

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs


AH shit, here we go guys!!!

Hope you are ready, let's go!



[Marvel, Universe]


The presence and power of the Hulk exploded all over the universe, and every major realm that existed.

It was felt by everyone, it didn't matter who it was.

And inside one of the more complicated realms, the astral or spiritual realm if you want to call it that, it is a place where a lot of mind battles or soul battles take place.

Butas of right now, a fight was being fought between two mystical beings.

One of Chaos, The Scarlet Witch herself Wanda and none other than the personal being of the primordial darkness and abyss himself the Spirit of Knull!

They were fighting, trying to trap the other person here in the place.

There was a fierce struggle going on, until they both felt the emergence and power of the Hulk.

And they both paused in their movement.

"You and your slave picked the wrong person to try and control." Wandas voice echoed in Knulls ears and his mind.

Knull began thinking, 'I need to go to Gorr, he cannot win this fight at all.' 'I need to combine his form and my own physical body to win this.'

Getting his plan in order, Knull blasted Wanda with a massive wave of darkness.

Wanda sensing his attack blasted back with her magic, and parted the attack in two, but upon seeing no one there she cussed.

"Fuck, he left."

Knull was gone from the astral plane. She knew to, but she didn't care. Because she knows Bruce was going to win.

So, breathing in and out, she also left the plane as well.

She appeared over the dead planet Sakarr. Wanda had a moment of silence for what once was her home. And a place she enjoyed, all the laugher and love, now gone.

She vowed to get much stronger than what she was now. Not only for her own child, who was still in stasis, but for Skarr, Bruce and for the future of their family.

This began a turning point for all the multiverse of magic, as the future Mother of Chaos and Depravity was born this day. 

But that was for the future.

Back to Wanda, she began searching for Skarr and Betty all over the planet. Then she arrived at the palace, and after a few minutes of scanning with her magic.

She sensed and found a tear or manipulation of space in a certain part of Bruces bedroom. Flying to the room, she got closer and closer until she came upon a mural of Bruce and Caiera.

Using her magic, she warped through wall, and there she sensed the source of the spatial manipulation.

Scanning it, she caught onto the aura of both Betty and Skarr.

Smiling to herself, she used her magic to also manipulate the space and a hole big enough for her, before it could fully heal. And followed the trail of her family.


As she flew into the hole, she heard and even felt a thunderous boom coming from the cosmos. Even the planet shook from the force.

She smiled as she knew who it was that made that sound.

'Give them Hell & Death Bruce!' She thought in her mind, as she left through the hole after her family.

And boy, was she right in her thinking.


[Collapsing Void]

Coming to the source of the roar, we find that it comes from an enormous wave of a green and red miasma like energy.

The space and void were both bubbling, burning, and even it even started to begin to collapse.

And all that was in its way, was either destroyed or transformed into gamma like things, it didn't matter who or what was in the way.

All things were affected or destroyed.

Coming to center of the nova like energy wave, we can that almost all of the creatures Gorr brought with him were now being burned in ciders and eventually ashes.

As for Gorr himself, as soon as he felt a shit ton of energy coming from Bruce, he immediately used most of the creatures around to him to form a barrier.

Then he manipulated the power of darkness and formed a barrier on his body, just in case. Still thinking that he would win, a false sense of confidence that will soon be destroyed by our Mc.

As like always, people underestimate the Hulk.

But after this fight no one will ever make that mistake again in any reality of timeline.

As the wave of monstrous energy settled, we come close to Gorr, who looks worse for wear as, the blast from Bruce incinerated every type of Defense he put up, and even blasted him away while also receiving damage in the process.

"Grahh!" Gorr roared out in anger as he caught himself midflight, he readied his sword and now more enraged than ever, he turned around to attack his opponent but,

He paused in his position in what seemed to be shocked and a bit of fear, but he would never admit it. What was reflected in his eyes was the gigantic monstrous form of the Hulk!

Hulk looking similar to how he used to but with only two differences, one is that his body more muscular, vascular, and the slightest movement he made broke the space and void around him.

And there were red lines coming down from his eyes, down his face, his neck, onto his chest and abs. Even on his shoulders and arms.

The second difference were his eyes, what used to be glowing green orbs of green power, was now replaced with pitch black orbs and a green miasma orb in the center of the blackness. The green miasma orb in his eyes were spewing out energy, that energy floated upward.

But what really made the seed of fear plant firmly in his soul was that from what he knew of his target was that Hulk always had a scowl or rage filled face when he appeared.

But the Hulk had on his face was not a scowl, but a horrifying rage filled smile!

A fucking smile!

Bout to be a bad time for my man's Gorr, well at least until Knull shows up and helps his slave out.

