
The Enigma of Eternal Wisdom and Temporal Dominion

In a universe where cosmic forces and temporal mastery collide, an ancient prophecy speaks in cryptic verse of a force unknown, a destiny untold. “When realms collide and souls traverse, In cycles of life, through realms diverse, A dragon's essence, a timeless grace, Shall awaken to a cosmic embrace. But as cosmic tides and aeons entwine, The hero must heed the cosmic sign, For at the edge where universes blend, A final stand against time’s grasp shall rend.” Only by unlocking the secrets of their cosmic destiny can they confront the enigma of time itself. *** Planet---Earth In a room there lay a young boy on bed open his eyes which were like pure silver after looking left and right he say only two words "f**k seriously"

_KaNETO · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter:-05 The Prophecy Again

As William embarked on his journey, he had marked his destination on the map, the area B-22 also known as Star forest he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation. While he was riding the train,the sun had already begun its descent, casting long shadows across the unfamiliar landscape, after the long way traveling through to the north side area he finally reached his destination. after passing through the security he finally arrived at the edge of the forest as he look that the scenery he realised . The Nova Continent was nothing like the Earth he remembered. There were Towering trees with luminescent leaves reached towards the skies, their branches intertwined like a natural cathedral. Strange, otherworldly creatures rustled in the dense foliage, emitting a chorus of alien sounds.

William's footsteps echoed through the forest as he navigated the unfamiliar terrain as he search for his final destination for hours.

Hours turned into day as William ventured further into the forest. Along the way, he encountered several travelers—some human, others bearing striking resemblances to the mythical beings of old. He approached a group of travelers resting beneath a colossal tree, hoping to gather some information.

"Excuse me," William began tentatively, "can you tell me more about your world? You see I'm a village boy and I have first time here, and I'm trying to understand about other races and how they feels their tradition."

The travelers regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and caution. looking at there faces of caution he said " it ok if you are not comfortable about answering it and sorry if I sounded rude to you earlier" Finally, one of them, an elderly woman with silvery hair with piercing ears and blue eyes, spoke up. "You're a long way from home, aren't you? Where we come from our home world was called Arvandil , that was a world where beings from various races lived together. It's was a place where destinies were being intertwined."

William nodded, absorbing the information. "I see. But why is it that people from different world come here after there world got destroyed?"

The elderly woman's eyes twinkled with sadness but she reply. "There are opportunities here, young one. This land is rich with the echoes of past heroes, and those who will possess the potential may be chosen to follow in their footsteps in this era."

"Echoes of past heroes?" William asked, intrigued.

"Yes," she continued. "This world has seen countless heroes rise and fall, leaving behind fragments of their power and legacy. Some come seeking strength, while others come to protect what they hold dear. And there are also some who come to wait for that the prophecy will come true here in this land"

"Prophecy what proph-" suddenly all the traveler vanished from there place. And he was left alone there.

From the conversation, William have learned more about the unique history of the Nova Continent. This land had a cyclical nature, with periods of relative peace followed by waves of turmoil and crisis. Heroes, those chosen by the echoes of the past, played a crucial role in shaping the world's fate. and more importantly "what the f**k is this all about prophecy"


At some distance from William

The group of travellers appear out of nowhere

One of them asked "your Highness is it wise to tell a boy from human kind about all this" the old looked at him and replied.

"Elarion you know that boy is someone who will be surrounded by people who will become the most shining stars even the past glory will be small in front of them"

"Your Highness do you mean that those four heroes"

"yes and he will become the reason for their greatness either from his sacrifice or something that only time will tell us"

William continued his journey through the dense forest, his steps calculated were calculated to avoid any trouble along the way. He was still searching for a cave that bore the unmistakable resemblance to the maw of an ancient beast. As he ventured deeper into the woods, he couldn't help but reflect on the world he had entered.

This planet, TerraNova, it's a convergence of races from countless worlds. Elves, dwarves, beastkin—they all came here after their own planets were ravaged by the Myrimidons. Each race brought with them their unique characteristics, like the elves' affinity for magic or the dwarves' craftsmanship. It's like a fantasy world come to life.

The vibrant landscape was not the only thing that stood out; it was also the presence of four powerful families that held dominion over the four cardinal directions of the continent.

The Verdant Thorn Clan nestled in the lush, forested northern region, the Verdant Thorn Clan was known for their close connection with nature. They possessed the ability to commune with the ancient spirits of the woods, granting them unparalleled control over flora and fauna. They were often the first line of defense against threats emerging from the untamed wilderness.

The Quartz family nestled In the east, the Quartz family ruled over a crystalline landscape. Their territory was characterized by towering crystalline formations, which held immense magical energy. Members of the Quartz family could harness the power of these crystals to create impenetrable barriers and devastating arcane weaponry, making them the ultimate guardians of their border.

