

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

CHP62: Your Heads are all Raised too High

Hope you enjoy this chapter.



[Great Hongmeng Universe]

/A Year Before Wrath Arrives/

Inside a magnificent silvery-white holy church amidst the stars, the holy Radiant Goddess, who had long golden hair and was donned in long white robes, was looking at a white cube with a curious gaze.

It reflected people donned in her symbol hurrying around a large patch of land, they seemed to be setting up an array of sorts.

She couldn't help but think of them as ants, the way they all just ran around building the array was comical to say the least.

Soon though, she sensed the weaking of the boundary that separates the Hongmeng Universe and the lower dimension.

The Radiant Goddess frowned; she knew that it was time to face that which had crossed into her reality.

Getting herself ready, her golden eyes glowed as she sent a message out into the grand and colorful stars in the distance of the universe.

Then she snapped her fingers calling for her subordinates.


Almost immediately after she snapped her fingers did to pillar of golden light land behind her back.

"Your holiness you have summed us." The voices of a man and women spoke out.

"Radiant Right Sky King, once it arrives in the realm, activate the formation immediately, there can be no mistakes upon this person's arrival." A stern silky feminine voice spoke.

"Yes, your Holiness, right away." The harden feminine voice of the Right Sky King said.

"Radiant Left Sky King, prepare the troops all along the border, we can allow no escape for this heretic." The same feminine voice said a man in white golden robes on her left side.

"Yes, my Radiant Goddess!" The Left Sky King said, and he took off in the blink of an eye heading to the troops on the ground.

The Radiant Goddess watched as her subordinates worked tirelessly in setting up the Divine Heavenly Net for the man or beast in her opinion arrival.

You see some time ago, her along with many other high-level Monarch and Dominator realm cultivator felt the space time in the lower dimension being breached.

Honestly, she was worried, when she and other great beings sensed a heavy, dreadful pressure. 

They all had prepared for a grand battle to take place, but surprisingly whatever it was didn't come to the upper dimension, they just stayed down in the lower dimension for all of thirteen years.

It puzzled her and many other people greatly.

And she couldn't forget the feeling of rage that she felt wash throughout all of reality.

It felt like she and the other people on her level and above who could sense changes in the universe were being slowly squeezed in the hand of whatever this being was.

And now whatever it was is about to appear, and she is the first in line to see it.

The Radiant Goddess got up from her throne, she moved with grace, and she disappeared in a flash of golden light.

She had work to do and things to prepare.


All across the Great Hongmeng Universe the Monarchs, and Dominator realm cultivators were moving.

Some of them were afraid, but the majority were very cocky.

A lot of people didn't see or understand the reason for such reaction to something that was of no concern to people on their levels.

The main train of thought was since whatever it was that invaded the lower dimension, that it was clearly afraid of them.

Mainly because they all thought that since it stayed in the lower realm, then it was not worth preparing for.

If it was such a threat, then it would have down something already and would have been invaded the upper realm already.

But no movement for the last thirteen years, no sign.

So many people mocked others for their miss guided fear and said that instead of focusing on some no name ant.

What they should be focused on was the new fresh meat that was going to be entering the Hongmeng Universe.

And so many of them argued, angering the Holy Radiant Goddess greatly she even killed a few of them shocking a good bit people who watched her do it.

But now many of them sensed the same thing as the Goddess and began helping her prepare for whatever it that was coming there.

The stage has been set on the Ming Domain, as it was a place for many new cultivators to arrive in and that same feeling from all those years ago was growing closer and closer to arriving.

The Radiant Goddess was very confident in dealing with whatever came here.

But a seed of fear and worry was like a whisper in her soul saying death has arrived and you won't be able to stop it.

None of them will!


[Ming Domain]

The great and vast Ming Domain, usually few people wouldn't even be around this place as all that was here was a city for newcomers.

The green land extending for miles on end, even the massive mountains that pierce the very clouds themselves were a sight to see.

