
The Empress of the National Film is Sweet as Honey

Young Master Ye, what happened that year was an accident! I didn't want to do that! " "So, you don't want to be responsible for this?" The handsome, quiet, elegant and magnificent man narrowed his eyes dangerously. There were two small rolls next to him. One on the left and one on the right. They both looked at her anxiously ... During her coming-of-age ceremony, her older sister scum set her up and she ended up giving birth to two dead babies from an unknown father. Four years later, she came back to take revenge! And humble idiots who tried to oppress her, were destroyed one by one and those who did not believe her received a slap in the face. Those who owed it, don't even think about running away! There is no place where you will be safe from me! A sweet and gentle girl has turned into a beautiful demon, it is the monsters in the villains' nightmares. For she has become the greatest and most powerful of them all. Unbeknownst to her, she became the notorious phantom doctor, the God of Painters who was revered by tens of thousands, and even became the Empress of the world-famous film. Once careless, she was caught by Ye Lixiao, the relentless and cold-blooded patriarch of the Ye Family that everyone feared. Everyone also said that Ye Lixiao was a person with a clean heart, did not have much desire and did not like to approach the opposite sex. Xing Luo: F ***! If she knew who it was that simply spread this kind of deceitful propaganda, she would definitely kill that bastard! She just didn't know that the rumor was true, who she mused was Ye Lixiao, as he turned on the murderous way of winning a wife.

shai_oliveira · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 7 – Educated Scum of Society

Xing Luo passed through the crowd and reached the audition site.

Yao Junzhen was sitting under a giant parasol.

Yao Junzhen was one of the leading figures in the entertainment industry. Each and every one of his works was bound to create a tide that would set off a craze across the internet.

The most precious of all was Yao Junzhen's moral standing.

He was a person who never pulled off the unspoken rules on artists under him. For him, the most important thing was strength. Therefore, even a newcomer also would have the chance to shine under him.

Under the parasol, besides Yao Junzhen, there was also a young man.

For him to be sitting beside Yao Junzhen, it clearly signified the importance of his position. It could even be said that he was capable of influencing Yao Junzhen's decision.

That man was emitting a frivolous and arrogant aura. He had a handsome face with a cultured and refined look, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. At first glance, he looked like one of the elite with none of his hair out of place. A true gentleman.

But on second look, he looked more like an educated scum of society.

[TN: 斯文败类 – Educated Scum of Society – To refer to people who looked educated, refined or cultured but actually were just scum of society.]

This person gave Xing Luo a dangerous feeling. It would not be wrong for her to evade this person.

Xing Luo did not give the man another look and her gaze fell on Yao Junzhen who was sitting beside him.

However, that man's gaze was roaming around Xing Luo's body. It was not known what the man was thinking...

Yao Junzhen raised his head and looked at Xing Luo, "Young man, which role are you auditioning for?"

Xing Luo's appearance was too outstanding. Yao Junzhen also wanted to keep her, as long as she had the ability to carry the role that fit her.

"Director Yao, I come to audition for the role of Lu Yao."

Lu Yao was the name of the second female lead.

Lu Yao was an uneducated gangster who only knew how to fight all day long.

When Yao Junzhen heard this, he didn't react for a short while, "You wanted to audition for the role of Lu Yao? However, I did not plan to let a man play her role."

Although Xing Luo's gender was hard to determine from her appearance, her body did not have an iota of femininity. Therefore, Yao Junzhen did not have any doubts on Xing Luo's gender and only thought she was a real man.

The corner of Xing Luo's mouth curved up and replied in her original voice, "Director Yao, I never said that I am a man."

"You...you are a woman?!" Yao Junzhen was stunned and he had an incredible look, "This…..How is this possible?"

All the other candidates also had the same reactions!

This "man" with a heaven-defying look was actually a woman? How could they digest this?

The only person who was calm and collected was the man with the gold-rimmed glasses who sat beside Yao Junzhen.

All along, his gaze had locked on Xing Luo's body. As if he had already seen through her since the beginning.

When she was questioned, Xing Luo directly took off her wig. The three thousand fine black hair fell like satin, hanging behind her head. Xing Luo smiled like a flower and bringing with it its own luminous effect, "Director Yao, my male appearance, is it enough to pass?"

The eyes of the man beside Yao Junzhen flicked a strong stunning colour.

Yao Junzhen was even more dumbfounded.

"Passed! Passed! Definitely passed!" That woman had only cross-dressed as a man but she was so handsome that she could have stolen all the maiden's hearts in a heartbeat. Not only this, she had obviously just changed into long hair but in that split second, Yao Junzhen thought that he was finally looking at a fairy.

With her stunning looks, heaven would not tolerate him if he didn't let her pass.

Xing Luo's appearance and acting skill were flawless in every respect. From the beginning, Yao Junzhen was simply not able to see through her disguise as a man. With just this one point, her acting skill had already obtained his recognition.

So far, Yao Junzhen was extremely satisfied with Xing Luo.

The only problem was, he did not know how was Xing Luo's physical capabilities was…..

Looking at this scene, Yan Yiren, who was standing not far away was stupefied.

Xing Luo…..that was Xing Luo?!

Why did Xing Luo appear over here?

Startled, Yan Yiren gritted her teeth. She had always been jealous of Xing Luo's beautiful look.

A few years back, Xing Luo was still a person who had an inferiority complex, lacking in temperament and very inconspicuous.

However, the current Xing Luo was shining very brightly…