
The Emporer Duke’s obsession

Do you believe in the tangled web of fate and destiny? Athena Rosa, the 13th princess of Searella Kingdom finds herself trapped in a twisted web of love, betrayal, and reincarnation. Just when she thought she had escaped her past life, the life where discovers that she was killed and betrayed by the people she loved, fate shows her otherwise Although it is all tragedy, she crosses paths with Deimos, the emperor who not only needs her blood to survive but is also someone she has loved in not one but two of her past lives and this time he wants her no matter the price Will she be able to fully trust him, will he betray her like the others and most importantly does he remember her or is he like the rest? Btw cover is not mine at all so I do not take credit My only hope is that this Novel does not change you as it changed it’s writer

Aella_Quinn · História
Classificações insuficientes
105 Chs


"What do you mean by you'll accept her?" Deimos asked, shocked, had his wife suddenly lost her mind?

"As I said, I will welcome the princess as the birth giver" Athena said and smiled at Charlotte

"That is a good choice, Empress, Charlotte I hope you do follow what the Empress says to you" Vessel Marcus said with a smile

"Yes, you and I will be best of sisters," Charlotte said as she smiled, guess what they had told her about the princess was a lie

"Yes we will, but there are a few requests I have" Athena said looking at Marcus

"Go ahead your Highness" he said still smiling, she had already agreed so she couldn't take it back which meant the was nothing she could do that was worse

"I want someone to cut the princess's arms, cut her hair, plug out her eyes and cut her ears," Athena said seriously and the look everyone had on their face was truly shocking, it was a sight to remember for Athena

"What do you mean Empress?" Charlotte asked already scared

"You're meant to be only a womb, I don't like any other woman looking at my husband and the thoughts of you scratching his back in the moment does some unpleasant things to me and you don't need to listen to him call out my name as he sleeps with you, that would break you into tiny little pieces and trust me I wouldn't be happy seeing you like that, the only thing that can bring me happiness right now is if you left my residence, but if you wish to stay then it's your choice, but Princess, I am the Emporer's mate and the Dragons' mates are always more ruthless than the dragons, you do not want to see to what extent I will go to destroy those who touch what belongs to me" Athena said looking into Charlotte's eyes and the poor girl was shivering in fear already

"Empress! What type of behaviour is this!" Marcus yelled at her

"You really piss me off, vessel Marcus, if you ever yell at me again. I will kill you" Athena told him and smiled at Charlotte who stood up from her chair quickly

"It was nice meeting you all, Sir Marcus I think that I am no longer needed here and with that, she quickly left the room while Marcus followed her calling out her name

"You vessels truly are stupid and you Deimos come with me," Athena said and stood up then started walking while Deimos followed her with his heart beating way too fast for his liking

"What was that?" Athena asked him when they got into their bedroom and closed the door

"I promise I was not doing anything with the princess" Deimos said to her honestly

"No, it's about your reaction, did you seriously think I would allow you to marry someone else?" Athena asked him with her arms folded

"I was just too nervous to think, I had your beautiful body on mine," Deimos said and put his arm on her waist

"That is a beautiful dress, how about I take it off for you" Deimos suggested as he started kissing her neck. Athena could never stay angry at him

Hey Aelits

How are you, I’m sad and angry

But here is the chapter

Good night

xoxo Aella_Quinn

Aella_Quinncreators' thoughts