
The emperor's summoner system

Zhao Hao left behind his life as an assassin and by chance became an emperor of a declining kingdom in another world. Summoning Immortal generals to his left and right, he vows to kill all who stand in his way!!! ..................... Kindly support the book by donating power stones and leaving reviews. Follow me on Instagram @borsallino_o I also have a YouTube channel with the name borsallino_o, kindly watch and subscribe. Thanks for your support! www.youtube.com/@borsallino_o

son_of_sobek · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Chapter 6

Zhao Hao stepped out, waved the sword of the king, and pierced the eunuch's abdomen without saying a word.

The eunuch who had started running and yelling stopped and knelt on the ground in pain.

"With your behavior just now, I dare say you're not a palace eunuch but rather Li Tianba's eunuch." Zhao Hao sneered, drew out the long sword, waved his arm, and a head flew up into the air. The head of the eunuch who had been kneeling on the ground was chopped off.

[ Gained 10 experience points.]

"The emperor...the emperor…..just killed a eunuch!" The eunuch's cries had attracted many eunuchs. When they saw Zhao Hao sword still dripping with blood and looked at the head on the ground, they were all dumbfounded.

'Wasn't the emperor locked up in the harem? How and why did he escape?'

Zhao Hao glanced at the people around him and shouted: "You dare to be disrespectful to me?"

The eunuchs were so frightened that their faces drained of colour.

'Wasn't the emperor a waste who couldn't cultivate? How come he has such an intimidating aura!'

The group of servants could not withstand the intimidation. Soon, one by one, they knelt down and prostrated to the ground, shouting in unison: "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

"That's more like it," Zhao Hao nodded, and continued to carry the sword of the king, and strode towards the palace gate.

To regain control of the court, he had decide to first establish the emperor's majesty through martial force!

As Zhao Hao walked past the gate, the guards were stunned into action.

"Who dares to break into the imperial gate!"

"It's the emperor!!"

"Quickly capture the emperor, he wants to escape from the palace."

"Boom boom..."

Chaos immediately ensued at the palace gates. Zhao Hao ignored the guards and continued on his path without stopping. The group of guards was hit by Dong Zhuo's huge body and pushed aside.

The guards of the palace gate were specially trained and were not something Zhao Hao could currently deal with considering his measly bone forging level 5 cultivation. Luckily he had Dong Zhuo who was a mountain these guards couldn't oppose.


Above the southern seas a different scene was unfolding.

Dozens of warships carrying tens of thousands of soldiers traversed the waves. In the middle of the warships, a majestic warship could be seen leadig the charge. On the ship leading the charge, a large flag with a dragon pattern at the base could be seen. On the bow, the words 'Grand Marshal Li Tianba' were written.

Standing at the bow of the ship was Li Tianba, he was about two meters tall and sturdy in appearance. Li Tianba was full of spirit as he contemplated officially taking over the kingdom. The soldiers behind him however looked aggrieved.

On the opposite side of the fleet, dozens of large ships full of soldiers floated over the water. Aboard the ships were burly men with their chests exposed. A tribal tattoo of a sheep's head was drawn on each of their chests.

The two warships fleets faced each other in a confrontation. None of the warships had launched an attack because the leaders were currently negotiating.

"Marshal Li, that's the case. If you promise to divide the southern sea area to our country, we will agree to a truce." The general from the Ram country said.

"I can agree to that as long as we sign a ceasefire agreement." Li Tianba didn't refuse, he was about to become the emperor, as long as he successfully ascended the throne, he could make a concession for the time being .

"Hhahaha, Marshal Li, you're reasonable indeed. How about this, if the Divine Drsgon Kingdom gives us one hundred thousand catties of gold, we will sign a "Hundred Years Friendship Agreement," The general of of the Ram kingdom seeing Li Tianba agreeing to split his territory decided to probe his bottom line.

"Hundred thousand catties of gold, this....." Li Tianba wore a painful expression.

"If you agree to this then on the day of your enthronement, our country will definitely send envoys to congratulate you. They'll send a million taels of silver as a gift, and declare to the world that you have our full backing," The general of the Ram Kingdom added with a smirk.

"This..." Li Tianba stroked his beard while pondering,

After a little while he came up with a counteroffer and said shamelessly: "...I can promise to fulfill your conditions, but in this battle, you must declare to the public that our army has won and repelled your kingdom succesfully."

Li Tianba wanted to take this opportunity to ascend the throne and therefore he needed a big win. If the citizens learnt of the news of his return with a big victory, the people of the country would support him more, and his reputation would rise higher.

 His victory was intended to coincide with Zhao Hao's death and therefore he would have taken over the throne more naturally.

 "Hahaha..." Bin Guo, the general of the Ram country bust out laughing. It was the first time he had seen an army spending money to buy a victory. "Cough, cough." Li Tianba also smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, that's it." Bin Guo said. To Bin Guo the declaration of victory or defeat didn't matter. For a large area of territory and the huge sum of gold, losing a bit of face wasn't embarrassing. It would totally make u for the losses.


The soldiers of the Divine Dragon Kingdom felt.

Although the Divine Dragon Nation had been defeated, there army still consisted of 300, 000 troops. Although this number was incomparable to the tens of millions of army soldiers and battle regiments of the past, the combat power was still there. The opposing country was a relatively small country and they felt embarrassed having to surrender without a fight.


Zhao Hao left the palace, and soon arrived outside of Li Tianba's mansion.

The mansion was magnificent and sat on a huge piece of land. The majesty of the mansion was even greater than that of the imperial palace!!!!

 The mansion's main entrance was engraved with a few great golden characters; 'Grand Marshal's Mansion'.

Zhao Hao sneered: "Such showing is indeed worthy of a powerful minister. Once I take over this mansion and remove the Plaque, it can be used to receive guests and ministers during the day. "

Just then a prompt came from the system.

[Ding, triggered a side mission]

[Li Tianba has signed a peace treaty with a foreign country. The terms stated in the treaty are humiliating for an emperor with ambitions. The treaty will lead to loss of territory, and destroys the dignity of the Kingdom. Such acts must be severely punished! The host, as an emperor, must implement national laws.]

[Task reward: one piece of high-grade equipment, one cultivation technique.]