
The Emperor of The Abyss

This is an era where everyone is a lord, and at the same time an era where many races compete for dominance! In this era, everyone has the opportunity to become a lord, recruit soldiers, strengthen the territory, command an army, and become an emperor. As long as you are strong enough, all your secrets, wealth, treasures, generals, beauties, all your wishes will come true! —————————— And among these beings, Shine has also become a lord. However, the difference with other lords is that Shine uses the army of the Demon race. And his territory is called the endless abyss by the outside world! The environment here is extremely harsh, there are no suitable minerals, and there is no land suitable for survival. There is only one thing here: those most cruel and tyrannical demon soldiers. "Can a land really develop without any foods, minerals, or resources?" "It doesn't matter, even though I don't have it, other lords have it!" Relying on the endless abyss and the evil army, Shine plundered everything and conquered everything. In his eyes, there is only death. His destination is destruction. Don't know how many years later, Shine, which had endless territories, began to be called the source of disaster, the god of war, and the natural disaster of the world. And his most widely circulated nickname has always been — The Emperor Of The Abyss!

Litch_Mei · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs


A few hours before the demon attacked the tunnel.


"Demon, it's a demon!"

"That damn group of monsters is coming again!"

"My Dwarf compatriots, come with me and kill these damn monsters!"

A dwarf hero shouted loudly at the end of the tunnel, and his companions immediately ran from all directions to help the dwarf who had first discovered the monster's traces.

The reason Shine calls this dwarf a hero is because this dwarf's actions can truly be called heroic.

In the battle of this terrifying tunnel, this dwarf's survival time had already exceeded 6 hours.

Moreover, in this long period of 6 hours, this dwarf even led his companions to repel the attacking demons three times!

Even though he had already accumulated wounds, his weapons and armor were also torn. But he still stubbornly stood at the front line of opposing the demon army, encouraging all the surrounding dwarf soldiers.

Even Shine couldn't help but be full of respect for this dwarf's heroic behavior in war.


This still cannot change the fate of him and his teammates, especially the tragic fate he is about to encounter.

[Caroline, towards the place I marked, use Imp Throw once from thirty-seven angles, then wait 1.2 seconds, use Imp Chain at the same position.]

When receiving the following orders from the Lord of the Abyss, Little Demon Mistress Caroline did not hesitate at all and immediately carried them out.

"Ah, howl, howl!"

After spinning her arm that was larger than a car, Caroline quickly threw a cage containing the crazed Little Demon to the dwarf hero's side.

Once this ferocious Little Demon enters this group of dwarves, then it will definitely cause huge chaos inside.

But the dwarves were not confused.

On the contrary, this group had already prepared in advance. Before the cage containing Little Demon had even fallen to the ground, they had already thought of a way to defend against it.

Several dwarves were wearing no protective gear at all, jumping directly towards the cage that was still flying in the air and aggressively slashed at it.

In the blink of an eye, this Little Demon died under the attack of a large number of dwarves.

"Hoo, luckily we reacted well enough…"

Before the dwarf finished speaking, an extremely treacherous chain emerged from an unexpected angle and tightly wrapped around the dwarf hero's ankle in front.

No dwarf knows when these chains came from.

Because all of their attention was attracted by the Little Demon in the cage.

Imp Chain is a new skill, obtained after Little Demon Mistress when successfully reaching level 2.

This skill allows Little Demon Mistress to throw out a chain, haunting the little demons and enemies that Caroline wants to capture.

And this skill has an attribute judgment.

Firstly, the judgment attribute will cause all enemies with Strength lower than Little Demon Mistress to be entangled in this chain, unable to move for a period of time.

Secondly, if the enemy's Strength is twice as low as that of Little Demon Mistress, it will cause this enemy to be drawn towards Little Demon Mistress.

These dwarves are probably much more intelligent than Little Demon Mistress, but if it's compared to Strength...

Compared to Little Demon Mistress, this group of dwarves can really only be considered "Children" level.

"How is that possible?" "For what!" "Quickly save him!"

Even though a large number of dwarf soldiers were the first to fly up to rescue, the dwarf hero's ankles were trapped, still screaming and disappearing in front of the darkness.

However, these cries quickly ended.

Because under the light of nearby torches, this group of dwarves will never forget a scene that they will never forget in this life.



The fat Little Demon Mistress, while eating the brave dwarf, walked forward with a grim smile.

And next to her, countless "little ones" were eating meat scraps that fell from Little Demon Mistress' mouth.

But this is not the most terrifying thing. In the face of cruel and tyrannical monsters, this group of dwarves have been able to understand how to perform extremely finely in front of them for a few hours.

What really scared them was that when the Little Demon Mistress swallowed this dwarf, she started eating from the feet.

In theory...

"Save... I..., no...."

"Hero Dwarf" The upper half of his body twisted like an insect, helplessly reaching out to his companions who were less than 10 meters away from him.

"Kill... ...Me!"


With the heavy bite of Little Demon Mistress, the dwarf's chest completely collapsed, as if...

Like a broken doll.

"Oh man!" "This bunch of monsters inside monsters!" "I... I..."

Finally, the original high morale began to fall.

Because even a powerful warrior still has reason and fear.

Under the pressure exerted by the limitless demons, the entire battlefield is moving toward purgatory development.

Tragic, painful, disrespectful, depraved....

One negative word after another, like snow, was engraved in the nerves of these dwarf warriors, in their souls.

In the absence of a priest to purify their spirits, the fact that this group of dwarves have been able to endure until now is a miracle within a miracle.

So, of course the first evader appeared.

Even though he was quickly executed, the second evader appeared from other directions.

The entire defense at the end of the tunnel began to descend into chaos.



Another side, the area where the dwarven kingdom is located.

"The Bronze Hammer Guards guarding the kingdom's passage could no longer bear it, they.... They need reform!"

Dwarf General Max Copper originally wanted to say that his subordinates had mentally collapsed, but because he was considering the future of his subordinates, as the leader he could only quickly change his voice to say that they needed reform.

6 hours of fierce fighting, that group of brats did well enough.

If it were the King's Royal Guard who were on the other side, perhaps this battle could last longer.

But for a normal dwarf army, 6 hours is already the limit.

Fighting with monsters has reached its limit.


The Dwarf king glared at Max Copper with one eye, his face pale.

Without having personally experienced the front lines, he would never have understood why these guys were so loyal to the generals and soldiers that they got tired so easily.

In his impression, the famous Dwarf warrior with his strength and toughness could easily kill on the battlefield all day and all night.

Especially in a situation where most of them also have a fighting spirit.

"No matter what the cost, you must maintain the kingdom's entrance!"

The dwarf king's chaotic beard showed that his mood was extremely angry.

Originally, when Max Copper heard this sentence, he reached the point of despair.

A king who doesn't understand military affairs, as expected...

But the king's next words gave him hope once again.

"The kingdom's passage cannot be wrong. It is the key coordinates of our royal capital to each small trading town, so you will receive Earth Dragon's help."

"Earth Dragon?"

Hearing these words, Max Copper's eyes couldn't help but shine.

Because he knew, that group of ungrateful living beings and monsters were about to meet their end!

Not long after the king's order, the demons felt a vibration from the other side of the passage.

But along with the shock, there was also a strange, terrifying scream.

That sound sounds like...

Dragon sounds?