
Prologue (One Above All)

One Above All. An existence that literally above every being in the multiverse (Marvel). Being the top, One Above All felt bored. Having omniscient and omnipotent killed any interest in anything. But it all changed when One Above All discovers another multiverse existed other than the ones One Above All ruled. Ignited by the feeling "Curiosity" One Above All wanted to use omniscient but forced not to. As One Above All finally found something interesting, One Above All wanted to explore such multiverse but cannot do. As One Above All is connected to the multiverse, the very presence One Above All could possibly damage or even destroy the newly found multiverse. With having discover another multiverse, One Above All decided to send someone to explore the multiverse. Looking at the different universes, One Above All found the most suited for the job. A few seconds later, a flame like rob appeared.

Soul P.O.V.

I was staring at the same ceiling of the room of the hospital that I had stayed over my entire life. I who have a brain cancer since birth was a miracle that survived over the years. Doing nothing but stare at things in the room, I almost gave up on life but thanks to my loving parents that I somehow hold on.

Having nothing to do but stare, I was relieved from boredom thanks to make movies, series and Anime. It helped a lot as it was the only thing I could call pass time. As I was staring at the ceiling waiting for my nurse to administrate my meds, my eyes become blurry and heavy. Not fighting the sleepiness I closed my eyes.

As I opened them I saw something. It was hard to describe as it was very not human like. Why do I say so? Well have you seen a rainbow? What if I tell you that what I am seeing is a human rainbow. I mean literally, see not human like right. As I was contemplating the human rainbow spoke or rather it was speaking through my mind like telepathy.

"Welcome. You must be confused so let me tell you everything." (?)

'Yes I am very confused right now. Where am I? Who are you?' I thought.

"I am what you call GOD or should I say One Above All. As where you are, you are in my place where I watch every verse of the multiverse. I brought you here because I have a job for you." (OAA)

'Damn mind reading..... Wait....!!! One Above All isn't he/she the GOD of Marvel Universe or Multiverse. I am sorry for my rude remarks Sir God One Above All Sir. '

"..." (OAA)

'Shet!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I just cursed a GOD? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if he/she obliterate me. Wait.... Did he/she said he/she have a job for me? But more importantly, if I'm here that means..... '

"Yes you are dead. Your brain had reached it's limit on fighting your disease. Also you are a miracle. A heaven/fate defying existence. That's why a summoned your soul here." (OAA)

'So that was it. Well it's kinda obvious that I died but heaven/fate defying. That's a lot to take in..... Breath... Wait... I'm dead so why breath?!..... Calm down me... Fuuuuuuuu (Exhaling sound). Okay so Sir GOD One For All Sir. No I mean Sir God One Above All Sir what can I do for you? I know that you knew of my insignificant life Sir GOD One Above All.'

"Yes I knew everything about your life. I was amazed of your life defying heaven/fate itself. I'm also giving you a second chance to live differently as heaven/fate imposed such thing to you. As you know me having omniscient and omnipotent but it is only in the multiverse I ruled. I happened to discover another multiverse, I wanted to explore such unknown but as you know my powers are detrimental for exploring. My very presence can cause damage let alone my powers might destroy this multiverse. That is why I need you to explore it for me. Of course I wouldn't let you do the job for free. Since I'm asking you to do it for me, I would grant you a wish with all my power. " (OAA)

'What should I wish?'

Recalling everything I had watch from different Anime, Movies and Series. Weighing their pros and cold which took like forever. From system like Solo Leveling, The Gamer to Bloodlines like Saiyans, Uchiha, Tohno to power of concept like Domination, Infinity and others. As I thought so hard an idea came slapping in me.

'What if I asked the one thing that can make things reality like 7 dragon balls, Genie and the magic lamp or even.....'

"It seems that you have decided. I already knew about it but let me asked just for formalities. What is it that you want?" (OAA)

'I want the Infinity Gauntlet with the complete Infinity Stones. That purple potato didn't even used them in correct way to make himself more OP. Maybe because his so genius that he ignored what the OP stones can do. I mean he can just used the Soul Stone to remove all souls in his war against the Avenger plus united armies. Well who cares about him and his balance BS.'

(AN: This is just my idea of Soul Stone so please.... Calm yourselves. Any idea about other proper way of Infinity Stones are welcome.)

"Very well. Good luck. " (OAA)

Then One Above All shines so bright and my vision (if I have any) turned black.

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