
The Emerald Empress

Destiny, fate or divine will, it doesn’t matter what you desire to call it, it will not change itself but it will, without doubt, change you. It is woven into our lives carefully guiding us, like a step-by-step plan on how to live on. You are after all said to be the master of your own fate or was it the writer? I can’t remember. This is a short story with no real plot. And it is discontinued for now. I am sorry if scenes don't add up or make sense.

BananaPeel_Group · História
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter III – In The Garden

The little boy tapped behind the tall grown man, eyes filled with curiosity, because of the uncertainty of the coming events. 

'What is she planning? Was she always planning something?'

The little boy's appearance, at least in this moment, did not in the slightest match the mentality he was indulging in, as he agonized and wondered.

The old man even though facing the boy with his back began to speak.

''What is it, that is troubling the little mind?''

In the end he lowered his voice, giving his question a mysterious aura. 


No one said anything. The footsteps on the floor were everything that could be heard. After a few seconds the man chuckled slightly, his face painted with a slight smile, that looked like a wrongly-done stroke, simply out of place. The old man slowed his pace, so that the boy could easily keep up and asked again, this time with a jokingly undertone.

''Oh, what might it be? Troubling such a young soul? Could it be…''

He stopped his words, as if he was just about to say something noteworthy, grabbing the boy's attention with this simple trick.

''… the boy misses her Majesty?''

Now he looked the boy straight in his face, reading his expression, of which the boy himself was unaware of. 

'I am missing her? Me? No… It's just interest. Plain interest.'

''No… not really. It's just she said something… something…''

At the boy's calculated reply the butler, widened his eyes in astonishment, while thinking to himself.

'Is this boy really just five-years-old? It feels like he is older…'

''So is the little Master troubled by something? Well, yes.''

The butler answered his own question, with which the boy actively noticed the conversation. Hurriedly he apologised for his behaviour.

''Sorry, I was lost in my own concerns.''

''The young Master shall not apologise. Even better, it wuld be favourable if he never did that.''

''I know, it's just… I felt like it.''

''So you felt like it… I see.''


''Then it can't be helped. What can I assist the Master in?''



''Seems like you would like to be quiet. All right- ''

Suddenly the boy opened his mouth, even before letting the butler finish.

''Can you answer me one question?''

''That depends.''

''What is your surname?''

Take by surprise the old man grinned. 

''So that was it? Well aren't you a sharp one.''

''If you don't want to answer, that's fine.''

''That's not it. It's, well let's go with my full name, I don't want any confusion to arise.''

The butler stopped, for a second.

''It's Noah Magnolion Nevaeh.''

The young boy paused his steps for a second, at which the old man was surprised. Then the boy continued his steps as if nothing had bothered him.

'He reacted. This little boy reacted. To my name… How could a little boy like him react at a name?'

The thoughts ran through his brain like water through an open hand.

'Was it just a coincidence or perhaps something else?''

As if interrogating him the butler tried to read the boys expression, but upon noticing the boy's expression, his assumption solidified.

'He knew. He reacted. This boy knows my name! what in the world is going on? What is her Majesty planning?'

Contrary to the surprise of the butler the prince's thoughts were also filled with concern. Just about something different.

'He said Noah Magnolion Nevaeh. I would have guessed he was a knight… but I never expected him to be this knight. Golden Amber, was what he was called at the battle field. One of the last three sword masters remaining on earth. It was aid that he had died in the countless battles while conquering the kingdom of Tequerion.'

Both of them strode along the corridor, silently thinking about their own interests. Each thinking about the other.

The silent lasted until they reached a magnificent wooden door, with a round top and plain silver patterns, in the form of flowers, on the floor. The butler stopped, opened the door and led the boy into the room, now pointing at a little cabinet.

''Hide in there, and don't worry it is more comfortable that it looks.''

The Prince, who didn't believe the words, nonetheless complied and went up to the cabinet, opening the large door. 

In surprise he let out a cute gasp.

''Wow! This is so spacious, and there are cushions!''

The boy exclaimed as he sat down on the red cushions. The butler closed the door and the boy was left in the cabinet.


But contrary to its looks, the cabinet's inside was not creepy at all. It was lit up with little emeralds embedded in the back, glowing in a soft green light. And to his surprise upon closing the cabinets doors, they became translucent. Allowing him to look out. The butler left then and inside the cabinet the shutting of the door could be heard.