It was a place for great sight-seeing and for people to take their time in learning about the domains and rules of the new reality that they were in.

It was supposed to be like this, but now legion upon legions of army's have filled the land all the way from the land up to the very vast blue sky.

Some random cultivators who were passing by even saw two golden lights in the air, along with a red light as well.

They were worried because a great heavy pressure was weighing the entire domain down like an Anvil on their necks.

The very air was smoldering with unrest and anticipation.

"I wonder what it looks like and if it is strong?" A black-haired man on a red throne of blood and halberds said.

The air around him manifested a red cloud of murderous aura, it surrounded him in a red jeweled armor.

"Who knows Tai Long, were all here to protect our home." A shot tempered male voice said on the left side of the now named Tai Long.

"Oh, your quite upset today Left Radiant Sky King are you on your routine holy period again?" Tai Long joked.

The Left Radiant Sky King's eyes went white in anger, and his aura crushed the ground beneath him as he was about to retaliate.

Many soldiers spat out blood from just a leak of his aura.

"YOU M-"

"Enough!" The female voice of the Right Sky King who arrived a little while ago said.

Keep in mind that these three people were the strongest existences under the Monarch Transcendentalist Realm beings who were off in the stars watching the current situation.

Two of them belonged and were close with the Holy Radiant Goddess and the other person was a part of the Apocalypse Martial Society.

So, they all represented top class forces of the Hongmeng Universe, their image was everything.

"Quiet the both of you and look up ahead." The left Sky King said with all seriousness in her tone.

The two men listened and looked ahead; there they saw a red crack forming.

"It its almost time to face them." Tai Long said and he pulled out his black halberd.


In the darkness of the universe the Head figures of The Holy Radiant Goddess, and the Apocalypse Martial Ruler were both together watching the red crack form.

They could be seen conversing with one another and even looking out into the grand universe seemingly responding to other people.

"It's time, prepare yourself, Dai Ning." The Radiant Goddess said sternly.

Dai Ning rolled his eyes and said, "I'm already prepared, your holiness."

Back in the Ming Domain, the red crack began to widen a good bit, and the sky darkened with an ominous reddish black light.

A fierce storm started to form, the winds even knocked a few soldiers down, and scarred the land that all of the people were on.

And then it happened, a feral cackle of laughter was heard coming from the red crack in the sky.


It sent waves of terror and despair across the entire domain; a good bit of soldiers even fell to their knees in fear.

Some had their eyes red, and others even began to have second thoughts on being here.

"Any deserter will be killed without mercy along with their entire family!" 

The stern and cold feminine voice of the Left Sky King said while releasing a bit of her Radiant energy to cover the soldiers' mental states.

'To think just a laugh could cause such fear and madness, I fear this will be a horrid day.' the Right Sky King thought to himself as he readied his own Radiant energy.

"Mhmmm, kind of harsh there don't ya think miss lady." A feral, mad and horrid voice sounded across the land.

Everyone there looked up to see a man in simple greyish robe like armor with blood red hair and blood red beard float out of the crack.

He hands his hand behind his back and his head held up high as he observed everyone here.

He cocked a little smirk on his face as said, "I mean fear is what keeps you alive isn't it."

Then he pointed at the ground and the sky as he said, "It is what drove you to make all of these petty and useless parlor tricks in advance."

Then he did something that shocked the monarchs in the stars and the three kings in the air, he turned and looked directly in their direction.

He then pointed and said, " And it's also why they hide and left you all out here as sacrificial lambs."

A feral wide grin manifested on the man face, showing off his extremely sharp teeth to the masses.

The man shrugged his shoulders after getting no response from the ones in stars off in the distance.

"Granted, even if they did come out of there little spot, it would change what I'm about to do now."

"By the way, names Crixus and nothing personal."

The three kings were confused by his weird attitude and was about to say something, but that last bit made the hair stand up on the back of their necks like cats.

Right after Crixus said that last sentence, multiple red blobs extended from his back, and with an insane speed they all swiped downward.

