
Chapter one

Sometimes I like to hide too. Hide from all the screams and cries. I do cry too, silently and helplessly.

These screams are live in my head from time to time. I shake at every little noise. And I glare at impulsive children that won't stop chattering or battering.

People think I'm strange, just because I hide in the shadows, seeking for solace and peace that I never did find as a child. I wear black to avoid attention. But I think it does the opposite. I hate colours. I can't stand them their fake brightness that noone can actually grasp and feel.

So I love quiet and I hate colours. What more do you want to know?


The sun set on the pretty flowers once more. It rose high in the sky, glowing radiantly as it should in countries in Africa. But it was always like this in my country, Nigeria,

sunny and hot. I was sure my skin reacted to the bright rays of the sun, it looked like caramel, brown, beautiful and radiant. My white dress looked flawless and pure. I could barely see my silver stiletto heels as the dress was long and overflowing, with silver stones on the edges. I didn't need to look in the mirror again, I knew how I looked. Beautiful, innocent and yet fearless.

And fearlessly did I walk to the aisle, effortlessly, my heels barely making the usual "kom kom" sound. I wore a sweet and genuine smile that I could almost taste it. I could feel the overwhelming joy even on my fingertips, like I could almost hold it.

The congregation, which consisted of friends , family and well-wishers stared at me in awe and they probably shared in my joy too because they were all smiling too. I could see the Priest waiting, also with a fatherly smile on his face.

I almost missed my steps as I cat walked swaying my hips, I looked at him. He looked gentle and so inviting in his black tuxedo. As I got closer to the altar, i noticed his eyes. Something was defintely different about them. His brown eyes were lighter in shade and I noticed the warm glow in them as they rested on me. Then he smiled .

The Priest read the vows and I happily said yes I do to all of them. Christopher didn't hesistate in lifting the white veil that covered my face, as he kissed me gently but it was more of a smooch.


Starts from the crisis unfolding in the story. The characters are introduced, each with their own dark thoughts and inner mind battles.

We can say that the lead character is the family. As the story centers around them, their lifestyle, their struggles and even their happiness.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.I tagged this book, come and support me with a thumbs up!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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