
The Era of God's and Destruction

Once God of destruction, Ruler of all the Gods who kept to himself was betrayed by his wife and other Gods for his status, he destroyed all the god's bodies and sealed their soul in the Zypher stone. 3000 years after the seal of the stone is broken Soul's of gods changing everything for the whole world from their man in his mid twenties starts his harsh and tragic journey towards godhood.

abhijeet_pandey · Fantasia
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4 Chs

An accident

Grandma put her finger on her lips as a sign to stay quiet and stood up hurrying toward the door, she opened the door and slowly leaned out of the house still keeping both her feet inside the house, she saw there were a total of eight men standing outside of the fencing of the house holding weapons like pitchfork, axe, knife, etc. Without showing any hesitation to the villagers she said,

"What do you mean by that Jayant? Are you calling my granddaughter a monster? This is not your village that you can come here showing your authority."

In the kitchen Sheena and Jay were still sitting quietly, Jay had a bad feeling that the villagers had come for him, they could hear the voices of the angry villagers.

Jayant(village chief) said,

"Don't try to hide that man from us, children playing in the forest saw themselves, a demon cursing our great forest, the forest that provides us with herbs so that we can put food on plates for our family."

Hearing this Grandma opened the door and put both her feet outside but she still hadn't closed the door behind her and slowly reached for a knife that was on the table beside the door with her hand, saying,

"Did you really believe the word of children and came to my humble hut to confirm it, I never knew that you were this paranoid."

The second villager said,

"We didn't just come listening to the childer, we saw with our own two eyes the trail of death and destruction that leads to your house, every single tree and plant on the way here has died as if the life was sucked out of them!!!"

Jayant started to move toward the house slowly crossing the fence saying,

"We know that the man you are hiding has nothing to do with you we'll not harm you, we just want you to surrender the man and we'll be on our way."

Grandma has now reached out a knife and showed it to the villagers intimidating them to stay back, for a second it looked like it worked, seeing this Grandma said,

"Don't step closer, don't think that I won't hurt you, last time you ran us away from the village saying that, we'd be a danger to them and now we are staying in this forest just for that reason and again you came to us."

Jayant who had stooped moving started moving with a smirk on his face saying,

"I'll give you one more chance to back out and surrender that man to us just because I have known you since my childhood, if you still don't move, we'll move over your dead body."

Inside the kitchen Sheen and Jay were starting to get panicked, compared to Sheena, Jay looked more in shock, Sheena had already gone through a situation like this when they were kicked out of the village, but for Jay, this was the first time, he had never been to fight except for the time when his sister was getting bullied by her seniors, he never liked getting into fights rather he was the person who liked to spend time inside the house, when he saw all the situation unfolding he couldn't understand how to react.

The very next moment loud scream came from right outside of the door "Uuughhh", and Grandma stepped back inside the house, Jay and Sheena both looked up toward her and were shocked, a pitchfork had stabbed through her chest, she fell on her back and the pitchfork was still buried in her chest, seeing this Sheena couldn't sit there, she rushed toward her grandmother calling her name,

"Grandma, grandma!!!"

When she was about to reach out toward her, villagers suddenly barged through the door and as Sheena was leaning to reach her grandma, she was grabbed by her hair by one of the villagers. All the villagers came inside the house one by one. As Jayant came inside the house he pulled out the pitchfork mercilessly that was still standing on the grandma's body, seeing all this Sheena who was struggling to get herself free from the hand of the villager couldn't hold back anymore started screaming while crying, 

"You killed my grandma, I am going to kill you, kill you all!!"

She got herself free from the villager and fell beside her grandma on her knee crying on lying body. Grandma still had a bit of life left in her as she raised her hand toward Sheena stroking her cheek and mustered up all her energy to say,

"Ru... run away and live."

Right after saying this her hand fell onto the ground with her lifeless body, while crying Sheena noticed the knife that her grandma was holding, and with her blood-red eyes, without giving it a second thought, she swung that knife toward Jayant who was standing right in front of her, but Jayant was quick in his feet and took a step back dodging only with the slight scratch on his hand and two villagers standing behind her instantly grabbed her making her immobilized. Jayant stood in front of her pulling her hair back and saying,

"This bitch has troubled us and all the villagers for some time, we'll take her back and maybe we can relive our stress while going back, before taking care of her, but for this son of a bitch, let's burn him alive! "

The word that came from Jayant brought Jay out of shock and made him panic. This was the situation where he could get out just by talking, he noticed that he sitting in the same position since the villager came to the house, realizing that he was scared out of his mind that he couldn't even move a single part of his body. As Jayant took a step forward to take care of Jay. At that moment Jay understood that if he did not fight back right now, they would both die, he gathered all his strength and slowly stood up shivering but he still couldn't say a single word out of fear, seeing Jayant stopped on his way and said,

"Is he gonna pee his pants, look at how he is shivering, hahaha....!"

Jay just made eye contact with Sheena and second after he ran toward Jayant with his prepared, Jayant was shocked at Jay's speed, he landed the punch on Jayant's mouth and he flew a meter back on his back, but Jay didn't stop there. he ran to the villager who was holding Sheena and landed a punch on his face as well, freeing Sheena from his grip, he took her hand and pulled her behind himself, said

"Run through the window, go, go now!"

He again went running toward the villagers swinging his fist like a maniac, he successfully landed a hit on two more of them but one of the villagers took a chance and stabbed Jay's back with the knife,

{HP :-70/100 HP decreased -30 }

Jay turned around to tackle the guy who stabbed him but was again hit by an axe on his waist, looking at his waist from where blood was pouring out like crazy,

{HP :-35/100 HP decreased -35 }

stumbling on his leg he somehow went in front of Sheena, stretching his arm saying

"I would rather die than let you do anything to her."

He again felt a sharp sting on his back twice, turning his back he was shocked, Sheena had stabbed him with the knife,

"It's all because of you, if hadn't come to us, my grandma would still be alive."

{HP :- 5/100 HP decreased -30}

{System notification}

{Activating passive skill Absorption} 

{Note: Passive skill Absorption is automatically activated when the body is in a critical state.}

Seeing the notification in front of his eyes Jay fell silent, looking at the ground he noticed black smoke covering the five-meter radius in a second, with a "Thud" sound remaining five people standing fell one by one, Jay raised his head up, with his wide-open eyes and mouth in shock. He immediately understood what was gonna happen if he didn't stop, he started screaming like a crazy person,

"Stop, stop, you'll kill them please stop please!!"

But no matter how much he shouted nothing happened, Sheena who fell on the ground was still trying to crawl toward him, her body started to shrink, it seemed like she was aging at a rapid speed which was visible through naked eyes, Jay was horrified seeing this he tried to get so that he can move away from her but noticed that he is unable to, in the next ten second her body had become corpse looking like only bones wearing rotten old skin.

{Absorption successful.}

{HP :- 100/100 increased +100}

{Experiance :- 60/100 inceresesd +160}

{Congratulation first time Absoption used on a human!!}

{Experianced :-80/100 increased +20}

{Congratulation on Absoption of Super mutated human.}

{Experiance :- 60/100 increased +80}

{Congratulation on using Absopton on higher rank than you!! }

{Experiance :- 0/200 increased +40}

{Congratulaion on getting promoted to rank C!!}

{Memories: unlocked}

{New skill absorbed by super mutated human: GOD's eye}

to be continued..