Gorr shaking out of his mind, summoned even more darkness to his being, and consumed it all, it formed an exoskeleton on his body, that moved.

Feeling his power and confidence grow, Gorr smiled and twirled his sword as he said, "You when I arrived to find you and found out you weren't here, this sword of mine decided to just take your home as a charge of interest first."

"But imagine my surprise when the spirit form of a women fought back as I arrived on the planet..."

Then Gorr did the dumbest thing he could have done since he arrived, what he said next was going to make his death all the more painful and drawn out than it would have been, had he not said what he was about to say.

Gorr looked at Hulk and saw the pressure coming off him was growing and increasing, so he decided to up the pressure. "You know I enjoyed hearing her scream as I plunged my sword into the core of the plan-"


He never finished his words as a fucking colossal green fist covered in red energy smashed directly into his face. The force of which, thundered all throughout the entire universe.

The contact of Hulk's fists on Gorr's face sent out waves of power, that turned planets to dust and even destroyed some parts of a few galaxies.


The Hulk's roar echoed out as he followed his victim.

Some people forget although the Hulk has never shown really insane IQ, but just like Bruce he is also smart. And sense the whole thing started, he has gotten even smarter and gained new understandings of how certain things work.

And so, what Hulk did next stunned the beings watching this fight.

Hulk stopped flying and looked up, then he released the full power of his wrathful thought, as he sent a message to beings observing him and to give warnings to those who would try and interfere with his wrath.

Hulk releasing his wrathful thought and his Supreme will, opened his mouth and said,




Then he snorted, and he immediately flew above Gorr and well... he began to give him the beating of a lifetime.


A punch to the jaw of Gorr, which shattered it.


A huge green and red beam of light from Hulks' eyes that burned through Gorr chest, shattering his armor in the process.


Alongside another punch from a gamma made energy fist construct, that knocked Gorr up above Hulk.

Hulk seeing him above himself, teleports above Gorr in a split second and planted his huge right foot directly on Gorr's chest, and then he stepped down with a quick and precise speed.

And the force of this attack broke Gorr's entire rib cage and spine.



Gorr who was on the receiving end of this beating could only try to minimize the damage he would receive.

And he was even failing at that to.



After being blasted away by a blast of the red energy coming from Hulk's left hand Gorr vomited out red and black blood.

He floated there in a mass of his own flesh, which was mangled beyond recognition. Feeling the state of his being like this, he hasn't felt this weak since...

"If you are this bad as a God, then It's no wonder your entire family died....when you were but a weak mortal." The deep and dark voice of Hulk rumbled out from above him. 

Gorr hearing him say this was overcome with extreme humiliation and anger. His eyes became consumed by the abyss of darkness, there was no light in them at all.



He roared out as a mass of darkness exploded from him and formed what looked like a gigantic mass of live black tendrils of darkness that surrounded his body healing it and forging a new set of armor for him a well.

Hulk giving him some space, just waited. He didn't care what power up Gorr received, as in the end he will be fully crushed and destroyed by Hulk.



The sound of something cutting through the air sounded as Hulk dodged a beam of black energy that consumed all in its way.

Hulk knew this was the all-black, 'have to be careful to not receive to many cuts from that blade as it will infect my body and prevent me from fully healing.' Hulk thought to himself.

But to be honest he didn't really care if he was cut, as he was too angry, and his power was just rising and rising to levels unprecedented because of his anger.


A pillar of black milky energy shot up from Gorr's position, and as the darkness parted out came a fully healed and bigger Gorr.

Who was smiling and twirling his sword in his left hand. Then he turned his head in Hulks direction and spoke, " Round two, but this time I won't be on the receiving end."

"You talk too much!


The Hulk roared out and broke the void around him as he charged to Gorr. And Gorr responded in kind.

Rasing his sword above his head, Gorr gathered the living abyss of darkness, the pitch-black darkness gathered around the blade and began eating the light of the area, as well as the space.

Then he and slashed down towards Hulk who was rapidly approaching his position.


Hulk sensing this, encased his right fist and arm in his power of rage and gamma. His huge green fist began glowing a brighter green and red plasma like energy surrounded his fist.

The attack form Gorr slashed the void and space apart like butter as it headed to Hulk.

Hulk undeterred from this, raised his right arm back and punched out. What came out was serpentine dragon sized, thousand foot red and green beam of power.

It tore through the void and lit up the darkness of space as it traveled well beyond the speed of light. 

Soon both attacks clashed, and lit up the void for millions of miles, it looked like millions of suns went supernova.

There was silence, and then a resounding boom shook the entire universe and every being in it as well.



END of Part 1-

 Hope you enjoyed!!

Also tell me if you guys want the next chapter, if so then I won't upload tomorrow and instead resume on Thursday.

So let me know.