

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime e quadrinhos
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86 Chs


Alright Guys here we go, it's about to get wicked. Also, Bruce and Hulk will learn a precious lesson from this flesh and spirit battle.

Also, I made Knull more powerful, because I didn't particularly appreciate how they made him somewhat in the comics. Think about it, the dude lived in the primordial void between the sixth and seventh cosmos.

Was an Eldrich horror and could use the abyss and void to create and do things according to his will.

And before he even made the All-black sword, he could fight celestials. Then he killed one and used its body to refine the sword further.

So, I amped him up a bit, not crazy but just enough so when he and Hulk fight, it will be felt throughout the multiverse.

So, grab your drinks and snacks, and let's roll!



{Marvel, Chaos in the Universe, Darkness and Death has Arrived}

Back in the Marvel multiverse, specifically the universe that Bruce came from. From a certain standpoint with Bruce, it has been ten whole years. 

And marvel it's only been three months.

But these three months, have been like hell to all of the universe. As not more than a month later did Bruce leave, was a God found dead and his body drained dry as if something sucked the life out of him.

But you know the worse part, the worst part is that after he died, he rose again and was something entirely different. After he rose his body was covered in a all-black exoskeleton and he had a red swirl on his face.

This marked the start of a cataclysmic all-out war between the pantheon of the universe. And the arrival of Gorr the God Butcher!

And killed all that he came across, it didn't matter what it was. You were in his way or if he had his sights on you, then you were killed.

Gor and his word The All Black Necro Sword tore through the universe, building himself another army. Some survivors saw that he was moving with a purpose, as when arrived on a planet, and after he would thoroughly scan it looking for something.

He would destroy it in a fit of rage, and this let the smart people know that he was looking for somthing. What it was, they didn't know.

But one God did know, and that was Odin himself!

And he wished he could help but, he was now in the odinsleep as a result of Amara, Surtur, and armies of frost giants attacking all of Asgard.

He badly damaged Surtur and that costed him a lot of his power and strength, as while fighting he was saving as many people as he could all over the realm.

And that slip of weakness Surtur took advantage of it, his twilight sword atruck true but so did Odin's spear.

They both were mortally injured; Thor of all people saw this and rushed to his father. He caught him and brought him back to his private chambers. 

And after that, well Thor rained down his fury on every single enemy in Asgard, but after some time Surtur returned but he was different now as he now had the power stone on his crown of flame, alongside the eternal flame.

And so, Thor fought with everything he had, and he is still doing it. The war is like a game of cat and mice. I strike you here and hide, you strike me and so on and so forth.

And all Odin could do was watch in silence as his son and realm suffered.

This was a tribulation of Asgard. But there is another tribulation coming to a certain planet, that will everlasting consequences and effects for the multiverse as a whole.

Because Gor had found his prize, from above in the dark cosmos, a huge black tide of monstrous creature was approaching a hidden sector of another galaxy.

This galaxy was where the planet Sakarr was located. Wanda sensed him coming and readied herself and the people of the planet for a fight like they would fight for their very lives.

And Gorr who was riding on a black dragon immediately sensed an element of chaos being used, and he smiled sinisterly and said, " Ahhh, another witch for me to kill, how amusing wonder how your blood will look on my blade."

As he spoke his pitch-black eyes twirled in a red circle. And he gripped his sword tightly as the life like cloak of darkness on him wiggled around, consuming his body in darkness.


The time has arrived, will Bruce make it back in time...

Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball-

(I'm joking sorry)


[Outside of the Dragon God Realm]

Bruce after leaving the lair of the ancestral goddess, teleported above the dragon god realm. As he did, he took out the ticket that brought him here and studied it very closes. As he always felt something was different about it.

"Hmm, this is really interesting." He spoke.

You see when he scanned it, he found out that every place he goes to and does things in. Once he leaves said place. It doesn't matter what happens, if he should need refuge or escape then he can freely go back to the place he went to with or without the ticket.

"This may come in handy sometime in the future.' He thought, and he thought correctly, he just doesn't know it yet.


As he was about to put the ticket away, it buzzed sending a message to him.

"Huh, you're a semi sentient spirit?" Bruce looked on in wonder and interest.



