
The Epic of Azathoth

He is the infinite, the limitless Sultan, Supreme, Unlimited, Unchanging, He is eternity. He is the Creator, the Sultan who rules everything beyond the infinite Archetypes. He is beyond the countless gates and the Transfinite waves of Realms, Avatars and deities, All the Outer Gods are nothing but servants and bacteria in comparison to such power. He is Azathoth.

Biggubosu · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
88 Chs

Chapter - 2 [ - Dungeon - ] [EDITED]

'*sigh* Should I go there for a quick look?'

I thought as I saw that the smoke was starting to clear


[ - New Mission Received - ]

How about an adventure?

Objective 1: Go to the city and investigate the cause of the nuclear war.

Objective 2: ?

Objective 3: ??

Reward: ???


'' No, I refuse to go there.''

- *What is it this time?

''What's the best excuse to run away from here?''

- ''Are you going to run away?

''Yes, isn't it obvious? I don't know what's there - But my Skill < Premonition > keeps spamming me about future deaths.''

''Besides - You're still around.''

- *Yes, I still am.

''Let's get out of here.'' I whispered as I walked in the opposite direction of the explosion.


Already walking for a few minutes - I was using my skills < Blood Manipulation > to kill each small animal that hid in their burrows - They were mostly rabbits.

Because of the < Blood Manipulation > - I could feel any drop of feeling in a 10 meter radius around me.

My BP didn't have a super effective increase just a few dozen - Even after killing a few rabbits.


'' Hey, is it normal for blood to be like this? ~ ''

( No, I thought it would be cool, so I left it like this, why, don't you like it? )

"It's pretty cool actually ~ ''


[ - Mission complete - ]

How about an adventure?

Objective 1 : Go to the city and investigate the cause of the war. ( ✗ )

Aim 2 : Fight against ??? and survive. ( ✗ )

Goal 3 : Escape with your tail between your legs. ( ✔ )

Reward for the first objective : Tome of Necromancy. ( ✗ )

Reward for the second objective : Muramasa. ( ✗ )

Reward for the third target : 1 Meatloaf and the "survivor title" ( ✔ )


'' Really? Run away with your tail between your legs.''

'' Forget it, complaining won't get you anywhere''''

- *Well ... at least now you know )


[ - x1 Meatloaf added to stock - ]


Sighing mentally. I ignored this millennial brat - I'd better not stress about her.

''Show me the titles.''


[ - Title: Lord of the Blood - ]

Blood Lord : Increases the amount of Exp gained by 15% when killing any type of living creature with Blood Manipulation and increases damage by 2%.


[ - Title: Survivor - ]

Increases the amount of Exp gained when you survive a disaster.

The stronger the cause of the disaster, the greater the amount of Exp.


''The title Survivor wasn't being used, right?''

- *Yes, it was with the title Lord of Blood active )

''What would be the amount of XP I would gain if it was active?''

- *300%.


- *Activate the title Survivor? )

''No - Keep Lord of Blood active.''




Name : Daemon Sultan

Race 99% Human - 1% ????

Alignment :

Class : Blood Lord

Secondary Class : N / A

Lvl - 2 (1%)

HP - 400

MP - 100

BP - 5.000

STR - 15 + 10 = 25

VIT - 15 + 10 = 25

DEX - 10 + 10 = 20

INT - 10

WIS - 10

CHARM - 10

LUCK - 10

Unused points : 10

Credits : 1000


''As I gained 5 in STR and 5 in VIT at each level, while gaining 10 points.''

Whispering to myself, I realized that my humanity dropped by 1%.

''Why did my humanity drop by 1%.'' I asked a possible person who might know - Even if it sounded more like a growl.

"Game, why has my humanity dropped by 1 percent? ''

"Are you there?''

'No answer.'

Obviously I was being ignored here...


Getting no response from that occurrence - I continued walking through the forest - Drawing blood from any small animal I saw, increasing my amount of BP as I continued to search for a possible dungeon.



[ Inventory : Sacred Art Creation, Skill Creation Take ~ ]


Extracting a blank book from my inventory, I quickly read the description of how to use it.


Opening the blank book - A blue screen appeared before my eyes telling me to create a new skill.


[ ... ]

[ - Blood Bomb - ]


"Simple and destructible.''

"And when to you, I have used you here and now.'' I spoke to myself as I referred to the creator of Sacred Gears.

Removing the < Sacred Gear Creation > from inventory - I looked at it with various kinds of thoughts before using the creation option.

[ ... ]

[ - Annihilation Maker MP: Varies - ]

Annihilation Maker : The Annihilation Maker grants the user the ability to create a variety of creatures from their imagination. As such, the more powerful the user's imagination, the more powerful the creature in their creation.


'' Well, that's it... ~ ''

''Since I came into this world, I haven't seen my new appearance yet, I only know that I have this long hair ~ ''

I reflected to myself, creating a small black snake with glowing red eyes, which I raised to the palm of my hand, turning into a mirror with silver edges.

-50 Mp


Looking at my appearance since coming into this world, I was impressed - Purple eyes with thin eyebrows and a flawless face, except for the fact that there were two red marks, one rising from my neck and the other on my forehead.

I was already aware that my spiky hair, long enough to reach my waist, was black with red tips.

- *So you like your new body?

''Yes. But... there's still one place I haven't checked yet.''

Looking both ways and making sure no one was there - I opened the drawstrings of my baggy trousers and looked at my little brother.

''*Sigh* He's still there.''

Letting out a sigh of relief, I tied the drawstring of my trousers as the little snake wrapped itself around my finger.

- *What's wrong with men and their dicks?

''Even if I told you you wouldn't understand.''

''Besides, you have a name... it's weird to call her you all the time and there's probably a hidden mission about it.''

- *No.

''You don't have a name? Or don't you have a hidden mission?''

''Okay... are you like male or female? ''

- *Female.

''I already know a perfect name for you.''

- *What?


- *Beatrice. Um... I like it - Call me Beatrice from now on.


[ - Hidden Mission Complete - ]


Reward: 1 lottery ticket.

[ - x1 lottery ticket added to stock - ]


"Well, now let's kill some animals ~ ''

- *Wait a minute... how do you know what's inside?

''Before that, can you get into some monster I do?''

- ''Yes, now answer me, how do you know that?

''I'm in a damn forest - Normally Monsters would be associated with the area.''

- ''I don't want to know how you came to that conclusion.

''Neither do I. - Before we enter the dungeon, can you enter a raven?''

- *Yes. I can but why?

''It's a headache to say everything mentally, I feel like a crazy person.''

- *Just this once.



Leaving the small snake on my wrist alone, a black mass formed in front of me before it began to spin rapidly, turning into a three-eyed black crow.

-50 Mp


Shivering for an instate the raven looked me in the eye before landing on my shoulder.

''Alright - Time to see what's inside.''

1213 Words.

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