
The Enemy of Heroes - Deku (Revised and Continued)

What will happen if the faithful meeting of the young man, Midoriya Izuku, and All Might went the opposite way...? Will things also go in the opposite direction as well? *** This is the story of how the new villain with the name "Deku" will destroy all heroes with both his brain and extreme talent... And also with the gift that the villain "All for one" gave to him. "The name Deku... Will be feared..." - All For One ________________________ Though I know this concept has already been covered by many authors, I hope you can still try mine.

Kiikuro_Shichigo · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Behind The Dark Shadows

In a wide alley, hidden from the light of the city, a certain group gathers. There in the dark, Deku could barely recognize them as all he sees are the shadows of their silhouettes. Though that may be the case, he already has an idea who they were. Walking towards the group, straying away from the light, he made contact. [ I'm sorry if I'm a few seconds late... I was just... Rudely interrupted by someone. ] He said as he gets close, enough for him to clearly see the group's faces - which is clearly he was the leader of. There, familiar faces and names showed themselves:

Tomura Shigaraki - Quirk: Explosion(Borrowed)... Wearing a hooded jacket, he remains quiet but focused. He was the former leader of the team, so he knows how to act properly; he just needs to act like what he would want a former member of his team would be.

Kurogiri - Quirk: Warp Gate... With his foggy body covered with a piece of vested waiter's uniform, it looked as if he was the closes ally to Deku. That is not really the case, but he was the most useful. He is the errand-boy of the team, and he will always be. His calm and obedient personality also fits perfectly for his job, which makes him a very good and important member.

Dabi - Quirk: Pyrokinetic/Fire manipulation... He is the most independent person in the team. His attendance might not be perfect, but his consistency in fighting and service is. Sometimes, he acts as a Villain of his own, but he is loyal to Deku. Back when Shigaraki was still the leader of the group, his only reason for being a Villain was because he was inspired by Hero Killer. But that isn't the case now, because as it turns out, he has more than one reason to be Villain... Still, that is a secret to everyone else... For now.

Spinner - Quirk: Super Human Reptilian Strength... Like Dabi, Spinner is one of the three members who joined just after Hero Killer's rampage four years ago... He personally idolizes Hero Killer more than anyone else, so much so, he even copied his appearance, combat strategies, and his beliefs. He is not really a necessary evil... For one, he never kills anyone who's innocent... And he will only follow a command if it alines with his beliefs and opinion.

Muscular - Quirk: Muscle Manipulation... The most dangerous. A hardened criminal and a veteran killer. Boasting the strongest physical strength, he is the best fighter the group has. However, he is the hardest to control... Once in combat, he almost doesn't listen to anyone anymore. His thirst for blood is high and no one can stop him from killing anyone he wants to. Standing tall and wide, he can overpower anyone... One could only guess what he would look like under the mask and the overcrowded cover he was wearing.

Mister Compress - Quirk: Compress... He calls himself a gentleman both inside and outside his persona as a Villain. Always acting composed and confident, he always gives peace of mind to the team. His role mostly consists of capturing their enemies, preventing strong ones into fighting back, or overall act as a support and back-up when the situation shifts not on their favor. He is a genius, only second to Deku; with his Quirk and his skills, he is master of escape and illusion. He may not be as important as Kurogiro, but he is more essential than him when it comes to team combat and support.

Hitoshi Shinso - Quirk: Brainwash... The newest member of the team... He joined not too long ago, just after Deku became the proper leader of the group. He recognizes Deku as his leader, as his boss, so his loyalty to him is almost unwavering. Because of his Quirk, he had a very cruel past. Wanting to become a hero; faith didn't let him. Like Deku, he now believes that his destiny is to become a Villain... He didn't want to give himself a proper Villain name as he wants the people who did not treat him right before know that he had become what they want him to be. He wants them to know the monster they had created out of him... For now, the only person who he listens to is Deku, the person who said his Quirk was worth something... The person who first appreciate his existence... Other than him, he won't listen...

[ It seems like everyone is already here. ] Said Deku as he finishes eyeing all of the members that are gathered. Of course, it didn't take long before someone among them replies unnecessary, namely - Spinner. [ Of course, Boss! We wouldn't want to be late in this special mission! But don't worry, since you're the boss, we wouldn't mind! ] Not meaning any harm, he said so. Understanding that he was just being his usual self, Deku simply made a small nod. [ Then, since all of you are already here... I'll assume you are all prepared... After all, the enemies this time wouldn't be that easy. ] He warns after.

[ Hmph! As if they will be able to defeat me! I'll massacre them all before they could even retaliate. ] So obvious, the deep loud voice came from none other than Muscular. Showing his intention of carnage and murder. [ I'm sorry Deku-sama. ] Mr.Compress apologizes for his attitude. [ To prevent him from going crazy, how about I accompany him? Since I will just act as a back-up, I have my hands empty. ] He suggested. To his luck, Deku was also considering the same thing, so he was immediately granted permission.

[ Before we start... Do you all have any other concerns...? ] For one last time, Deku asks. He was expecting that there would be more. However... [ Boss... I don't think there will be more... I don't want to say this, but your plan is just so perfect that we can't find holes in it... We can't complain to anything about it. ] Suddenly, Dabi explains, sitting in the corner as he does. [ I think we're all good to go. ] He finishes. [ Fufufu... Is that so? Well, details need to be explained... I needed to make sure our plan would go perfectly. But still, surprises from the enemies might still happen, so just remember to keep your guard up. ] He said as he laughs at the compliment he received.

[ Well then... Kurogiri. ] His name being called, Kurogiri immediately made an invisible nod and went in the front of the group. This is his cue to use his powers... Which he does so... His body shifting into places, like flames dancing in the strong wind, he uses his Quirk. Soon as his eyes glow yellow, a total of five black portals appeared in the alley. The space between the walls of the alley is enough to accommodate the said portals, so no problem has occurred making them. So, with the portals created, each member and a numbered pairs went to their respective positions.

[ You guys will take care of the minions, I'll get Overhaul myself. ]

[ [ Hai!!! ] ] To his words, everyone nodded. Then, it was finally time...

[ Time to kill people. I've been waiting for this...! ]

[ Nyahaha! We'll show them who's the real deal! ]

[ I'll make sure to have fun toying with them... ]

As they went inside their own portals, they leave their confident words behind. Soon, it was only Deku who was left behind... With a smile on his face, the kind he never does when he was together with somebody other than himself, he steps a foot towards his respective portal. [ Perhaps I should take this one on seriously... ] he said as he went inside the portal - Just then, the view in front of him changed.

Shinso was the guy Deku fought in the series... The brainwash guy.

Kiikuro_Shichigocreators' thoughts