The Flareheart Clan:

In the fiery southern reaches of the Nova Continent, the Flareheart Clan reigned supreme. They were fire manipulators, able to summon and control flames with precision. The searing heat of their domain deterred intruders, but it was the Flareheart warriors' mastery over fire that truly protected their borders.

The Tempest Clan:

To the west, the Tempest Clan commanded the tempestuous skies and the raging seas. Their territory was a tumultuous blend of towering storms and endless oceans. Members of this family were air and water manipulators, capable of summoning storms and controlling the currents. They maintained vigilant watch over their borders and were instrumental in keeping hostile forces at bay.

Each of these four families was not only the ruler of their respective region but also the protector of their borders. They wielded unique abilities, passed down through generations, that allowed them to safeguard the Nova Continent from external threats. The delicate balance of power among these families was a testament to the continent's complex history and the pivotal role they played in its defence.

But the continent's central region was unlike any other, for it was not only ruled by the top 1 hero but also home to a family of unique significance—the Sullivans.

The Sullivans were an enigmatic family, shrouded in mystery and power. Rumors were that the head of the Sullivan family possessed abilities equal to those of the No. 1 hero and he had tried a match with him when they fought last time . However, unlike the formal rankings and rigorous tests that determined the standing of other heroes, the Sullivans had never subjected themselves to such evaluations.

When there was questioned about this apparent oversight, the head of the Sullivan family had merely chuckle and offer cryptic words, "They are all just playing children's games with their rankings system."

Such a response only deepened the intrigue surrounding the family, leaving the others to wonder what hidden strength lay within the Sullivan bloodline that they have this much confidence in them. After that,

The relationship between the Sullivans and the top 5 ranking families had been a delicate one. While the ranking families held immense power, the Sullivans' aloofness and refusal to participate in the ranking tests created an air of more tension between them. But there was no one who could mess with them. Were respected for their strength but also viewed with a certain wariness. Their presence in the central region was a testament to the complex political landscape of the Nova Continent.

And out of all this politics were the and living there life:-

The dwarf and and elves live on the small island near the Nova continent and the beastkin half of them lived with in the elves island and the half of them in the dwarfs Island.


As he wandered, time seemed to stretch. Hours turned into another day, it had been two days since he come to his forest and there was still no luck. The forest was vast, and William's determination drove him forward. Finally, after an arduous search, he stood before the very cave entrance he had hoped to find.

"It looks exactly as the author described it in the novel," he remarked with a sense of accomplishment.

The cave's mouth bore the likeness of an ancient beast, its stone jaws opened wide to welcome or intimidate any who dared enter. With a deep breath, he stepped inside, his heart filled with a sense of anticipation.

Within the cave, the atmosphere shifted dramatically. It was as if he had stepped into another realm. Overhead, the cave's ceiling sparkled with luminescent plants that resembled stars in a night sky. The ground below him was a clear, shallow pool of water that reflected this celestial scene, creating the illusion that he was walking through the cosmos itself.

In the midst of this ethereal beauty, he discovered a unique plant, unlike anything he had seen before. It bore only two fruits. William puzzled over this, recalling that the novel had described only one fruit at this location.

"Didn't the author mention only one fruit in the novel? Or was there originally two, but one was taken by someone before the main character arrived on the class expedition?" he pondered.

Approaching the plant, he decided, "Well, regardless of the author's intentions, I can't leave this here. I don't know who took one fruit last time, but I don't want to empower a potential villain. Besides, this fruit might be of help in the future sometime when I lost a lot of blood." With a determined spirit, he plucked one fruit and placed it into his system storage. And after that he plucked the second one for eating himself right now

After giving a taught, he took a bite and swallowed it whole. At first, he felt no different, but then a sudden dizziness overcame him, and he collapsed.


Meanwhile, at the edge of the forest (B-22)

A group of eight to ten men dressed in black outfits sprinted through the forest with urgency.

Their leader, a man with an air of authority, was talking through the system.

"yes boss we are close to him we are just going to go in the middle of the forest."

"James, make sure you eliminate that bastard, and leave no trace behind. You know what I mean," a boy looked to be 16 year old instructed with an eerie smile. Seeing this James started to worries.

A sinister giggle echoed from the device on the other end of the line. "Oh, don't worry. Just like those who got too close to her before, there no need to left a single piece of his flesh , so after this that everyone know that. She's mine, and mine alone."

With that chilling assurance, the call ended.


Back at the Cave

William slowly regained consciousness. As his  vision got cleared,  he found himself lying on the cavern floor, the ethereal environment still surrounding him. After waking He felt like something different in his body, he called out to system "system open the status menu for me" after the ding sound the menu was open.

  "What the f**k…"