
The End and the Beginning of Infinity

Gojo Satoru was a man who had seen many things in his life. He was the strongest sorcerer, the owner of The Six Eyes, the Limitless, and The Infinite, a being with the power of absolute. A being that could bend time and space, that could kill gods? He was a being with no equal, yet despite all his strength, he faced the greatest challenge of his life. What? Do you ask? A New World!

TeStoryHungryDemon · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Following the battle's conclusion, which had been a great concern for the residents of Metropolis, Gojo was asked to follow the military and was escorted away for further questioning. Snapper Carr displayed a remarkable aptitude for journalism at the scene of the conflict, providing a detailed and comprehensive report of the events that had transpired.

He deftly captured the mood of the city, painting a vivid picture of the chaos and devastation wrought by the battle while also offering insight into the motivations of those involved. His reporting was invaluable in helping the public understand the situation and its ramifications, and we commend him for his outstanding work.

While reporting the recent battle in Metropolis, Snapper provided a detailed account of how an unnamed hero, Gojo, saved the city from certain destruction. Interestingly, it was revealed that both Superman and Batman had left the fight scene, causing some public controversy.

The news of this heroic intervention quickly spread across the globe, drawing attention to the severity of the battle and its potential consequences. While many expressed their gratitude towards the mysterious savior, some raised questions about the whereabouts of Superman during the crisis.

The incident has sparked a debate among the public about the role of superheroes in protecting humanity and the sacrifices they may need to make to ensure our safety.

In the aftermath of the catastrophic events in Metropolis, reports began pouring in from various parts of the world about similar occurrences. People were reporting sightings of peculiar black meteors breaking apart, followed by the emergence of extraterrestrial beings from within their rocky shells.

The destruction caused by these otherworldly beings was nothing short of catastrophic, and reports of the mayhem they created were flooding the internet, television, and radio stations all over the globe. The world was in chaos as people struggled to make sense of what was happening and how to protect themselves from this unprecedented threat.


Hours Later...

The scene was set in a restricted military base that was heavily guarded. Batman was seen flying with his cape billowing behind him, heading towards the direction where Superman had flown. The atmosphere was tense as soon as he landed; he could hear a deafening explosion that came from the base.

The sound was so loud that it echoed throughout the entire base. Around him, he saw the debris of the broken wall and smoke rising from the impact. Batman was confused and worried about what could have happened.

As Batman made his way through the military building, he found himself in a long hallway. The hallway was dimly lit, and the walls were made of concrete, making it feel colder than the outside air. As he walked down the hallway, he could hear the echoing sound of his footsteps.

Suddenly, he found a room that was filled with the same red egg-like cocoons that he had seen before at the old Star Labs building. There were hundreds of them, and it seemed that they were all filled with military personnel. Some of the cocoons had cracks on them, revealing the faces of the people inside. Batman's heart sank as he realized that they were all unconscious.

Batman made his way further into the facility, and he could hear the sound of Superman's punches echoing through the halls. He followed the sound until he finally found Superman, who was punching a big metal doorway.

The imposing door towered over Batman, its height twice that of a man. The reinforced steel construction was evident from its appearance, and it bore deep dents from the punches of Superman. Batman could see that the Man of Steel was making progress, albeit with a hint of frustration. The Dark Knight noticed Superman's eagerness to get through the door as quickly as possible.

Suddenly, a metallic projectile landed near Superman, and Batman's voice filled the air. "Hold it, Superman. Destroying Government property isn't your style. What's going on?" Pausing his attack on the door, Superman turned to face Batman. "See for yourself," he said as he effortlessly tore the massive metal door from its hinges and threw it aside.

Batman was stunned by the sheer force and strength behind Superman's throw, but he quickly regained his composure and followed the Man of Steel. They encountered another normal-sized door blocking their way as they entered a small room lined with monitors on the walls. Superman didn't hesitate for a moment and tore through it with ease, leading them to a large, oval-shaped room that housed what Superman had come for.

As they entered the room, their eyes were immediately drawn to the center, where a colossal humanoid alien stood, towering over even Superman. Its body was a deep, vibrant green, and its skin appeared to be made of some dense, fibrous material. Its eyes were a glowing yellow, and its bald head was smooth and featureless.

A mechanical harness, with a multitude of wires and tubes, restrained the giant, connecting it to the back of the room. Batman approached the creature, examining it with great curiosity and caution. "What is it?" he questioned. Superman, who was already at the control panel to release the alien, replied with a sense of urgency, "Mankind's only hope."

The extraterrestrial plummeted down to the ground, its shackles giving way, but just in time, Superman swooped in and caught the alien before it could crash to the ground. Batman, being the master detective he was, began meticulously examining the extraterrestrial's physique for any clues.

Superman then spoke up, "He's been attempting to reach out to me telepathically, but that stasis field interfered, and his message finally broke through, which is why I came here to rescue him."

Batman's brow furrowed in suspicion, and he asked, "What's he doing here?"

Superman then replied, "He says he's here to help us."

Batman's eyes narrowed even more as he asked, "Help us? With what?"

This time it was the alien that spoke up, though through their minds. "The invasion," the alien replied, leaving both Superman and Batman with more questions than answers. The situation was becoming more complex by the minute, and they had to act fast to figure out what the alien meant by "the invasion" and whether or not they could trust the extraterrestrial's intentions.

As if sensing their skepticism, the alien then said, "I sense that you do not trust me. Perhaps this will help." Its body slowly began to morph, changing shape and size. Superman and Batman watched in amazement as the alien took on a more human form. It still had green skin, but it now sported a black/dark blue protective suit with a red X-type design on the chest.

The suit had gold plates on the belt, shoulder pads, pants, and boots, all of the same color as the top half. The level of detail on the suit was impressive, with intricate designs and patterns that seemed to glow in the dimly lit room.

As the final piece of the suit clicked into place, the transformation was complete. The once extraterrestrial being now stood before us, resembling a muscular, well-proportioned man standing tall at six feet. He had a distinctly human-like face, with smooth features and no trace of hair. However, his eyes were the most striking aspect of his appearance, glowing a bright yellow color that seemed to pulsate with an intense energy.

As the alien approached, Batman was on high alert. The extraterrestrial being then stepped forward, extending his arm forward to shake the Bats hand, and spoke with a deep monotone voice, "I am J'onn J'onzz." He chose to speak out loud this time rather than using his telepathic abilities.



That's it for episode 1 of the Justice League Animated series now. I did not use the full episode because it's too much, so I just used bits here and there; now, I leave a choice to you all: leave Number 1 if I should only type out the full content Of the episodes, OR do all of already know what happens in the episodes and ill just put in bits and pieces of it and get to talking about Gojo? If so, Leave a NUMBER 2.


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