

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime e quadrinhos
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86 Chs

CHP65: A Crazy Plan

A little bit more of new information coming in this chapter, but I hope all of you are enjoying this so far.

I have a lot of things that I want to do, and I hope all of you like it.

Enjoy the chapter.



"We have much to talk about, come and sit down."

The One Above All spoke, as he made a red futon appear out of nowhere for Vhaalku to sit on.

Vhaalku observed the area around him as he walked over towards the futon.

Looking at lines along the walls, Vhaalku looked at the zig zag lines all over the walls and ceiling of the building that he was in.

There was no aura, no power, it was just a normal looking and felling black room.

He realized that he couldn't make sense of the place he was in, nothing he did would tell him where he was.

This further incentivized him to grow stronger even more so.

One already sitting grinned a little as he saw through Vhaalku's actions. Even his annoyance of not being able to know where he was at the moment.

One was going to tell him eventually though.

Vhaalku made it to the futon and hopped on top of it.

Sitting down and looking at all powerful being in front of him filled Vhaalku with questions.

It was silent for a while until, "So, I'm assuming you called a meeting with me for a reason, and I'm going to assume that it deals with the piece of your soul in your hand there."

One pointed towards the greyish orb of light in Vhaalku's hand as he spoke.

"Yes, your right." Vhaalku spoke.

"But first things first, I have to know."

"Is this a secure place to speak freely," Vhaalku earnestly asked the One Above All.

Rasing an eyebrow, The One Above All said, "Of course it is."

"No one even knows that we are even meeting."

Still Vhaalku was about to ask another question relating to this, but the One Above All could already see where his thoughts were going.

So, before Vhaalku could speak, he simply said, "And yes, not even he can see nor hear you right now."

Vhaalku was quiet for a moment and The One Above All took that as a que to keep going with the conversation.

"Well, what do you need for me to do." One said looking at Vhaalku with a curious gaze.

Mind you if he wanted to The One Above All could already know everything, but he chose to respect Vhaalku's privacy.

Vhaalku raised an eyebrow as he said, "Don't you already know what I want."

"Heh, I could, but I'm choosing to respect your boundaries."

"I know what it is like when one can invade your life and disregard your own personal rules." One said shrugging his shoulders.

Vhaalku just nodded and decided to proceed with his plan, if he can pull this off then when the time comes to face the outer gods, he would be so absurdly powerful that only the boundless state beings would be able to face him.

He knew it was a shortcut, but from the way he has been feeling lately, he knew needed to speed up growing in strength so he can face what is coming.

"I need your help in locating a reincarnating soul and once you find it. I want you to place my soul inside of theirs."

"After that, my soul will do the rest."

One nodded and said, "can you tell me the name of said soul and the creation that it will be heading to for its reincarnation."

Vhaalku nodded and with a serious face he said, " the name of the soul is Satoru Mikami."

"And the name of the creation is That Time I Got Reincarnated as A Slime."

"After that, I want you to erase any memory of us talking and my plan once it is completed."

It was silent after he said this, and The One Above All nodded.

Then One's golden eyes brightened up like two suns shining down on Vhaalku who was watching this process with a curious gaze.

And after a few minutes the light faded and One chuckled a little bit as he said, "Ha, Ha, HA!"

"I got to say, your plan is crazy but genius!"

"You are in luck, the non-supernatural reality or what's known as the real world outside of the Omegaverse where imagination runs wild."

"And the place where all of us or the idea of us are born from, the Prime Dimension."

"The time period there is 2014 and from looking out into Omegaverse I saw that the verse of that creation is not yet fully realized, so your idea can work quite well."

One smiled and said,

"You are quite the smart young man aren't you."

"You pull this off and you'd be unrivaled among many in the future except for a few."

You see what The One Above All just did was scour the Omegaverse for the Reincarnated as a Slime creation and upon finding it.

He saw the origin of that creation and knew all of what it held.

It was quite a ridiculous creation if he must say so himself to be honest.

Once he that, he turned around and looked into the Prime Dimension to look for the Author of that creation.

And once he found the Author Fuse, he noted down the time period of the novel that the author wrote.

Once that was done, he ceased his actions, and in a split second he ran the calculations of the idea Vhaalku spoke of.

After that One said, "Now, I can do this for you, but it will take more than just that little piece of your soul."

Vhaalku pondered only for a few seconds before he clenched his fist and said, "whatever it takes, I will do it."

