung open of its own accord, allowing me entrance.

"Thanks guys," I said, sashaying through. My escort waited outside.

"Daddy," I said, as the door closed behind me.

The King was behind his large oak desk, which was strewn with parchments, tomes and various odds and ends. He was wearing his set of half-moon glasses, which he used when doing any paperwork.

"Sweetie," he said, as I ran round the desk and hugged him. "How are you feeling?"

I pouted, and sat on some no-doubt important paperwork on his desk. "Couldn't you have waited until later in the morning? I was sleeping."

"It's practically afternoon already girl," he admonished, taking off his glasses. 

"Is this about last night? The green woman? Who was she? What was that about?"

He sighed. "She was Elvira, a powerful magic user, and one of the Order of Green Witches."

"Never heard of them."

"Yes, well, they're not local. Not at all. Even so, they are a powerful group, not to be trifled with."

"And yet she seemed to think you were trifling," I pointed out.

"Your mother and I made a compact with them, a long time ago."

"I assume this has something to do with me? You didn't promise them your first born did you?"

"No, well, not entirely."


My father laughed. "We're not stupid you know, and weren't back then either, you've nothing to worry about, probably."


"Well, after our encounter yesterday I did some checking. It seems the Green Witches have had some sort of change of leadership." He shrugged. "It happens, but I want to be a little more careful, until I can evaluate the situation. So, unfortunately, I'm going to insist that you have a body guard."

"Daddy!" I screeched, jumping off the desk and stamping my foot like a child.

"No, I'm not changing my mind on this. It's an order." He raised his voice. "Rupert!" 

"I refuse to be followed around by some old… oh, hello there."

I stopped talking, as a tall, dark and handsome figure strolled into the room, and gave a shallow, but respectful bow.

"Oh my," I said, fanning myself. 

I was used to mages being, generally, older and a bit doddery. However, that was probably because the younger ones were assigned around the kingdom and beyond. Only the ones with more experience usually served in the palace. 

This chap though, was probably only a few years older than me. He was tall, with unusually dark hair for one of my countrymen. Intelligent eyes took in everything under that hair, staring out from a handsome face. He was wearing black breeches, long boots and a white shirt, mostly covered by a long blue cloak. 

"This is Rupert," my father went on, as I eyed him up and down, trying not to pant. "He's a recent graduate of the Academy, came top of his class in combat magic, and comes highly recommended."

"Thank you sire," Rupert said.

"I'm just repeating what your masters have told me." He turned to face me. "I've already given him his orders. He will escort you everywhere and keep you safe, until I deem otherwise. You are to be polite to him, and not try to give him the slip. I've given him orders in this regard too. Are we clear?"

"Yes father," I said, in a more demure voice than I had planned.

"Excellent. In that case, go. I have work to do. Rupert." 

"Sire," the mage nodded respectfully again, and then turned to me. "Princess? After you."

"Oh, thank you," I said, putting on my most innocent girly smile, all the while working on my plan on how I was going to get into those tight breeches.

It seemed I had a new project.

* Thanks for reading. Again, this is a WiP, so any comments, ideas, (constructive) feedback welcome!

Neil_Hcreators' thoughts