
The Emperor Of All

Earth, a realm where humans live, is not the only realm having life. The real world is hidden in plain sight yet unknown to almost all people. Aman, a normal teenager who comes in contact with the real world discovers it and begins his journey to be the absolute of all.

RadiantStarEmperor · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The world which stands still

Earth is the only planet that can sustain life; at least, that is what most people think. Scientists, who have been trying to find different life-supporting planets, have been unsuccessful. Many mythologies try to explain the world's existence and depict many different realms containing different living beings, from insects to gods, yet can't explain why we cannot go to these realms.

How did the universe come into existence? How big is it? All these are fundamental questions whose answers exist but are not known.

Does magic exist? Were the people as strong as depicted in the sculptures in older times? All these questions have answers but were lost in the passage of time. All the tales and fables are shared from one generation to another and are distorted by humans. Many people cannot completely understand the meaning, so change it a little to make it more understandable. But in this process, the true meaning is lost. All tales go through this process at each generation. You may think this should not affect the tales, but the story is completely changed after thousands or tens of thousands of generations.

In this world, there are many types of elements of nature. The first is the contrasting types, i.e. the 2 elements that cannot exist together, and one is the absence of another. These are in pairs: light and darkness; Heat and cold; Righteous and evil; etc. The second is the 5 essential elements of which all matter is composed: earth, water, fire, air and space. The rest are abstract types that exist as stand-alone. These include lightning, sound, metal, creation, preservation, destruction, time, etc.

Who is god? Who is a devil? Gods and devils are the world itself. The world consists of 108,000 planets and is distributed in 33 regions. Each region is a manifestation of the world in a materialistic realm. Apart from these 33 regions, there exist 7 other holy planets. These are planets where the gods have taken the form of living beings living there and have changed the way the world functions. One of them is Earth, and there are 6 other planets.

But if the gods have taken birth, the devil can do the same. From time immemorial, gods and devils have been fighting each other. At each step, the devils step away from this world. But since the gods and devils are two sides of the same coin, if the devil is away, then the god also has to step away so as to maintain the balance of the world.

The time is divided into 4 yugas. These yugas started when life began in the world. Now that 3 yugas have passed and both the gods and devil are away, the living beings now need to live on. The last guy, which needs to last 432,000 years, has 426,876 years left. Now that the world, which seems to be collapsing, needs to continue and complete its last cycle.

The 33 regions each have a king who rules the kingdom. The council of kings are ruled by one king among them, who is called the king of kings, the ruler of all, or the great emperor.