One grinned and said, "ok then."

"What I need a bit more of your soul, some of your flesh, a liter of blood and the last but not least most important thing of all."

"Which will also be the most painful part of this process."

One leaned in and said,

"A little speck of your origin."

It was so quiet, that you could a needle drop.

One looked at him wondering if he'd retreat or press forward with this idea.

Honestly this plan of Vhaalku's was very shocking to say the least.

And so, The One Above All just sat in silence as he waited for an answer.

Vhaalku sat in silence, his mind wrapping around the ramifications of proceeding with this plan.

There were many things that could go wrong, but upon looking the One Above All in front of him.

He ruled that out, the fact this being could look into the real world and obtain this information was crazy.

Plus, the power that he could obtain would elevate him greatly.

So, with a firm countenance, and the flame if ambition burning in his eyes, he looks up at the One Above All and says,

"Let's Do It!"

The One Above All nodded and then said, "Ok then, this may take a while so you should get your things in order."

"Also let your family know your plans as well."

Vhaalku agreed, and he sent another message to Wrath.

Then using his realm, he spoke to Wanda, and Betty.

Once he was done, he looked over at The One Above All and said, "It's done, where do we start."

"Then follow me and we can begin the process." One spoke as he began floating up in the air.

Wrath nodded and flew after him, his mind stirring in wonder if he was truly ready.

But it doesn't matter if he was, time waits for no one.

And thus begins the beginning of a plan that will upset the very Omegaverse for Eternity!


[Hongmeng Universe]

Sitting in the darkness of space and surrounded by many colorful stars, Wrath could be seen looking at the many different stars in the area in front of him.

He came here after traveling around this grand universe for the past three hundred years.

Three whole centuries!

And during all that time Wrath has been perfecting his craft and abilities to an even higher degree than from before.

He's also made an even more infamous name for himself in the process of him traveling.

The people, demon, beasts, Monarchs and Dominators all call him the Bringer of the Black Death or the Lord of the End!

The people were all quite flattering in their imaginations with naming things, that was what Wrath thought at least.

Wrath also had to set an even more painful example during his time here.

A transcendent force, all high and mighty decided to try and capture Wrath.

The name of this force was the Death Spirit Sect.

They all cultivated the Soul and Death Dao, hence the name of their sect.

Their Domain was filled with the aura of Death and Souls, the ground was yellow with sand.

This force had heard of Wrath and of what he had done when he first arrived here. And they just couldn't believe it, so they all went to the room of the founder of the Sect.

The founders' name was Sui Ming, and he was an old haggard man who was near death door.

Ironic isn't, he cultivates the Death Dao, but he was on Death's door.

Anyway, he was a peak Dominator Realm cultivator, and the funny thing is that when Wrath first arrived, he was one of the people looking at him with a greedy, disrespectful gaze.

But once Wrath did what he did, the man died from fear and shock of all things.

And since he was in his secret chamber, no one in his sect knew as it was a very heavily protected place in the sect.

So, once they all tried to get an answer from him, they took his silence as the go ahead.

They had the idea that since their all-powerful founder didn't even bother with a reply then this person wasn't all that big a deal.

So, a force of three hundred men and thirty Monarchs all left the sect boasting on how easy this would be.

It was not easy, not at all.

Wrath was in the Domain of Yue.

This was a place famous for a very special tea and it was something Wrath wanted to try.

He heard about the approaching force coming for him, but he didn't care at all.

The force from the Death Spirit Sect searched high and wide for him.

After spending eight months of searching for him, they got the new of Wrath being sight in the Domain of Yue.

They all quickly head towards that domain.

As soon as they arrived on the domain where they heard Wrath was, they found him sitting beside a Sakura tree sipping tea.

This enraged them all very much as they spent eight months looking for him and he was here all this time sipping tea.

One of the leading Monarchs arrogantly said that he should bow down and die a quick death.

While the entire three hundred strong army shout profanities at him, ruining his mood a bit.

They were all very lucky Visera wasn't here, or it would've been much worse.

Wrath had allowed her to go and look at the powerful Dragons of the realm, mainly because she wanted to see how they all faired to her power.

So, since she wasn't here, these very idiotic men proudly and crazily ruined Wrath's teatime.

Wrath although annoyed gave them one chance to leave, one chance only.

And like the idiots they are, another one of the Monarchs named Do Ling spit a very large loggie into his teacup.

The army all laughed shaking the clouds and the land.

This was the last straw.

