
The Emperor's Omega Is An Extra

Arren was reincarnated as an extra in the book world. However, unlike the others, Arren was determined to play his role well and be the best extra ever. He was successful until that one unfortunate night that would make his second life an unpredictable one. He also began to doubt that perhaps... He wasn't the useless extra he always thought he was. R18. OMEGAVERSE/ BL

ladyaize · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
340 Chs

Request and Name (2)

Arren stared at the worried alpha, his heart warming up and a soft chuckle escaping his lips. His voice was painfully hoarse at this point, due to both his fever and all of his crying earlier.

The alpha arched his brows, possibly perplexed as to why Arren, who had just cried, was now laughing. Arren laughed even more because of his reaction, he started coughing.

The alpha's expression changed again, and he furrowed his brows and leaned over, "Are you okay? Why are you even laughing?" his tone was concerned and softly scolding.

"Gah, you're really cute sometimes, of course, I'm fine," Arren smiled, his sweet smile this time. "And don't worry, I'm perfectly fine with meeting him." To prove his point, he gripped the alpha's hand a little too tightly.

His emotions settled and his breathing became more even; although his head aching still, it was more bearable now. Arren liked the feeling of someone caring and worrying about him, of having someone on whom he could rely.

Of course, he had his father, but that wasn't the same. After all, the love that a parent could give was fundamentally different from the love that a partner could give. Arren thought it was really nice.

"So, am I allowed?" Arren asked again after his emotions had subsided, and he began to play with the alpha's hand while holding his own. Their hands were very different from each other, and he wasn't sure if it was because he was an omega and the other was an alpha. His hand was obviously smaller than the alpha's, but he liked it; he thought their hands complemented each other.

The alpha appeared to be undecided and had his own thoughts, but he eventually nodded. In the dim light of the room, the shade of his amber pupils appears exceptionally darker, as if a caged beast was hidden from within.

"You can, but only for ten minutes," he conceded; the alpha was firm without allowing for debate.

The alpha was so strict, Arren pursed his lips.

"Only ten minutes?" he tried his luck again.

Spade mercilessly shook his head as he confirmed to Arren, "Ten minutes or none at all, you choose."

Huh. The alpha was no fun at all. He still liked it, and Arren could make do with ten minutes because he could accomplish a lot in that amount of time. He nodded to acknowledge his acceptance. He looked away and didn't speak anymore.

Arren's head began throbbing again as he shuts his eyes. The room returned to silence as the alpha brushed his hair, making him drowsy once more.

"Medicine?" As Arren's consciousness began to fade again, the alpha squeezed his hand softly as Spade's deep but soft tone nudge him awake. Arren opened his eyes, but only managed to open them halfway.

His half-lidded eyes shifted back to the alpha.

"You need to take your medicine first," Spade advised Arren, who didn't wait for his response. "Get up first, can you do it yourself? No, I'll help you," Arren sat up somewhat reluctantly with Spade's assistance, then he watched the alpha go to the side drawer and take the medicine and a glass of water sitting atop it, gently helping Arren drink the medicine.

After all that, Arren lay down again in the bed and Spade returned the glass as he went back to his position at his side of Arren. He only sat there, and Arren didn't feel the alpha's touch again, but he could sense that even with his eyes closed, the alpha's intense gaze was still fixed on him.

The medicine didn't take effect right away, but he was still sleepy; Arren didn't succumb to it right away, but muttered something, his mind restless once more.

"I miss my mom," he simply stated out of the blue. That was exactly how he felt. The terrible nightmare not only caused him pain but also provided him with the opportunity to finally see his mother, but it also tragically ended. He wasn't sure if he should be happy about it, but at least some of his life's questions had been answered.

The dream made him realize something; perhaps the real reason his mother was murdered was not as simple as he thought after he gathered himself.

The complicated event that occurred years ago, combined with the fact that no records, even in the news, were kept until this day, led to the conclusion that it was complex. He previously wanted to know how his mother died, and now he wants to know why his mother was killed. According to what he can deduce, those men were there for his mother, and his mother seemed to be aware of them and prepared for her outcome without fear, aside from protecting him.

Arren opened his heavy eyes after a few minutes. His head was aching, so turning his head was so painful that even Spade was alarmed and scooted closer. Their faces were closer now, and their gazes locked. Arren looked up at the alpha, while Spade looked down at the omega.

The medicine was taking effect and the drowsiness Arren was feeling intensified. The corner of his eyes was beginning to have moisture that Spade needed to wipe with his thumb. Spade remained silent, waiting for Arren to say something.

"I saw my mom," Arren started mentioning his mother again, but Spade seemed to understand that Arren saw his mom in his dream without him being specific as he hummed in understanding.

Spade thought Arren would continue, but he didn't. Arren really wanted to say something and tell the alpha in front of him what he saw in his dreams. He closed and opened his mouth, unsure what to say, but the words wouldn't come out.

Arren's brow furrowed as the pain in his head became more intense. His state was not yet ready to accept what he had just discovered; his mind was still refusing to accept it. Arren even let out a low grunt of pain as a result of it.

Spade's expression changed, and he immediately attends to Arren, unsure of what he was supposed to do. "What's wrong? Tell me," he became agitated; seeing the omega in pain bothered him.

But Arren shook his head and stopped thinking about his mother. Only after he did that did the pain subside somewhat. He was becoming delirious, and with the medicine making him drowsy, fighting to stay awake was a difficult task in and of itself.

His half-lidded eyes opened again, and the first thing he saw in his bleary eyes and unstable state was the alpha. Even in his slightly blurred vision, Arren could clearly see the alpha's worried and panicked expression. He had never expected to see this expression on the alpha's calm face. Still, he liked it a lot.

Arren tried hard to stay awake, "Mister Investigator," his voice was hoarse, just those two words were difficult for Arren to say.

"Hmm," Spade replied, his worried gaze never leaving the omega.

In his half-awake state, Arren managed to still speak out and weakly clasp the alpha's hand on his own. "Don't leave my side... please?" Arren was terrified that the nightmares would return the moment he closed his eyes and fell asleep. He hoped the alpha would call him again and save him.

He couldn't process the alpha's expressions anymore as his eyes closed, and even his consciousness was beginning to fade away. However, he still felt the alpha's hand grasp his hand as well and the warmth in his side then the alpha caressed his hair.

Somehow, he really did calm down. The alpha's presence was enough to make him relax his mind. He didn't know, the alpha really had that vibe of being always reliable and someone he could trust on. Perhaps, he truly liked him.

His eyes were closed, and he knew that at any moment he would be consumed by darkness again, but he wanted to talk to the alpha more.

"Your name?" Arren still didn't know the name of the alpha. He only called him Mister Investigator because of that. He reasoned that he needed to know the name of his future boyfriend at the very least.

The alpha didn't answer him right away, Arren was getting drowsy and sleep was pulling him in at each passing second. Arren seemed to hear the alpha respond to him as he was becoming unconscious.

"Spade, that's my name," it was deep, and Arren seemed to understand it but not fully.

Ah, Spade. Arren thought it was a good name. But, in the midst of his confusion and the effects of dreamland, he seemed to forget something. He didn't know, but the name sounded familiar, and Arren felt like he should be aware of it. However, sleep took over. He would just think about it after he woke up, and now he wanted to sleep.

It had been a while since he slept comfortably.

Hello, I just wanna let you know that my updates would be slowed down for this month.

My updates schedule will only be on Mondays and Thursdays at 2pm GMT +8.

I'll be back with daily updates in January, though.

Hope you're all doing well!

ladyaizecreators' thoughts