

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime e quadrinhos
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86 Chs

CHP79: Finishing Business and Handing out Tasks

Alright hope you enjoyed that little hell plane arc.

Now it is time for the grinding for more power arc.

Bruce is going to pick up where Wrath left off.

Also, if you want a list of places the Bruce will be going to let me know and I'll make another Aux chapter.



[Outer Void Space]

 'Oh yeah, almost forgot about you guys.' Bruce thought to himself.

Then he located the hidden space that his people were in and pulled all four of them out of the Hellplane. 

But before that he made a separate space or a small thin line of a dimension around himself. He did this because if he didn't then just by being in his presence all of them would die.

It looked like he was surrounded by a smokey liquid dark green and black exoskeleton, only his eyes, which now had a black outer shell around the green, were visible.

Not a second later did Crixus, Visera, Draxen, and Arien appeared in the Outer Void.

Once they did, Arien, Draxen and Visera all fell down to their knees as they couldn't withstand the physical pressure of the Outer Void that surrounded them.

Only Crixus was fine as he was a creature of the Abyss, and they lived in the void and beyond it.

The other three though, they were not used to being in physical contact with the Outer Void, and so they all felt their bodies being crushed.

Even their souls almost collapsed and dispersed from it.

This all entered Bruce's mind as he watched them for a second as they appeared.

So, Bruce nonchalantly made a barrier around the three of them so that they would be fine. His face was scary stoic, it was almost like he didn't care about them.

Which wasn't that far off from the mark.

He did care, but it wasn't to the level of his family back in the Neo-Gamma Realm.

And this kind of puzzled him, then it hit him.

He was in a sort of ascending state of being, and his emotions, behaviors, choice where being influenced by the powers and mindset of Vhaalku.

I mean it made sense, Vhaalku was an eldritch horror and the second most powerful Outer God after Azazthoth in his prime.

Even then he did damage to him, although miniscule, it was still damage!

So, his thoughts and desires were entirely different from a former human beings' personality like Bruce's.

Bruce knew that this would end up a problem for him in the future and he needed to nip this in the bud now.

But how was the question.

Bruce put those thoughts on hold as the people in front of him were getting back up and getting accustomed to being in his presence.

Since the moment he's appeared in the Outer Void, Crixus has never taken his eyes off of Bruce for a single moment.

He felt the same aura as the rulers of his previous home now on his master. So, he kind of wary at the moment as back in the abyss he never had a good time with those beings.

Bruce could tell what was on Crixus mind, and he didn't fault him for either.

His OuterGod biology was influencing his decisions and wanting to just destroy all around him. It was wanting him to fully give in to its nature.

But Bruce had no time for that at the given moment.

The others, Arien, Visera and Draxen calmed down just enough to see an extremely tall being in front of them.

And before any of them could speak, Bruce spoke up first inside of their minds.

"We do not have the time for small talk, so listen very carefully to me.' Bruce said, and the other although taken aback nodded.

"Good, first things first, I am the one called Wrath, but I am also not him."

"His time has come to an end, and mine has begun."

Bruce saw the shock in each of their faces, and he gave them a moment to gather their thoughts, then he continued.

"Now, I am in the mist of transforming into something greater, and I have need of you two, Crixus and Visera to complete a certain task."

Seeing that he had their full undivided attention, Bruce kept going, "Visera and Crixus, I need the both of you to return to the Neo-Gamma realm."

"There, I want you Visera to bond with my son Skarr, keep him safe." He turned his head to Crixus and said, "And you Crixus, I need to you bond with my other son Arcann and keep him safe while keeping an eye out for my wives Betty, and Wanda."

"Both of the women are exceptionally powerful, but Wanda is even more so than Betty."

"So, if she senses you just open your minds to her and show her this entire conversation."

"Do you understand." Bruce asked them.

"Yes, my master." They both said in unison.

Bruce nodded and said, "well then off you go, it should be fine now, the flesh of Vhaalku's body is in a separate area secluding himself from the outside."

Then he paused sensing something, and then he continued speaking after.

"He won't be aware of either of you."

They both nodded in understanding.

After Bruce said this, a sliver of Neo-Gamma power extended towards both of them and swallowed them whole.

It was but an instant and they were both gone from the Outer Void.

And with that out of the way, Bruce turned to Ariena and Draxen.

He said, "The both of you will have a different job, I'm going to recreate your home soon, and one of you will have to be the new Hellplane Lord."

"It's up to the both of you to figure it out," after he said this, Bruce didn't care for their response and sent them back into the separate hidden space that he took them out of earlier.

Arien and Draxen had a very stunned look on their faces as they disappeared.

Now Bruce was all alone with his thoughts and his changing biology.


The Neo-Gamma inside and outside of Bruce rumbled like thunder. On his body down near his feet the Neo-Gamma power has started to crystalize.