As no sooner did Do Ling stop laughing and look back at Wrath, he felt the world blur and spin around him.

He even felt lightheaded.

Soon he saw his body standing in front of him spurting out blood from his neck.

Do Ling's mind went dark as he died, and he didn't even know he died.

After this, all hell broke loose.

The other Monarchs attacked immediately, even the army attacked.

And their attacks proved useless as Wrath just disassembled them thanks to him knowing and mastering all three thousand Dao's.

After that it was just a slaughter fest.

And Wrath was the butcher cutting threw them like they were all lambs with barley any effort.

But sense he was new here and didn't want to be outright blood soaked in even more bodies than he already was, and he didn't want a repeat of what happened here today.

Wrath allowed one man to live.

He told the man to go back to his domain and relayed a warning to his sect.

That same man went back to his domain and relayed all of what transpired during the ambush on Wrath.

The leading figures who were three top tier Dominators couldn't accept this, and so they along with a three million strong army all came to attack Wrath.

And well, this time Visera was with him.

They all died burning in misery.

But she was too angry, and she wanted blood.

So, went directly to their sect and Wrath followed.

Once there, Wrath just decided to make an example out this sect to let the masses know to leave him alone.

So, he spared no one.

The land of the entire realm was black because of fire, all thanks to Visera.

There was a long gash going across the huge palace of the sect, all thanks to Wrath testing out the Sword Dao with his own principles of Death.

This gash was filled with the little remains of bones and broken armors from this sect.

It was the only thing that let people know that this was a Sect in the past.

The once proud and might Death Spirit Sect be now a wasteland filled nothing but death.

And the entire realm was collapsed upon itself, there was no sun, stars, or even trees.

After this nobody messed with him or even entertained the idea of plotting about him.

Instead, they all focused on the soon to come young blood.

So, Wrath spent his time with Visera and checking in on Crixus.

He pretty much studied and experimented with the different systems in this place.

And that leads us too now.

Wrath was simply watching a collapsing sun in front of him and looking at the Visera who was the cause of this.

He was feeling relaxed when all of a sudden, he felt his connection to Vhaalku weaken drastically.

Wrath upon feeling his link be watered down, raised an eyebrow and was about to teleport back to the realm.

But then a message from Vhaalku entered in his mind.

'Continue your work, I have a great plan in motion so do not worry about me.'

'Your link to the realm remains, so anytime you want to return you can do so.'

Wrath sat in silence as he listened very closely to Vhaalku's message.

'Now, once you are done in that place, go on and conquer a few Hell Planes.'

'Also keep traveling, learning, and growing. And keep feeding the neo-Gamma, I will allow you to be able to draw upon a bit of its power if you should ever need it.'

'In order to keep your vessel alive, and able to handle its power I'm leaving a bit of my flesh in your mind plane, consume it once this message stops.'

'That is all, just follow the path before you.'

The voice stopped after that, and Wrath felt something enter his mind plane.

Already knowing what it was, Wrath decided to leave this area and go to quiet place to integrate the flesh of Vhaalku with is body.

"Visera, follow me!" He yelled to her.

"We have work to do." He spoke seriously as he began flying away from this area with Visera following closely behind him.


[Neo-Gamma Realm]

Wanda was currently in her own personal library organizing her books of magic, when she felt the voice of Vhaalku enter her head.

'My love, I won't be around for a while, I'm fine just putting a plan in motion that will help us in the long run.'

'I trust that you will keep everything in line as I am absent.'

'I have to go, but I love you and will return home soon.'

Wanda hearing the urgency in his voice and being the wonderful wife that she is simply said, "I understand my love."

"Don't worry, all will be fine here, you just make sure to return as fast as you can."

After a few seconds of speaking, Vhaalku said, "I will, and I love you."

"And I you." Wanda spoke.

After that, Vhaalku's voice left her mind.

Wanda resumed her organizing and decided to train a bit more to be ready for whatever has her husband like this.

Smiling to herself, she went back to work.

Vhaalku did this same thing with Betty who was currently training as well in her own personal training ground.

Betty was in her Red She Hulk form as this was something that she chose to make her divine form.

Looking absolutely stunning, Betty was currently practicing a bit of martial arts she got from Vhaalku.

Midway through her fourth set, the voice of Vhaalku entered her head telling her the same things he did with Wanda.

She was a little annoyed, but she understood.

And she promised to look after everyone and the realm.

