

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime e quadrinhos
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86 Chs

CHP50: Testing and Remaking

I'm back guys.

I hope you enjoy this next chapter and the things to come as this will mark the end of the Second volume.

Also, as a preview of the third volume, many things will happen with our Mc.

One of the things that will be his main priority is growing in strength and the way now for him to grow more powerful is to learn new things, Devouring objects or things of great power. And him conquering or invading other creations.

You'll see what I mean by this soon.

Also, I will be referring to his Avatar of Wrath as simply Wrath for his name.

So, enough of the rambling. I just wanted to thank all of you who support my book.

Means a lot to me.



[Neo-Gamma Realm]

Sitting on his massive throne, Vhaalku could be seen sitting with a pondering look on his huge beautifully sculpted grey face.

His mind was thinking of things or ways for him to grow in power alongside his family.

There were only two things that he could think of. 

One of them were exploring the powers and knowledge of other creations beside his own.

And the other was to go and acquire that Ai spirit from that annoying pubescent Chinese guy in that one novel. The name of that novel was Unparalleled after ten consecutive draws.

He remembered that this place had many wonderful things and places to explore. Somethings he could even take over if he wanted.

But his face frowned upon thinking of the main character of that novel. 'Chu Kuangren.' Vhaalku thought to himself.

That one guy really annoyed him.

One of the main reasons was that he didn't really like that Chu guys character and because he never really suffered or worked for anything.

He was just handed everything on a silver platter. And the enemies were all very stupid and slow. Like you were many levels above this one guy, and you allowed this man who was new to your home to trick you. 

And then lead you on long enough to the point where he could insta kill you. Then he would just lord over you and your entire family if he didn't just straight up kill you.

Just plain stupidity and a level of arrogance that just really surprised Vhaalku.

Speaking of arrogance, the main characters level of arrogance was just ludicrous. But some of the things that happened, or that he randomly pulled out his ass at the very last second was fucking annoying to Vhaalku.

So Vhaalku really wouldn't mind scaring that entire creation. And maybe if he wanted, then he could have a training ground for his children and servants in the future.

 All of this, plus the things from the fantasy Roullet and even the resources inside of that creation. All of it was a good starting point of his and his family's growth.

But first, he needed to fully realize his power and all that he could do. And also, what he could do with this thing. Looking over at the little blue cube silently floating near him, Vhaalku wondered what to do with it.

"Whatever, I'll think of something to use it for later." He mumbled out.

Then in his mind, he formed a wide scale battle arena. Then he chose an opponent that would best fit him at this stage.

He chose his good friend Thor.

As Thor is a very great opponent to have. Then he began simulation after simulation of great and horrifying battles of Him and Thor.

He started off small, then he would scale the intensity and if it got too easy. Then he would increase the number of Thors fighting him with all of their power. He even included a simple version of the Odin Force.

He tested his physical strength and found that it was really horrifying, as he could increase it by just using his power of Wrath. And there by not having to be angry himself to increase his power.

Then he tested a newer ability he gained after defeating Knull and claiming the Void as his realm. He tested the ability to use the living darkness from the abyss. He created swarms of creatures that obeyed him.

Vhaalku saw that this ability in particular was really useful and that he could add other forms of power or energy from himself to create much stronger creatures for his use.

Next, he tested the power of the Void itself. And well, the result was a very great trump card should he ever needed it. The power of the Void was a really interesting and terrifying concept and if used or embodied properly then you pretty much were neigh unstoppable.

But this came with a little side effect. The side effect was that the more that you embodied the Void as a whole or gave in. Then you would eventually lose your true self and become nothing more than a creature of the Void. Destined to be nothing than its instrument to End of all life.

Vhaalku realized that Knull was a victim of this as he went through the uses of the power.

And now he knew the true horror of Oblivion and the reason for all of the marks that he left in the multiverse. He was the one entity that fully embodied the Void and never lost himself in its power. No... he was the Void.

After testing the power of the Void, he moved on to his next power and the one that really interested him as his Wife had it as well.

Reality manipulation!

Using this power, he found that this was a bit of a challenge for him mainly because his power or true nature you could say was of Destruction. And every time he tries to reform or change things. Then it would interfere with whatever he would try to manipulate.

But after some time and missing limbs, he got the handle of it, and it became much easier.