But the crazy part was the front part of each of them the blob opened up like a mouth and there were rows of long teeth and a huge tongue.


The red blobs came down on the massive army like a meteor.


They all swiped across the massive land like bullets and ripped apart thousands of soldiers, they even tore apart the land for miles.

It even destroyed the array that they had so carefully set up earlier.

Leaving craters or gashes in the land that extend a very long ways a way.


"My Leg!"



Screams of death and pain rung out all across the land, this woke up the three kings in the air from their dumfounded stupor.

They all quickly went on the offensive.

Crixus smiled happily as he consumed his prey and he turned to the very aggressive people now coming to attack him.

His eyes shined with an unsatiable hungry light and a madness that threatened to consume all in front of him.

His energy formed in both his hands forming red blades, on the opposite side the three kings all flew higher into the air.

The Left Sky King rose her silver sword up and poured a massive amount of Radiant energy into it, making the sword glow with a golden light.

"Heretic you shall pay for your crimes!" She spat out as her aura fully revealed itself and shattered the space around her.

Same could be said for the Right Sky King as well, he was practically seething red with rage, the fact that an unknown assailant got the drop on all three of them was very embarrassing.

He had to save face and protect the image of her grace.

So, he rose his wrinkly old hand and poured a massive amount of Radiant energy in it and a huge golden sword formed in his hands.

"Judgement Sword!" His voice roared out.

Its razor-sharp intent locked onto Crixus, who was just smiling happily.

Tai Long not to be outdone raised up his halberd and poured his slaughter Dao energy into it, making the black weapon have a bloody red shine to it.

Crixus was happy seeing them go all out.

But right before any one of them could launch their attack.

A sigh was here coming from the crack.


That single sigh made Crixus stop what he was doing immediately and rush over to the crack.

That same sigh made everyone, no matter who it was, shiver.

Once Crixus was there, he bowed immediately and said, " I apologize master, I got a bit carried away."

Confusing everyone watching, except the monarchs, and dominators who were watching this from the safety of their own realms.

One Dominator in particular gripped her thrones arm rest tightly, even cracking in the process.

"So, he is finally showing himself, let me the Tempest King see the man who embarrassed my wonderful master, Chu Kaungren!"

The Radiant Goddess looked on seriously as she awaited the one responsible for all of this.

They didn't have to wait long.

As the crack began to expand greatly, it spread wider for miles, stretching apart like a balloon.

A huge Draconic hand grabbed one side of the crack and another one grabbed the other.

They pushed the crack open even wider.

And a horrifying roar shook the entire world and even the galaxy.


Then the right hand reached out into the domain, followed by the other hand. And then a huge head came through the crack followed by the sound of thunderclaps.

The source of the claps were the wings of the Dragon flying through the crack.

Once the body of the full dragon was out of the crack, the world grew dim, because the dragon's body was so big that it blocked out, he sun from shining.

Immediately the entire universe felt the Draconic aura of an insane being washed all over them.

Dragons' all over the Hongmeng Universe felt their bloodline shrivel up in fear because of this.

The patriarch of the Dragon species who was one of the more powerful beings in the Hongmeng Universe even sat in shock on his throne as even he felt suppressed by this aura.

The sheer aura of this being made everything tremble, all of the soldiers stopped running and fell on their knees in fear.

Even the three kings who were in the air with their attack ready froze in shock.

The Dragon, who was in the air, saw the attacks from them and even sensed the arrays in the void, and it was pissed.

It opened its mouth, and a powerful deep feminine voice blew out the ears of everyone there as she said,

"You Dare attack my Chosen!!!!"



Lighting flashed and the winds picked up, no living thing could move least they die horridly.

Her aura intensified even more the point that even the three kings couldn't move, and Crixus was stunned in shock.

Mainly because this was the first time, he ever heard the Dragon speak, but he chose to be quiet.

