

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

CHP60: A Conversation Between Masters

A bit of an info dump in this chapter.

Don't worry the fight will continue in the latter half of the of the chapter.

Also, I put another Aux chapter detailing something's, check it out if want.

Hope you enjoy it!



[Void of the Universe]

Wrath looked up at the spirit of the Great Dao.

The golden eye was interested in him, that's what Wrath could sense from it. But Wrath had to admit that it was quite the sight to behold.

Its power was very great from what Wrath could sense. And Wrath knew that its power wasn't just this little trick.

But more.

So, he had to very careful in his next dealings, maybe if his main body was here then it would be a different story.

But with this new development, came knowledge from an old source.

And Wrath was very eager to learn.

So, after a period of silence, Wrath chose to start the conversation first.

"So, if I may ask?"

"What took you so long to communicate with me, I know that you have been watching over me ever since I've arrived here."

"But you have never tried to expel me, why?"

It was silent for a moment, and Wrath was beginning to think that it wasn't going to speak at all.

Until the eye squinted and a mote of light dropped down from it and landed in front of Wrath, not but three feet away from him.

Wrath rose an eyebrow at this act.

And he watched as the mote of light formed a human shape.

But it had no eyes, nose, ears, only a mouth.


An effeminate voice echoed into the void answering Wrath's question.

"Progress you say." Wrath spoke unbothered by the spirit's actions.

"Yes, progress."

"I wanted to see what you would do and invite into my creation." The humanoid spoke.

Wrath looked at it and said, "mind me asking but what are you?"

"An avatar, perhaps?"

The light humanoid shook its head in a negative manner and said, "for you to understand what I am and what all of my creation is."

"I have to show you."


The humanoid snapped its fingers and the void shifted into a different area.

'No not an area, a memory.' Wrath thought.

Wrath saw an abyss of darkness, not a regular darkness, but a darkness that all of reality couldn't fathom and a field of white lights in the shape of orbs.

These orbs had what looked like a DNA chromosome's rotating around it.

"What is this?" Wrath asked.

"All of these lights are chaos sources and the birth of what you would call the cultivation worlds in the great an all-encompassing Omegaverse!"

Wrath was moved greatly; he was finally learning more about the Omegaverse.

"Chaos Sources are the beginning of any creation related to what you know as the elevation of life, or rather what you call cultivation."

"And I am the spirit of one such Chaos Source." The humanoid spoke.

"There are many of us, and we all are in competition with one another."

"When one Chaos Source is challenged or the challenger, we start a war to see whose creations are the strongest."

"And if the challenger is victorious that other Chaos Source is assimilated. And vice versa if the challenger is the loser."

The memory shifted and showed Wrath one of the orbs was combining or absorbing another one of the sources. 

"So basically, you eat the loser." Wrath spoke.

"In layman terms then yes, we eat one another." The humanoid spoke.

'How human like.' Wrath thought to himself.

Then the idea of the child of destiny came to mind, and he had to ask it a question.

"So, you're all in a competition with each other and I'm guessing this is the reason for Children of Destiny."

"Or the protagonist," Wrath spoke.

The humanoid grinned as he said, "Spot on traveler, the children of destiny as you put it, are the future generals or leaders of the wars between us Chaos Sources."

"It's all about survival, I'm trying to survive from the others....and creatures from the outside." It spoke very seriously, while looking dead center at Wrath.

Wrath could tell that last part about the creatures was about something that he knew about greatly.

So, he said, "the creatures from the outside, are you speaking of me?"

The humanoid said, "people like you, reincarnaters from the outside, transmigrator's, demon puppets made of the Abyss."

Wrath arched his eyebrow at the last part, and he questioned, "Demon puppets?"

"Yes, the R.O.B.S as they call themselves are nothing but creatures of the Abyss and servants of the one's who live in it."

This greatly shocked Wrath.

Wrath's thoughts turned to John, and the mantra.

His mind began to run the possibilities of the reason why that soul came into his soul all those years ago.

Wrath began to think that maybe it was all planned and maybe it was the beginning of something much greater.

Wrath's mind was storming with thoughts and ideas. All of this took place in the few seconds as the humanoid was speaking.

"Many of the transmigrator's are unaware of the fact that once they reach a certain level, the robs come and collect the debt, with interest."

Wrath looked at him and said, " So you along with the rest of your kind fight for dominance with one another and so that you can become stronger."

