
About Time

"What!" Lily froze at that, exclaiming as her face exuded a range of utmost surprise. "From where did you get such an idea?" she asked him.

"This," David said instantly and dipped his hand into his pants pocket, bringing out a folded sheet. He held the sheet out to her after unfolding it and she collected it reluctantly. Disbelief flooded her face as she read the content and she looked up at him thereafter.

"Where did you get this from?" her throat had almost gone dry from the effect of realizing she had been found out. She had to take care not to lose her bearing as she was sitting.

Seeing how distressed she was already, David let out a deep breath before replying, "I've been with you almost all my life, Lily. So you should know that I know you just like the back of my palm.