The crystallization was slowly spreading out from his feet and into the Outer Void. While the top part of the crystallization was slowly moving up Bruce's body.

Bruce could feel his eldritch side slowly changing his body and soul. His nature was beginning to become very destructive, and Bruce wouldn't have that at all.

Wondering what was going on and wanting to know more in-depth about his Outer God heritage, Bruce summoned back up the memories and knowledge of Vhaalku.

In this very detailed list of information, Bruce learned quite a few things.

The first thing was that every Outer God was different, and they all embodied a Law or Concept that best suited them.

And well Bruce had two very powerful laws and concepts he fitted perfectly, the first one and the one he shares with the Hulk, was the concept of Rage.

The next one and not surprising in the least as his life had nothing less of this particular law was none other than Destruction.

Once the Outer God controls this law and reigns supreme over it, they create their very own Universe or higher tier Dimension inside of their main bodies and not their avatars.

But there are certain outliers in the hierarchy of the Outer Gods, namely the physical children of Azathoth himself.

Since they are the direct spawn of him, it gives them other more powerful perks.

One of them being that they can contain every single law and concept in existence, this makes them extremely powerful.

So much in fact that they can only use their Avatars to go out from the Abyss and do what they do best.

Cause fear and mayhem.

Plus, once they do that, they then create their very own law or concept. An example is Azathoth himself, he is the reason why there is the concept of fear is a vital part of all of reality.

It was one of the reasons why he was the supreme god of the abyss, and he reigned over the other Outer Gods.

Even in the Primal Dimeson that holds the non-fiction world.

Now, moving on to the next thing on the list, Bruce saw that one of the reasons that the Outer Gods are so ridiculously powerful was that they completely give into what their true desires or laws are.

So, they have no limits in their growth of power, but the brightside is that only three of them besides Azathoth are like that.

And they are his spawn, Nyalarthotep, Magnum, the Unnamed Darkness, and Vhaalku himself.

It was why they are so powerful, and have the Omnipotence in the Abyss, though Azathoth reigns supreme.

But now that also applies to Bruce and also since he was part a Divine level human, this has caused his biology to change into something even different than his Outer God siblings.

Bruces' former human mind and soul have greatly elevated this process. And it made his Eldritch biology slowly create his Outer God form so that all would be perfect with him and his powers.

This made Bruce have a starting point far higher than any of his other siblings, not to mention Hulk will have the same thing going on for him. 

And once Bruce is in his fully realized Outer God form and Hulk's fully realized Outer God form merge back together, then they would be more or less equal to Azathoth himself.

But Bruce wanted more than that, he wanted to be able to if he found that he can't kill Azathoth then he wanted to at least weaken him enough to the point that he could imprison him.

Bruce also felt like he forgot something important to, but he couldn't quite place it, this is all thanks to a certain gold man or Authur that is.

So, he shook his head to clear his thoughts, and then he began planning a way for him to obtain even more power so that his Outer God form will be supreme.

Bruce wanted to collect other types of powers, Hax's, concepts, and laws to funnel back into his real body.

He doesn't have to, but he wants to, this was his eldritch personality coming into play, making him greedier like his brethren are.

The other reason why Bruce was leaning towards this was because in the creation of his very own inner Universe he wanted to contain all and have all.

This was the devouring aspect in the Neo-Gamma influencing him, Bruce new it, but he also agreed with it.

If he could feed his Neo-gamma every law, and concept in existence then something magical will happen.

So, as he realized this fact, Bruce decided to make an avatar of his human form.

The cause of this was the fact that Bruce's body was creating his Outer God form, and so it would take a while.

This made him remember how many different forms he has had in the past and now that his plan had come full circle his Outer God heritage is finally getting to make its or his true self.

But he needs to take what Vhaalku called the timeless sleep so that this process can really kick off.

The timeless sleep was the thing that all OuterGods did to pass their version of time, which was non-existent by the way.

And as he does this, the clone would go out into the OmegaVerse, do his will and collect what he wanted to feed his transformation process.

So, with a little effort Bruce used the Neo-Gamma and made a human version of himself, the long black hair and emerald, green eyes where the same.

But his skin was really pale, almost like candle wax.

The clone was naked, and it floated above the green crystallization of the Neo-Gamma power that was now far extending out from Bruce himself.

It looked like a green blizzard flew by, snowed in the area, and froze it solid with how green the Outer Void was now.

The clone was holding his knees near his chest, as it was being created.

Looking over his clone, Bruce was satisfied with how it turned out.

Then the clone woke up with a burst of Neo-Gamma emanating from it like a mini sun.

It's eyes open and gazed up at Bruce who was looking down at it.

"Main body," the Avatar bowed as he spoke in respect.

"Mhmm," Bruce nodded back in acknowledgement.

Then he said, "You know your mission."

The avatar nodded and said, "Yes, I do."

Bruce then said, "Alright then, you have the same abilities I do, but on a smaller scale."