The boy silently sits inside the space, looking at the decorations in passing, while focusing on the situation.

'What is this cabinet? It must be a magic item. If so, then how come that I have never heard of it?'

'Is it even magical?'

The boy doubted his assumption in the next second.

'No. I would have seen it inside records.'

'So how can I see through it? Is it maybe a trick?'

As if talking to himself he answered, in his mind.

'No… that wouldn't work. So what is it?'

The boy simply decided to ask the Empress later, when they were going to go out. In the same moment the door opened, he was now focused on the situation. So he pushed that thought to the backburner and focused about his surroundings.

''Please come in, your Excellency. Make yourself comfortable.''

The little boy looked at the two people who were standing in the room. At this sight his expression stiffened and grew colder.

''Empress of Ruby…''

He whispered in an inaudible voice, filled with hatred and despise.

The butler extended his arm, pointing at the seat.

''You may sit down; the Master will come any minute.''

''I may sit down? Are you disregarding me?''

''Certainly not, I would never, madam.''

His gaze was stiff, a perfect poker face. The prince knew in an instant, the butler was not happy to have this person here. Because as the boy was aware, the more emotionless the face was the angrier the person, to whom the face belonged to was. He could well measure that on himself.

The woman's face slightly frowned at the servant. Now opening her mouth, to spit her poisonous words.

''And you, a mere servant, is speaking to me, the arch Empress, in such a tone?''

At her words the butlers face loosened up.

''It seems I, a head butler of the Emerald empress, have offended her guest. I will apologise to my one and only master later. Now please, I will excuse myself.''

The hidden boy grinned at the disregarding remark, while the woman's face stiffened up. Her hand clenched together, her white nails, perfectly done, pressed into her skin, leaving red marks, the she spoke.

''Please, I have a question.''

''Sure. What might this question be?''

Her lips made a slight smirk-like expression, and her eyes glistered at the reply. She was like a spider, her words were charming, as if trying to lure prey. While time went on she would slowly spin her web, devouring the pray that was caught in the web. 

She seemed to think that the butler was exact this, easy prey. For her to devour.

''What is your rank here?''

At the question, the butlers face became stiff.

''I am the head butler here.''

''And what is my rank?''

''You are an Empress…''

''Arch Empress.'' She corrected him.

''So how should I be treated?''

Now the butler smirked, and replied confidently.

''I don't know, care to tell me?''

The Empress clenched her teeth, knowing that if she would say one wrong word she would sound like a child demanding to eat the desert first, without having to eat all these greens. To her advantage, the empress knew her way with words.

''It is common etiquette to speak respectful to superiors, and kneel after making an offensive remark.''

''I see…''

''Good. Right now, how should I put it…''

She raised her red fan in front of her lips, covering half her face after sliding it open. The fan was made out of the finest fabric, embroidered with gold thread and small rubies making the fabric twinkling the light. The lace was made up out of feathers, which were as black as the nightly sky, without stars. The fan complimented her pale face, soft-brown hair and two large ruby gold earrings, adorned with beautiful gems, hung on each ear, completing the look.

''.. I feel offended, right now.''

The butler let out a voiceless grown and stared her in the eye.

''I understand.''

And with tat the butler stepped back, bending his knees. The boy was disgusted at the behaviour.

'Letting this holy knight bow and pledge to you?'

'There is not enough to bow to. Viper.'

The boy thought, as he watched one of the greatest legends bending down, about to bow to the Ruby Empress.


I was passing the hallway, along all the pictures and plants, large doors and windows, and other things.

My blue dress, which was chosen in the end, was making a soft sound, when I placed foot after foot forth.

This dress was magnificent, with its marine blue. The dress' skirt was layered with thin layers of blue shimmering fabric, around her waist there was a blue ribbon bound around and over the whole dress delicate chains embedded with diamonds and sapphires. It had a neck free waistline and was cut loosely, one part of the dress hanging over her left shoulder, fastened with a golden ring at the back of her shoulder. Her arms were clothed with long white velvet gloves and bracelets, matching the star earrings hanging on long chains from her ear. 