After that, he spent the rest of the time testing out everything else. And he also saw how scary Thor would become if he realized all of the power in his disposal including the power of magic.


{Neo Gamma Realm}

The time in the real world was nothing but a few minutes. But in the mind plane of Vhaalhu it was thousands of years.

In these thousands of years, he used it to fully know what he was capable of, and the results were beyond wonderful. His power took another leap forward and his spirit was relaxed.

Then all of a sudden, his body sitting on the throne shook. Every leak of excess energy and power dissipated, his aura faded. The red and purple flames stayed but they were very minuscule on his body.

You see before he did this, his body naturally released an aura of death and destruction. It would kill pretty much anyone if they came into contact with his body. Unless they were on his level of stronger.

But now after training and perfecting his power, and his mind. That aura was gone, it was simply nonexistent. All that remained was a blankness like that of an empty void. And this was a very terrifying thing, as now whenever Vhaalku fights his opponents will never know if or when he was going to move to attack.

This applied to his avatar as well.

"Hmmmm." Vhaalku hummed to himself as he viewed everything around him in a different light. As his thoughts were finally coming to a close, he began to put his plans in motion.

And with a simple look to the outside of his realm, a greenish white explosion happened that sent a wave of life, change and transformation to all of the destroyed universe.



You see, what Vhaalku just did was combine his neo-gamma energy, matter manipulation, all of the laws that he knew besides nothingness. And using the power of reality manipulation as well, to recreate the universe and make it his own universe.

What I mean by that was with him using his own power that will make him eventually transcend everything, the Neo Gamma power and enforcing his will with reality manipulation.

He cut off the connection that this universe had with marvel and linked it just below his own realm. When he did that, he saw a huge gaping hole that led to something. This hole released a mysterious aura that tempted him to come and try his luck.

But he wasn't going to check it out, at least not yet that is.

Then seeing all was well and the universe was reforming and growing Vhaalku directed its course for a bit as he made and put a huge golden sun in the center of this universe. Then he made a huge land mass forming a much, much bigger planet.

He sat and watched as time passed in his universe and smaller planets, stars were formed in existence.

As he did, he was reminded as to why he did this.

The reason?

All so that his family could have a place to live, other than his realm.

A place under his watch and a place safe for them to not worry about getting randomly attacked from things. Plus, he needs a pace sort of hidden if he ever left his realm in the future as he couldn't now. 

As there would be too many variables in leaving his realm at this exact moment. As, the fight between Wanda and Chthon will happen in about five to ten years give or take. Thanks to his ability of clairvoyance, he knew the true time frame as to when it would happen.

Also, as her husband and the Embodiment of Wrath and True Destruction, he needs to be here for her. As well as to protect her from any outside interferences.

He was really getting annoyed by all the constant probing from the various interested parties of Entities, outer demons, and Gods.

Speaking of Gods, he thought of Thor and his family. He knew that he had to go check in with them as well. Eventually, as he could see that Thor was going through a trial right now and didn't need any distractions at the moment.

But he would keep an eye out for his bro's family just in case any fuckery was about. It's Marvel, who knows what's going to happen next.

But now back in his own realm, Vhaalku sent a message to his Avatar informing him of what to do and he waited.

Then a thought came to him, 'Maybe I can make a herald for my destruction. Kinda like the heralds of Galactus.'

'Hmmm, I'll keep thinking it over.'


He played with the cosmic cube in his hands as he waited.


{ATG Verse}

In another reality, after the Avatar of Wrath arrived back ATG he explored the surroundings with his family and friends. They all bombarded him with questions and concerns relating to the fight.

Even his new blackish grey metal like appearance.

He answered the questions to best of his ability, but he kept somethings private. As knowing them could do more harm than good.

Still Wanda, Betty and the other women there were all shocked when they found out that he was an avatar and not the real Bruce.

Speaking of his name, it kind of threw them all off to know that he had a new name. And after a bit of thinking and also relaying it back to the main body, he allowed it.

But he only allowed them to call him by his previous name out of love. Anyone else would have died if they tried to call him Bruce or Hulk.

But on a more serious note, the Avatar telepathically told Wanda that he knew he had a son with her and that he knew of the disgusting mark of his chest. Wanda cried when she heard this from him.

This drew curios gazes from the other people around them.

The Avatar took a private walk with her, and as they walked, she poured out all of her emotions to him.