Visera was pissed off at the audacity of the ants before her, her aura kept rising to the point that even the great Dao spirit had to speak a message to a certain someone to tell her to calm down.

Visera very breath and aura were threatening its creation.

The sky grew darker and the flames on her body began to emanate of her body burning everything near her area into ashes.

And then right when the aura was at its peak, and everyone was waiting for death.

A single calm but heavy voice said, "calm yourself Visera, do not step down to their level."

And just like that her aura vanished completely and the people all over the world could move again. 

Many of them were stunned as to why the Dragon did a complete one eighty in her mood.

Only the Monarchs and Dominators could see the reason with their senses.

They were all staring very intensely as the top of the Dragon's neck.

Coming to the top of Visera's neck we could see the sitting form of Wrath patting her neck calmly.

As Wrath was patting his Dragon, he felt the gazes pressing upon him with no care in the world.

And this annoyed him greatly.

So, with one last pat, he stood up and floated to the very top of Visera's head and stood their overlooking the domain, soldiers and even the three kings in the air.

The three kings upon seeing Wrath involuntarily stepped backwards in a retreat.

They didn't know it, but the cause was none other than their own instincts making them move away.

Just like how a lower animal runs away from a natural apex predator.

Wrath observed everyone and everything around him.

But the feeling of the gazes increased even more to the point that a certain stupid and newly risen Dominator tried to sneak a soul attack on Wrath because of greed.

Wrath upon sensing the change and utter disrespect frowned.

Then he simply turned his head up and looked out into the Great Hongmeng Universe.

Every single Monarch, and Dominator, no matter who it was.

And no matter where they lived.

Demon, Feind, Dragon, human, it didn't matter, they all felt the red eyes of Wrath looking directly at them like he was directly in front of them.

"Your unrestrained gazes annoy me."

Wrath then lifted a single finger in the air and said,

"All of you there looking at me..."

Wrath's red eyes shined brightly as he said these next words.

"Your Heads Are All...."

His voice lowered in a very dark tone, and the world... no, the universe turned pitch black, the very rules of Dao and the forces that kept the universe in working order froze.

"Raised Far Too High."

And then he simply he pointed his finger down.

After he said and did this, not even a second passed by when every one of the Monarchs, and Dominators felt weight like no other crash upon all of them.

None could resist and the result of this was the utter humiliation as their heads were smashed down to the ground like a peasant.


Even the army on the land squished into blood mist.

And the three kings crash down on the ground in a grovel like state.

Wrath then said, "Now, that all of you are in your place, listen very closely to what I am about to say."

"I'll only say it once."

He paused to let that sink in.

Then Wrath said, "When the time comes for when the boundary completely opens, Monarchs of the first order and Dominators, if you come across this young man."

Wrath sent the image of Zu Ten to all of their heads.

"None of you may retaliate if he kills your so-called prodigies, nor can you simply attack him if he doesn't obey you." 

"You can only fight him if the day comes that he becomes on your level and if he challenges you one on one."

After he said these things, Wrath floated calmly back to his sitting place on Visera and sat down.

Then he said, "Crixus, you can explore all you want but don't cause needless destruction."

Crixus nodded.

And Wrath said, "Alright then, let us go Visera."

Visera didn't need to be told twice, a single flap of her wings and they both disappeared.


It wasn't until Wrath's presence fully vanished did the weight on all of the Monarchs, Dominators, and the three kings vanish like air.

And did the darkness of the universe fade away.

Once it did, they all shakenly got up from the ground.

None of them said a word and they went into seclusion, this day has greatly shamed and humiliated them.

The two sky kings of the Radiant Goddess received a message of retreat from their Goddess, and they didn't waste a single second in taking off in breakneck speed.

Tai Lung followed suit in the same action.

This day would be forever known as the Dark Day that the Universe was frozen with darkness, and everyone's Daos were shaken deeply.

Crixus was the only one left standing in the air.

"Guess I'll just take my time exploring then." He spoke aloud.

And he flew off into the distance to explore.