As she reached her goal, she glanced at a maid, who was hurrying over opening the door to the parlour. 

At the scene of her butler bending his knees, his face stiffened up. She only had to give him one glance, he immediately understood, what she wanted. 

'Do never lower yourself, because of such a woman.'

The Empress expressed through her glance. The boy in the cabinet was surprised at her authority. He never knew she had such a background, making her even more interesting.

''I see you have arrived, Empress.''

''It seems so. Now why don't we sit down over a cup of tea?''

''I'd appreciate that. My legs have grown a bit sore because of standing for such a while.''

''Then that is it. Noah, please bring us the refreshments.''

The butler bowed deeply at her, and went out.

''So now, should we sit down?''

''Yes, let's. You can sit wherever you'd like.''

''Thank you, for your time.''

''Please do sit.''

The Emerald Empress pointed at the empty red couch. 

''Thank you.''

One of the maids stepped forth, arranging the Empresses red dress as she sat down. 

''I hope you feel comfortable. My butler will present the refreshments shortly.''

''I am more than content. You have my gratitude.''

''The pleasure is mine.''

Then the emerald empress sat down.

''How about we skip the formalities, since neither of us has a ton of time on our hands?''

''If that works for my guest. Please call me Athena then.'' 

The Ruby Empress laughed at Athena's words.

''Then feel free to call me Ruby.''

''That name…''

Athena stayed silent, knowing what saying this name now meant. It was more like a title than a real name. Representing your status, with her at the top.

''Well then Ruby… What is the reason for your sudden visit?''

''So you are not going to chatter with me?''

''It would have been a pleasure, if not for the missing time on our hands, now? No?''

Even in such a situation the empress stayed cold as she stared at her guest with a calculated gaze. 

''That's right.''

''Now the. What brings you here?''

''If I may speak bluntly, I have been informed that you threatened my sons teacher? And harassed him.''

At this mention Ruby's gaze tuned worried. Athena knew it was just a façade, so she just smiled.

''I am afraid, there seems to be a misunderstanding.''

''Why is that?''

Ruby, who was sure of the information up till now, glanced at her maid, visibly concerned over the calm reply of the Empress.

''I did now lay a single finger on his highness, the Crown Prince.''

''Are you certain?''

At the words Athena pouted he lips slightly.

''I am.''

''I see. But my sources clearly said- ''

Before Ruby could finish her sentence, Athena cut her off.

''Who said that?''

''Ah, my maid said that you did so. She said she heard it from a royal servant.''

'How could I ever harm such a cute boy! Everyone who thinks of even doing that is out of their minds.'

Was what she wanted to say, instead she kept cool and replied with a slightly threatening voice.

''Oh my~ What did the maid say? I wonder.''

''The maid said that you intruded the lesson of the prince, and thus disturbing his learning.''

''Oh now, did I?''

''It had been states so.''

''I see…''

Ruby knew very well what she was doing, because even if it would play out badly, she could blame everything on her servants. So she continued, without hesitation.

''I decided to look away at first because as an Empress I know how burdensome it must be to have the successor and my son in your castle, taking classes in your estate.''

''No, as I have stated before, it is not in the slightest bit annoying to have him here.''

This sentence, which now was filled with sincerity, if it was asked one week prior, would have been a lie. Because now that she knew of this worlds fate and the suffering after her death, her goals had slightly changed. 

Before she regressed, her goal was to establish a stable neutral position amongst the highest aristocrats, so that the remaining survivors, of her fallen country, whom were all staying in disguise in this castle, could live in peace right here.

Now she was more focused on helping the boy, because the Miss. Han from the modern world had just the same big heart. So her goal was now to safely help this boy to live on, so that this world could continue in normal peace and time. 

She wanted this world in peace and tranquillity. And she wanted to help this boy, she wished to stop his suffering, once and for all.

''Then what reason could you have to intrude on his lesson?''

The ruby empress spoke. Athena was caught off guard, at this remark she grew embarrassed, her cheeks grew redder and her eyes lit up.


''Why are you keeping quiet?''

'My goodness! You, stupid miss. How could I say stuff like, because I want him to live happily, since you won't care about him and Oh, and by the way, you are a terrible mother! How can you neglect, curse and supress your own son?'

Of course this she could not say. Not when the boy was listening, so she had to keep her mouth shut.