Her fear, doubt, rage, and love. All of it and he accepted it all from her. And as he accepted them, so did Vhaalku as he watched and heard her through his avatar.

Seeing Wanda cry and being fearful, made his rage boil inside him like a cataclysmic storm, and he marked down that leech as the first of his targets. 

After an hour of fully expressing herself, Wanda blushed in embarrassment, then they began the walk back to the group. All the while the Avatar told her that the main body had a surprise for her.

Wanda surprised, tied to pry it from Wraths mouth. But he never told her, he only said, "Just wait and see." This annoyed Wanda a bit, but she got over it. And they went back to the group.

Now coming to the present after a few days here Wrath was walking with his now awake son Skarr.

Yes, Skarr awoke the day after he arrived.

It was a joyous occasion when he did. It was the third day that Skarr awoke from his transformation. When he did, he released a blueish white powerful shock wave of power from his small body.

Wrath when he sensed this looked on in surprise as he knew what divinity his son had. But he didn't say as it was not his place to do so. Only Vhaalku could announce his son's divine source.

And once the wave of power settled, Wrath crossed the distance in a heartbeat and immediately picked up his son. From that point on they spent every waking moment with one another. 

This brings us to now as Wrath was walking and playing with Skarr. When Wrath paused all of a sudden and this caught the eye of Wanda. Even Betty and the other saw it.

Wrath flew up above everyone quickly as he felt his power growing and settling. The red mark of Wrath on his chest glowed fiercely for a moment. And then all went quiet, and he floated with a strange calmness down next to Skarr.

Wanda and Betty came near him to see if anything was wrong.

"Is everything alright?" Wanda asked him.

Vhaalku got his baring's together as he felt the influx of power pouring into his vessel. It was mind boggling as he felt all of the new things that he could do now. And he also heard the message from Vhaalku.

He turned his head to the both of them and said, " It's time to go home. The Main body is ready for your return."

Both of the women were shocked to say the least. Then they were happy and immediately went off to collect their things.

As he watched them run off and played with Skarr, time slowed down to a halt and he looked over in the void and telepathically said, " I know what I promised you. Don't worry I will come back anther day to give you what you want." " And this is your one and final warning...

His blackish red eyes spewed out with power shaking the void as he said, " Don't you ever watch my family nor eye my son again. Or else it won't be my seed that I give you. But Death and the erasure of your entire creation!"

After he said that time went back to normal, and grabbed Skarr and flew off to where Wanda and Betty where currently grabbing all of their things.

As he did, a little golden orb of light appeared in the direction of the void he looked at, and a little chuckle came from it saying, " What a scary guy knowing I was watching. And with how much he has grown makes this Goddess can't wait for when he returns to give me his part of the deal."

The Ancestral Goddess although scared from what she saw in Wraths eyes chuckled to mask it and then quietly returned back to her own realm.

Back with Wrath as he and Skarr landed beside the little house. Wanda, Betty, and the other women all came over.

Wrath looked at Eria and said, "you can come with, or you can stay. The choice is up to you." Eria looked at him and then at Shen Xi and You Hong. And after a bit of thinking she said, "I'm going to stay at least until I am at the level above the Creation God. Then I will come and visit you and my new friends."

Wrath nodded and said, " The day you what to come to my realm just say what I am about to put in your mind." As he said this, his red eyes flashed and Eria heard a voice saying a phrase in her mind.

It was so powerful and heavy that she felt it in her soul. Eria getting her barings looked back at him and said, " I will see you again."

Wrath smiled and nodded at her, then he willed for his board to his position.



Skarr was immediately enamored from its sleek appearance and tried to grab on to it. Wrath shook his head at his son's antics and grabbed him. The he few up onto the board as Betty leaped onto it, Wanda flew up as well.

The board expanded as they all did. Wrath holding his son, looked back and said, "See all of you another time."




The joyful voices of Wanda and Betty, even Skarr echoed out as the Black board phased out of reality and into the white void between realities.

The family began their journey back to their home and once there they will find many new and strange things.

Both exciting and Horrifying.


END of the second Volume!

Hope all of you enjoyed this chapter and Volume.

If you guys have any ideas, you want to share with me let me know. And can you guys also give me a name for Wanda and Vhaalku's son. He will be getting a breath of fresh air soon. So, I would like a good name for him.

Also, I'll be back to uploading on next Monday.