The Avatar felt a sudden influx of power flood his body, his entire body felt as if he was walking on the clouds themselves, it was almost like a high.

But it ended after his body got accustomed to the power.

"Use this power to complete my goals, also follow the energy signature I left on Caiera," Bruce said to him.

"Once you find her, you will know what to do, but if she is not able to distinguish friend from Foe, then encase her in this thing."

After Bruce spoke the crystalized Neo-Gamma under the Avatar's feet rose up and formed an orb.

The orb was something Bruce made using his knowledge of Space and Time.

"Ok." The avatar nodded his head as he spoke.

Then he reached out for the orb and place it in a separate space near him, after he did that the avatar looked back up and asked, "What name shall we go by, so that all who may come into contact with me will forever remember us."

Bruce took a moment to ponder, he reflected on his life in the past with Hulk, and even remembering Vhaalku's life.

Then his Neo-Gamma power swirled around inside of his body like an inferno, and Bruce knew what his title to be known as was.

And he felt the endless will to destroy, and he remembered how his destruction took the shape of a Dragon every time he used it.

A hiss sound echoed in his mind whispering the word, Ouroboros and Bruce like it.

He looked his avatar, and it was like reality itself hushed up to imprint this name into existence.

His green eyes lit up like suns as Bruce spoke, "My title shall be Ouroboros, the Ever Changing and the Everlasting one."

After he spoke his title a bell sound resounded throughout the Omegaverse as a whole, the power and presence of Bruce was felt throughout many powerful individuals.

But no one knew who it was, only that when they tried to search for the origin of this, they were met with hundreds of green flaming eyes with a dragon's slit in it.

This eye was the budding form of Bruce's Outer God form, it looked at every one of them who tried to find him.

And the sheer power of Nihility was branded into each and every one of them. This power was the bases of Destruction and Bruce will soon come to realize it.

After that happen every one of them who looked for Bruce ceased their actions immediately. The eye closed after that situation.

As Bruce felt a sudden freeness overcome him, he knew that this was the right name.

The Avatar on the other hand felt an explosive surge in power, and a black cloak of horrid darkness formed around his naked form.

This darkness was not ordinary darkness, but the Primordial Abyss Darkness. The base power every single one of the Abyss or Eldritch beings.

Bruce felt it to, so he said, "Test out this power when you are exploring the Omegaverse."

The Avatar nodded and said, "Then I shall be going, Main Body."

"Good." Bruce spoke and watched as the Avatar faded out of sight in a cloud of deep Darkness.

And now he was alone with his thoughts, he wondered of his family and how they were doing at the moment.

He could check, but he didn't want to risk the possibility of the flesh catching onto his goals, and plus Hulk needed to finish the other side of the plan.

Bruce cringed knowing his other self was locked in eternal combat with the inner control of Azathoth.

But Vhaalku said he would do the same as he has done with himself, so Bruce hoped that it would be enough.

And just in case Hulk would need any form of help, Bruce planned for when the flesh becomes weak to pour the Neo-Gamma into the origin place of it.

That way Hulk will have another power besides his own to fight, and hopefully win.

But enough of those thoughts, Bruce turned to his own path of power.

And he once again thought of how the OuterGods just fully gave into to their natures.

He wondered if he should also do the same, granted he didn't want to become a mindless monster that just destroyed everything around him.

But if Azathoh and his three children could do it, then so could he as he is also his son to.

As Bruce finally accepted this fact, he felt a change occur inside of him.

He looked inside himself and what he saw astounded him.

Bruce saw that the primordial abyss darkness roared to life and the black energy in his blood was combining with the Neo-Gamma.

The Green inferno seemed to be slowly absorbing it. And right in Bruces chest area the neo-Gamma formed a large cloud that was both black and green.

Bruce sort of understanding what was happening surrounded himself with the Crystalized Neo-Gamma.

And surprisingly the Abyss Darkness inside of him extended out of him and into the crystallized Neo Gamma around him as well.

Bruce then felt sleepy, so he closed his left eye as the Crystalized Neo-gamma, and Primordial Abyss Darkness covered him entirely.

The last thoughts Bruce had before he fully shut of his mind were,

"Hulk will call for me, then we shall become one."

"And when that day comes it will be time to announce his presence as an Outer God to all the other OuterGods and Eldritch horrors."

Then he shall confront his father.

Bruce closed his other eye to enter his first timeless sleep, the crystalized Neo-Gamma surrounded him completely.

As it did, from afar it looked like a green and black crystal mountain sitting upon a dark green crystal ocean.

The Neo-gamma didn't stop there, it also encased the entire OuterVoid and completely made a separate dimension void of space and time.

Bruce slept, while his body changed, and his power grew, awaiting the day for Hulk to call for him.



Bit of a shorter chapeter my apologies have a lot of stuff going on in life right now.