
The Emporer Duke’s obsession

Do you believe in the tangled web of fate and destiny? Athena Rosa, the 13th princess of Searella Kingdom finds herself trapped in a twisted web of love, betrayal, and reincarnation. Just when she thought she had escaped her past life, the life where discovers that she was killed and betrayed by the people she loved, fate shows her otherwise Although it is all tragedy, she crosses paths with Deimos, the emperor who not only needs her blood to survive but is also someone she has loved in not one but two of her past lives and this time he wants her no matter the price Will she be able to fully trust him, will he betray her like the others and most importantly does he remember her or is he like the rest? Btw cover is not mine at all so I do not take credit My only hope is that this Novel does not change you as it changed it’s writer

Aella_Quinn · História
Classificações insuficientes
105 Chs

What happened

We can't be friends

But I'd like to just pretend

You cling to your papers and pens

Wait until you like me again

Wait for your love

Love, I'll wait for your love

Me and my truth, we sit in silence

Baby girl, it's just me and you

'Cause I don't wanna argue, but I don't wanna bite

My tongue, yeah, I think I'd rather die

You got me misunderstood, but at least I look this good

We can't be friends by Ariana Grande

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"You looked healthy, I missed you. You have no idea how hard it was to see your body lying there. It hurt so much Athena. I was hopeless and there was nothing I could do, I never thought I would see you again" Maya said as she held Athena's face as tears ran down her face

"I missed you too Maya, I didn't know you remembered the past events as well," Athena said as she held her best friend's arms

"I thought I was the only one who remembered, but when I noticed how familiar you acted towards everyone, I knew I wasn't the only one, I'm happy that of all people you were the one chosen. I was planning to come to your kingdom to kidnap you" she said which made Athena chuckle

She missed her best friend, the first person besides Deimos and her mother who treated her with pure kindness without expecting anything back

"You're still as beautiful as ever" Athena complicated her friend as she smiled at her

"So are you my dear," Maya said and laughed a little, the Goddess had answered her prayers

"Let's sit down" Athena said and they went to sit down on the table together next to each other

"What happened after Deimos and I died?" Athena asked and you could see the sadness that filled Maya's eyes

"Deimos didn't die, Athena, you did" Maya said and that shocked her, what did she mean that Deimos didn't die, she saw him die with her own two eyes, she only died because her focus was on her dead husband therefore she got attacked from behind

"I think you're getting confused, Deimos died before me and I died after him" Athena said

"No Athena, you killed yourself remember, you killed yourself because…., because your ex Fiancé raped you and.., you couldn't leave with traces of his hands over you, you didn't think you deserved Deimos because of that," Maya said and with that being said all those memories came rushing back to Athena, the way he touched her, the way he forced himself into her every night whilst he tied her on the bed for weeks. Tears started falling, why did she allow it, how could she betray Deimos like that?

"It's over Athena, don't cry" Maya said as he held her hand

"What.., what happened after?" Athena asked

"Deimos went to your Kingdom to take you back, but he arrived too late, you were dead, and he changed. He was never the same after that, the North was never the same after that, and the world changed forever. The Gods cried for you, your death was painful and it's one I never want to experience again" Maya said trying to hold her tears back as Athena was sobbing already

She was such an easy Cryer

"So the whole being shot by an arrow thing didn't happen?" Athena asked

"It did, but that's how you got taken, you only remember part of the reason you died, Deimos did get shot, but he got hurt and didn't wake up for weeks when he woke up, the first thing he asked was, where is my Thena, he asked for you and when he heard what happened, he didn't even wait for a second to get up and go to your Kingdom, but it was too late, he was too late," Maya said and it broke and shattered Athena, how could she forget something so important?

He raped her, for weeks and the only way out was death. He killed her and he ended up ruining Deimos' soul.

Did Deimos really remember her deep down, was that why he was obsessed with her?

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Btw only coz Athena is physically strong does not mean she is mentally strong, my baby is an easy cryer when it comes to her hubby 🤭🤧

Hope this chapter is a little better than that of yesterday

Hope that you all aren't confused about what's happening now

I have swollen gums, I'm sure y'all are like “This writer is always sick” tbh, yes, yes I am. At least no college tomorrow

Anyways Good morning, afternoon and night

xoxo Aella_Quinn

Aella_Quinncreators' thoughts