
The Enchanteds. I'm the protector of the underworld!! Eternity♪┌|∵|┘♪

In the small village of Oregon, lived a young girl named Lily. With emerald-green eyes and black hair that cascaded down her shoulders, she possessed an ethereal beauty that captivated those around her. But there was something more to Lily than met the eye - a hidden power coursing through her veins that she was yet to discover. One fateful day, as Lily ventured into the forest, she stumbled upon a glimmering amulet half-buried in the moss-covered ground. The amulet, adorned with intricate symbols and glowing with a faint azure light, seemed to call out to her, as if it held a secret waiting to be unravelled. Curiosity overpowering caution, Lily reached out to touch the amulet. In that moment, a surge of energy coursed through her, causing her surroundings to blur and fade away. When her vision cleared, she found herself standing in a magical realm she could scarcely believe, the jean and black shirt she was putting on had turned into a thin green gown of unknown material. Before her lay a breathtaking landscape, with vibrant flowers in hues she had never seen before and trees that swayed with an enchanting melody. The air crackled with a palpable energy, and a sense of wonder filled Lily's heart. She had unwittingly stepped into another world, where everything could be possible. _Save him!_ _Listen to her!_ _Don't do this._ _Save him and 100 years will be deducted from your lifespan!_ It's a non demanding system, the system only gives quest for her to accomplish and in the world he transmigrated to, systems are known as enchanted. I promise you guys a nice read.

Okoski · Terror
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6 Chs

Map class

_I hope this class will turn out good for me._

After the portion class was another class which I think Lily won't appreciate, the students gathered in the grand hall for their next class - map class. It was a crucial session, designed to ensure that each student claimed their territories to protect within the enchanted realm, before going deep into their different trainings.

To be an Enchanted isn't an easy task, every one who is summoned have a reason to be here.

As Lily entered the spacious room, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness.

_I hope I will get the capital of Neverland or Neverland itself, at least it will be easier for me to make money, I will introduce a hero tax or something_

This class held great significance for an Enchanted like her, as it would determine her place of protection and her responsibilities within the magical realm.

The walls of the classroom were adorned with large, intricately detailed maps of the enchanted lands. Each map depicted different regions, from dense forests to winding rivers, towns and majestic mountains. A shimmering chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow upon the room. The air crackled with anticipation.

The students took their seats around the circular table, their gazes fixed on the magnificent map placed at its center. Professor Phina stood at the head of the table, her eyes sparkling with wisdom and knowledge. She cleared her throat, capturing everyone's attention.

"Welcome, class, to map class," Professor Phina began, her voice melodic yet commanding. "Today, we dive into the heart of your duties as Enchanteds - claiming and protecting your territories within the mystical realm. You all have been called here for a reason, some are here to help the already existing Enchanteds and others conquer new lands, all you have to do is repeat what you see on the map."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the room. Lily's heart thumped wildly as she waited to discover where her place of protection would be. She had always felt a deep connection to money, particularly the capital. Perhaps she would be granted a territory filled with gold and tall buildings.

Professor Phina beckoned Lily forward, recognizing her eagerness and also because she had the credit of a student who was summoned late unlike the others.

_From this day! I will be called hero, majestic, almighty, just like Lord Iwatani in rising of the shield hero, I will be a merchant hero, and once I will have enough of money, I'll go back to my world._

If the fairy godmother was here, Lily would've been in great trouble, cause that's not the ideal thinking of a hero.

As Lily took hesitant steps towards the map, she felt a mix of anticipation and trepidation. She couldn't help but notice the amulet around her neck, pulsating with a faint glow.

Laying her hands on the table, Lily glanced at her reflection in the ancient silver mirror embedded within its surface. The anticipation in the room reached its peak as everyone waited for something extraordinary to happen.

Lily closed her eyes and took a deep breath, summoning her inner magic or confidence some can say.

"Enchanted, di immortaliase."

With a whispered incantation which was written on the map, she gently pressed her amulet onto the enchanted map.

But as the amulet made contact with the map's surface, absolutely nothing happened. No ripples, no flashes of light, nothing at all.

The room fell into a stunned silence. Lily's heart sank, and her mind filled with confusion. What could possibly be wrong? She had always felt a special connection to the enchanted world, she thought she would even get the Enchanted forest she appeared in, but no.

Why wasn't she finding her rightful territory?

Meanwhile, whispers and concerned glances spread among the students. They had never heard of such an abnormality before.

_I hope my life is not turning shonen, there is no way, anger, sometimes anger is the key._

Lily thought about her hardship in the human world, in a fury, she pressed her Amulet to the map and repeated the incantation, but absolutely nothing happened!

Professor Phina, wearing a concerned expression, stepped forward to investigate. She examined the amulet closely, her eyes narrowing in concentration.

"Lily," Professor Phina addressed with utmost seriousness, "there must be a deeper reason behind this anomaly. Fear not, for we shall uncover it."

She nodded. Perhaps there was more to her journey as an Enchanted than she had previously realized.

For the rest of the class, Lily watched intently as her fellow students claimed their territories on the map. Some pointed to regions of mountains, cities, others chose secret river valleys, and a few even selected vast expanses of open skies.

Finn her friend was given the enchanted Forest.

The descriptions flowed through the room, rich and vivid. Students shared tales of the unique enchantments and magical creatures that resided within their territories. Their words painted a vibrant tapestry of the enchanted realms, leaving Lily yearning to find her rightful place.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was the end of class. Professor Phina addressed Lily once more, her voice filled with determination. "Lily, we will discuss of your case during the next staff meeting, as for now continue with your studies."

As the students dispersed, Lily's mind buzzed with anticipation. The mystery surrounding her amulet and lack of a designated territory intrigued her. She knew she had a unique path to unravel, one that would lead her to her purpose as an Enchanted.

"Lily." Someone called out, diverging her from her thoughts.

It was her hero Finn.

"You really frightened me this morning, what was going on?" he queried.

Lily was in no mood to talk about her dream, it was just a dream after all.

Finn noticed the look on her face and didn't want to disturb her more or add to her pain.

"Seems like you are not very talkative, let's do something, I discovered that we all are from different years, Merlin my friend is from 300BC, Aurora is from 1883, and I'm from year 2000, which year are you from?"

The cute boy asked.

"Year 2000, I'm from year 2023. If you are from the 2000s, meaning you know about animes, TV existed by then right?"

The little girl completely forgot about the failure of the day.

"Of course I watch animes. But this world is not modern enough, they don't know about electricity yet. Next time I won't wander around and pick up strange things on my bath."

Her day suddenly became more animated.

To be continued.....