While also surviving those creatures."

"Am I correct in my assumption?" 

The Humanoid light smirked and said, "well if you put it that way...then yes."

"Yes, you are."

"Hmmm." Wrath hummed.

"Then why wait so long to confront me, what's is your goal in speaking with me?"

"I know that you have been watching me ever since I've arrived. You just observed my actions for the past four years that I was here." Wrath spoke.

It was silent after Wrath spoke, but only for a few moments.

Then the Chaos Source spirit said, "Like I said earlier, I wanted to see what your motive was and what you would bring into my source."

"And I have to say, that little idea of yours to make your own child of destiny against the one already here was quite funny."

"But also, it will be a very great show for me to watch in the future."

"Am I right in my thinking."

Wrath was silent for a moment, then he smiled and said, "you are correct in your thoughts."

"That was my plan ever since I first laid eyes on my little pupil."

The Wrath said, "I have to ask, why did you allow Chu Kuangrens transmigration and give him that ridiculous cheat."

The spirit said, "quite like you sir, I wanted to see what would happen."

"And I wanted some entertainment."

"But aren't you worried about him rising up against you or trying to overthrow you. Or him getting the idea to take your creation for himself?"

"He is one of the most if not the greatest arrogant shit stain that I've ever seen."

"And I have seen quite a lot."

Wrath looked at the spirit for an answer, and then he saw its body begin to tremble over.

About to see if something was the matter, Wrath was taken aback when he heard laughter coming from the spirit in front of him.

"Ah, HA, HA, HA, AHa!"

And not just a little chuckle, no but full-on stomach cramping laughter. Like the spirit litteraly began floatig up and crattiling himself laughing.

"HA, HA, AHhahahahahaha!"

This went on for a full fithteen mintues, until the spirit sensing Wrath mood plummeting stopped laughing a bit and came back down in front of Wrath.



"Apologies, but that was the funniest thing I've heard in eons."

Annoyed, Wrath's eyes flashed brightly as he said, "Well can you answer it then."

"Ahem, excuse me."

Then the spirit became serious as he said, " Not sure if you have ever heard of the term, What God giveth he can also taketh away."

Wrath now knowing the reason for the spirit's laughter, couldn't help the smile that came upon his face as he said, "Oh?"

"That was quite funny, now that I understand your reason for laughing."

Smiling again, the spirit said, "Yeah, so I'm never worried about any of my creations."

"Try all they want, they could never hope to escape me, or defy me."

"If I don't wish it, you know what I mean."

Nodding his head Wrath said, "yeah I know what you mean."

"Plus, the reason for the constant wars and consumption of the other Sources is to allow a higher plane of existence for our creations to climb to."

"And it allows them to help combat against those things from the Abyss, and the endless spawn of beasts from the Overvoid."

Wrath rose his brow as he asked, "OverVoid?"

"What is that?"

The spirit looked at Wrath and said, " You don't know of the OverVoid, I guess it make sense considering that you are quite young."

"Well, the OverVoid is a realm outside and above plane of the OmegaVerse, only those who are in the Boundless state can ever step foot inside it."

"There are only a few beings ever recorded stepping inside of it."

"Who, if I may inquire?" Wrath asked eagerly.

Smiling at Wrath's eagerness, the spirit said, " Well there are only six of them and they are called the pioneers."

"They are The One Above All, The Presence, quite a terrifying creation he made you know?"

"Lucifer the Presence's son, quite the wild card if I may say so myself, never underestimate that one, it'll be the end of you."

"The Sage Wukong, though he has disappeared, and no one knows where."

"And a very mysterious being, who calls himself Eru iluvatar or the One."

"Finally, we come to the worst being of them all."

Wrath listened closely mainly because he felt that he may be connected to the person's name about to be mentioned.

The Spirit took a moment to compose himself and he said, the last and final person no..... being that was recorded to have entered that place."

"Was the Blind Idiot God himself... Azathoth."


The entire void rumbled as the spirit said that name, and a destructive felling pressed down on Wrath.

But only for a moment, it came and went.

Getting themselves together, they both retreated into their minds.

'Only those in the Boundless State, huh?' Wrath thought to himself ignoring the feeling that just left him.

While the spirit was thinking, 'So it is true, Azathoth did have son with One. But this is an Avatar, and it would seem that he doesn't fully remember his father's or know what he really represents, at least not yet he doesn't.'