''Could it be… No… you would never do such a thing…''

Now pretending to be worried, Ruby said with a worry full and cold expression.

'You might look worried, but I can tell you are not. How could someone in such a high position have such a personality?'

At her worry full remark, Athena's face hardened, her eyes focused on her opponent. 

''Do you want my position?''

She exclaimed pretending to be worried.

And at this remark Athena was left startled, her expression became stoic and her gaze became stiff, as she now had to keep her poker face. 

The boy in the cabinet was angered by the situation, knowing he was the cause. He wished to help out, even for this unfamiliar person, whom he had just met today. There was just something about her gaze that seemed, trustworthy, friendly and reassuring. At the same time, he hoped that the empress could handle this on her own.

Athena began to smile, at first slightly then it formed a grin. Her eyes looked degrading. She looked at Ruby who upon facing her reacted.

She flinched a little, clenching her hands so hard that her nails were cutting her flesh. Athena, who noticed that grew colder. 

''Usually if such an accusation is made there has to be evidence or witnesses. Or am I wrong empress?''

She raised her body, taking two steps forth, closing the distance between them.

''After all, what you just suggested would be an act of high treason, wouldn't it?''

Ruby's eyes widened, her skin became sweaty and her hands shivered.

Athena got her, now even if this situation was resolved in favour of herself, the Empress had insulted her, another Empress. 

''And if I am not mistaken, it is forbidden to falsely accuse and shame the other empresses, regardless of your position, is it not?''

''Yes, that is right. I seem to have misspoken.''

''No, I could see why you would say something like this.''


''Of course. Though I must admit, wat you just said should at least come with some sort of evidence?''


''I don't know what it was, that led to you having such a thought about me. But I can assure you, I have never laid a hand on the prince nor do I want your position. As you might know, all I want is to live here in peace.''


Of course, Ruby was aware of that. Everyone was. Since she had never acted out, taken any opportunity to openly pick a side. It was also a known fact that even if it seemed as if she was just a powerless Empress, she had a relatively good defence, even if nobody knew how.

Nobody knew the last fact better than Ruby, who had sent assassins to kill her many times. It was a mystery how she still remained alive, even without a royal guard.

 ''So if you don't have any more evidence, I'd be delighted to her an apology from you.''


Athena scoffed at the degrading situation. She lowered her face to her chest, and gazed at the sitting person in front of her. Then she averted her gaze and looked to the left, now facing the cabin.

Then she smiled brightly and mouthed some words into the air.

'Now Learn and see, this is how you play with people.'

The boy who was watching everything understood and was thrilled upon knowing what was to come.

''If you wish to stay silent, then there is nothing to be done. Just remember, why you came here in the first place.''


''What was it?''


''Ah right, I hit your son, the crown prince, and I scared the teacher. Wasn't it?''

Now as if Ruby found a slight hope, she raised her head, looking into Athena's eyes.

''Right, I came because of this incident. And I do have a witness, his teacher, as well as the maids of the palace.''

''What is the maids name?''

''It was Mina Persian.''

''Mina… Mina… Oh it seems; you have been misinformed. This maid belongs not to my palace.''

''But the maid said, that she saw the crown prince being harassed by her Empress, during his class.''

''So she never spoke my name?''


''I see. And the teacher, well yes. I did scare her, but only because she was not paying me her fullest respects.''

''I understand.''

Now the Empress bit her lip. Her whole story, to harm her reputation seemed to have crumpled, so she had no other choice but to back down.

''I apologise; I seem to have made an unfound accusation. I deeply apologise.''

Now smiling the empress acted her counterpart.

''It seems to have been a misinterpreted story. As an Empress I understand your concerns, for the successor.''

''I am deeply sorry.''

'' I only hope that next time you will not bother me without an invitation. As you know, as an Empress I have lots of work to finish.''

''Yes. I will send an official request next time.''

''I am delighted to hear that.''

Athena raised her head, she had succeeded. Now she couldn't just come into her palace without a request. 

''I'll take my leave now. I hope you have a pleasant day. My butler will see you out.''

''Thank you for your consideration.''

In this moment Noah entered through the door. Ready to guide the guest out.

''Please follow me, Madam.''

Ruby frowned, but still she went outside with him.