After that, she went back to practicing in her new World Breaker form.

Readying herself for the fight ahead.


[The Author's Room]

After he completed giving out instructions, Vhaalku found himself floating near a golden altar.

A line of huge red stairs led towards the center of the altar.

The Altar also had four purplish gold pillars that surrounded it.

There were symbols that he couldn't even begin to understand and runes that gave of a feeling of dread each and every time he looked at them.

This place shined with an obscure light that almost overwhelmed Vhaalku.

"Welcome to the Author's room."

The voice of the One Above All's floated into Vhaalku's ears, drawing his full attention to One who was currently standing beside a black desk with a single lamb on it.

"What do you do here, if I can ask you that," Vhaalku said.

The One Above All waved his hand and a simple looking white piece of Paper appeared floating in front of him.

"This is where I create all of my ideas, or the place where I create stories."

"Case in point." The One Above All said as a golden white pen with a gold feather appeared in his right hand.

As he grabbed it, he began writing on it, golden light shined upon the piece of paper as he wrote.

White glowing letters could be seen flying of the paper as he wrote them down.

Vhaalku could barely keep up with his handwriting speed.

After about a few seconds, The One Above All finished his writing.

"Now for the final part to bring it to life." One spoke.

Then he blew on it, and a cloud of golden gas came out of his mouth onto the paper.


And then the paper began glowing bright golden, then in the blink of an eye it transformed into a miniature sized crystal orb, almost like a snow globe.

The One Above All grabbed it and held in the palm of his hand, he held it out for Vhaalku to see it.

Vhaalku's eye's where almost bug like as he observed what was inside of the crystal orb.

It was an entirely different multiverse inside it, small screens popped up on the outside of the crystal orb reflecting the life in all of the universes and dimensions inside of it.

There was a world of ghosts, a world of demons, even a world of powerful gods, there was also dimensions of magical powers so vast that if let out into a universe.

That magic would terraform it completely.

How many universes are inside it, I lost cost after twenty." Vhaalku asked the One Above All.

"Not much really, only just three thousand." One said in response.

"This is just...just wow." Vhaalku spoke after a minute of silence of him being stunned.

"Mhmm, it's not that great honestly, nor is it my best work." One spoke nonchalantly.

Then his golden fingers extended upwards and crushed it into dust.


Golden dust fell out of his hand and onto the floor, it floated onto the ground, and it integrated itself into the room.

"So, you ready to begin," The One Above All said, as he curiously looked towards Vhaalku who was still dumbfounded by what just happened.

"I....yeah I guess that I am ready," Vhaalku said as he gazed back up at The One Above All.

"Great, stand on the golden altar behind me." One said as he maneuvered over to another corner of the Authors Room.

Vhaalku nodded and walked over towards the golden altar.

Approaching it, Vhaalku really took in the sheer power difference between him and the One Above All.

He realized that is here were to use all of his strength, he wouldn't even leave a scratch on this altar.

Maybe if he gave in to his more destructive nature then he might leave a mark.

But that was just wishful thinking.

Stepping on the stairs leading to the middle of the platform, Vhaalku pondered if this was the right thing to do.

Honestly, he felt that this body of his was not safe, and the fact that he felt that fear earlier further cemented that thought.

Soon he was standing on the Altar, once he was standing on the golden runic platform, he looked over at The One Above All.

"What next."

"Just a moment, I would recommend you grit your teeth."

"The pain about to befall you is nothing like you have ever felt in your life."

The One Above All spoke as he waved his hands in the air summoning what looked like red hooks.

But Vhaalku didn't see them at all, he was bracing himself.

After he felt good enough, he said, "I'm ready, you can start now."

The One Above All said, "Already have, Val."

Vhaalku confused, was about to say something, but before he could.

The same red hooks above the One Above All swooped down, and they hooked into the shoulders of Vhaalku with transcending speed.


They rasied him up in the air, and golden thin lines came from each of the pillars, they all drilled into Vhaalku's soul.

What followed was extreme pain.


One Watched unmoved, and he even set a little timer to tell him when the process was to end in his mind.

After that, he went over to his desk.

He sat down, and made another piece of paper appear, then he began writing.


Ignoring the hellish screams of pain coming from behind him.

"Blue or purple stars, which one is a better setting."


"Ugnnaahhhhh!" Another scream of pain from Vhaalku echoed out.

Hearing that scream, The One Above All raised an eyebrow and said,

"Yeah, your right, purple stars are better."