'I wonder will he comply with his father or will he defy him.'

'And how much suffering he will have to go through because of his siblings.'

'Quite a time to live isn't it.' The spirit thought to himself.

Then after a few minutes of silence.

"Whelp, I have spoken to much and it's time to wrap up our little discussion traveler." The spirit said.


It snapped and the void returned back to normal.

"It seems as if your pupil is about to end his fight with a bang."

Wrath was brought out his mind as he heard the spirit speak. His sight passed through the Void and looked at the image of Zu Ten currently punching the king's chest inside of his own body and blowing away a planet in the process.

"Yes, it would see so, I thank you for the information, Spirit." Wrath said as he looked back at it.

"No problem, just stay true to yourself and your own ideas." After it said that, the humanoid being faded out of sight.

The Great Dao eye above him closed and disappeared.

Wrath about to sit back down and watch his student kill the king heard the spirits voice again in his ears saying,

"Wrath will be your greatest help and the path to the real you."

Wrath quickly looked up confused, wondering to himself what the spirit meant by that.

He couldn't come up with an answer son he sat back down and immediately sent these images and information to his creator, Vhaalku.

Then he focused back on the fight between his student and the Pompas king.


[Violet Universe]

A few minutes earlier, we come back to the sight of Zu Ten dragging the king's face across a huge asteroid belt in the distance.



The King's face was being zapped and burned by the blue lighting coming off the hand of Zu Ten.

*Chi Chi Chi*

Zu Ten then threw Meng Tao into another nearby asteroid, destroying it entirely.


Floating in the expanse of space, Zu Ten waited for his prey to come out of hiding, yes hiding. Meng Tao as the fight progressed found out that this would not be as easy as he thought it would be.

If the broken bones and torn of limbs were anything to go by.

And so, he has been resorting to hiding his energy signature and trying to surprise attack him with enough power that would destroy an entire galaxy.

Case in point, Zu Ten moved his head towards the right, dodging a thin line of orange fire that streaked across the space in front of him.


It blew up and made the darkness of space light up like a Christmas tree.

Turning to the source of the attack, Zu Ten saw the four-armed Meng Tao who was currently heaving like a dog that was thirsty.

Cocking his head, Zu Ten said, "Is this all you can do?"

"No wonder your brother helped you, the big bad embodier, the mighty Ausran Godking!"

"Turns out he's nothing more than a heaving dog, who can't even last a few minutes with a person who isn't even using even ten percent of his power."

Meng Tao eye's widened slightly as the words echoed into his head.

'He's not even trying.'

'Not even ten percent.'

His orange eyes were extremely veiny with anger as he realized that he was being made a fool.

Gnashing his teeth together so hard that some of them broke into pieces in his mouth, the king clenched his fist even harder.

This didn't bother him at all as he spit it out, and his teeth regrew.


The teeth burned away into ashes and Meng Tao looked at Zu Ten like a lunatic.

Then he said, "you will regret making a fool of me, I promise you!"

He waved his left hand and the space twisted, and a black hand came out and landed in his hand.

Meng Tao pulled it out slowly, from the hole in space a very long black curved blade appeared in the darkness of space.

The black blade shined with a bloodthirsty and murderous light.

Its aura made the area tremble and quake like a supreme object has appeared in existence.

Upon seeing this blade Zu Ten went silent, but in the background, you could hear the noise of cataclysmic thunderous storm crackling with lightening.

And his blue eyes brightened with an intensity that made the void tremble around him.

He looked at Meng Tao and with an emotionless tone of voice he said, "Why do you have that blade with you?"

Meng Tao smirked a devious grin and said, "It a familiar blade for you is it not."

"Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!!!!!!!"

Meng Tao broke out with laughter as he saw Zu Ten stand in silence. Laughing like dog, Meng Tao was so caught up with his own amusement that he did not sense a sudden change in the atmosphere right away.

It was at that moment that Meng Tao suddenly lost his breathe, which was impossible for someone at his level.

In fact, it wasn't only his breathe that he lost, but also, he felt his blood run cold and stop moving.

Even the circulation of his Qi froze.

That's when he felt it, the presence of an ancient and terrifying beast that had its gaze locked on him.

And when looked at Zu Ten again, he saw nothing, but an image of a huge monstrous demon enveloped with blue, white and black lighting.

It was staring directly at him with a gaze that signified the end.

The sheer size of the beast was something that Meng Tao couldn't comprehend, and for the first time in a long time the King felt true fear.

Fear that ran down his soul and blood.

And everything in his being made him begin to run away with all of his strength.


A scream unbefitting of a man or king no less escaped Meng Tao's lips as he tried to fly away.

But no matter how hard or far he ran.

That terrifying gaze was still locked onto him, and finally after what felt like an eternity Meng Tao fell down on a random red landmass that was like the Grand Canyon.

He dropped down to his knees in a pit and looked up with tears running down his face.

And he saw that the same demon was now standing in front of him and looking down at him.

Meng Tao looked up and tried to speak, but his real emotions made only an ugly duck sounding scream come out that echoed around the area.


The demon or rather the real self of Zu Ten said," You are nothing more than a waste of space."

"But I can't help but realize that if not for my master, then I would be you."

"Let this be the end of our story, pompas king!"

His voice boomed out shacking the entire landmass.

And from above the head of Zu Ten, a huge thundercloud that was millions of miles long and as wide an ocean formed that was crackling with lighting of every color.

An aura that far surpassed anything in the universe spread throughout the universe, scaring everyone.

People who were strong enough could sense the many Dao's contained in the aura, and they wisely stayed quiet in fear.

The lightening represented every Dao that Zu Ten comprehended and mastered to its full capacity, and it was every single Dao in the universe.

All three thousand Dao's, he mastered all of them!

And he was the first person in history to do so, before even the original person the Mc of this novel did.

Then all of the Dao's in the clouds moved away from the center in a hurry, it was like they were afraid of something.

They all parted, and a gap formed in the clouds, and a rainbow-colored head of a monster of lightning appeared.

Once that appeared, all of the universe trembled with fear.

The sky above them both turn red as the Heavenly Dao couldn't tolerate its existence.

It was like a taboo being had arrived here.

But the Hevenly Dao didn't do a thing, it just watched the scene about to unfold.

The rainbow-colored creatures face only looked down at Meng Tao with disinterest and just snorted.

That snort released a blast of rainbow lighting, and it slammed down on Meng Tao, like a person with a fly swatter smack a fly.

This lighting was not a normal bolt of lightning, but rather it the full of embodiment of Zu Ten's own personal Dao that was not of this creation.

It was something new, not of this creation, only his.



Meng Tao's body, blood, and soul would burn for eternity!

And he would scream for all of that time as well.

After this day the whole universe would name this landmass the Red Wailing Crevasse, all because of Meng Tao the Pompas king.

Once done, the creatures face went back into the cloud disappearing and the clouds above disappeared.

And the image of the demon faded away after this, and the floating form of Zu Ten was revealed.

He looked down at the saber and reached out his hand, and like it hand a mind of his own the saber shot off the ground and flew into his hand.

Smiling a little, Zu Ten said, "I finally have found you, DarkStar."

This saber was Zu Ten's father's Dao weapon, his dad made this weapon and kept making it stronger as he grew in strength.

And it grew into a Dao weapon that was unrivaled in the universe.

"I will make unrivaled in all universes." Zu Ten said.

The DarkStar saber buzzed in happiness as it heard and felt the words of Zu Ten.


A hole in space formed beside him and the form of Wrath floated out.

"About time, you sure took your sweet time." Wrath said in a joking manner.

Getting no response, Wrath thought that maybe something was wrong with his pupil and was about to say something.

But his action was halted as the flying form of Zu Ten hugged him tightly.

Wrath surprised, just patted his pupil's back and said, " You alright?"

Zu Ten laughed and said, "I'm fine master."

"Just happy that I met you and that you have given me the chance to defy my own fate."

Wrath although he won't admit it, felt good about this and he said, " Well enough with the mushy stuff, remember you still have a target left."

That worked as Zu Ten stopped hugging him and looked out into the universe.

It was like his gaze could pass through the void, which it kind of can.

But that's beside the point, it was like he was looking at the man who killed his mother for nothing more than his own popularity and gain.

He gripped his saber tightly as he thought to himself, 'Clean your neck Chu Kaungren, I'll be coming for it one day soon!'

Then Wrath's voice brought him out of his thoughts. "Well, it's time I give you the information about what is next in your path."

"Let's go home Zu."


The hole in space opened up, both master and disciple flew through it.

Leaving the burning body of the former GodKing of Asuras.

One journey has ended, and another begins!