The ticket buzzed in response to his question, "I'll take that as a yes then."

Then he put the ticket away inside his pocket dimension.

Then Bruce wondered about what else he should do or get before he leaves with Eria.

After a while of thinking of nothing, he just decided to stay a few more days, in order to completely get used to his new semi divine form and the law of nothingness as it is now at twenty percent in total.

Something which the Hulk can use and add on to himself as well. Which is very horrifying thought to have.

So, getting his plane in order he teleports down onto the field of grass, where the three women are talking at this moment.

At this moment the women were just chatting with one another. Until Bruce blinked in right in the middle of them.

"I'm back, how are you guys?" He spoke.

Eria looking unbothered just said, we are fine, but we were in the middle of an important conversation with one another."

Bruce, looking fake hurt said, " So you have betrayed me, Eria my good friend." She only said one word, " Yes."

And Bruce just felt his heart being stabbed. Almost vomited blood as well.

"All right enough joking around, I'm back and done with my work, so I came to tell you that in a few days we will be leaving and head back to my home." Bruce said with a sort of serious face to her.

Getting a nod and roll of her eyes in response, Bruce just shook his head and turned to Shen Xi and said, "I thank you for your hospitality and teachings."

Then he said, "Also you are free to leave this place, and the other guy will not bother you anymore. So now you can pick up where your master left off and rebuild where she stopped at with her teachings."

Then a thought struck him, and he quickly asked, "do you have any notes or methods on the art of weapon forging."

Hearing him, she took a moment and began pondering her brain, and soon her face lit up and she flicked her finger, and a beam of yellow light flew out from her home.


Bruce reached out and caught what seemed to be a ring, looking up at her she said, "in this ring there are many things on forging weapons and other things as well."

"Thank you very much for this." Bruce responded.

She just smiled cutely and said, "No problem, your welcome." " Besides after all you have done for me, it seemed right I give you something in return."

Smiling back at her, he then turned to the last person and young lady who he once saw was nothing more than a little mute girl and said, " You have grown well, Yue Hong, I know your parents would be proud of you."

And then he hugged her, she cried a but in response. But ultimately, she said, "And I thank you my benefactor for the teachings and knowledge you have given me. What you did has allowed for me to make my own way in this life."

Bruce said, "no problem," and patted her on the back calming down her emotions.

Then releasing her, he turned to face all three of them and said, " Now then I will go and meditate for a while so I can get my baring's and after that we will leave Eria."

"Ok," She spoke.

Getting his answer, Bruce walked a few feet away from them and sat down on the grown to begin his meditation.


He began floating as his body was covered in green and black energy, in the shape of a ball. As he began meditating, he also scanned the ring at the same time.

And he thought, "I can also begin my plan to make a new version of Gamma energy!"

The three women looking at him smiled and went back to their spots, then they resumed chatting.

/Two Days Later/

After two days of meditation, he sorted out many of the things he needs and even learned new things that he could do as well.

But he most significant event was his work of combining his gamma energy and the primordial energy, he finally got some traction. You see he almost exploded many times, and even all most killed everyone in the realm.

It got so bad, that the women had to move the house far away from his position, even themselves.

In his soul, both him and Hulk were looking at an enormous almost never-ending ocean of pure white milky energy and the raging green inferno that was his gamma energy.

Bruce had a small smile on his face as he saw the middle of them both slowly coming together.

Him and Hulk also realized after many trials and tests, that in order to really force his power to a new height and evolve himself to a new form.

And to cut off his connection to the one below all, he needed to sacrifice one of his divinities or as many as he could or find something of greater power to use as a median.

But they both felt like they didn't have enough time to do so, mainly they felt that even though it would be a good thing and would really work well for them. It would take too long, and he would be far away from his family.

"We should fuse our divinity of multiplication into it, what do you think Hulk?" Bruce spoke to him. Hulk thought about it and realized they never used it, and it could help speed up the process of their project.

So, he nodded in agreement, Bruce smiling then summoned the divine essence and then directed the source of the divinity from his soul into the oceans of energy before him.



There was a rumble from his soul so great it shook the both of them and then they saw a great white beam of energy flowing from his soul to the merging process.

"Mhmmm," Bruce and Hulk groaned out, as the power of merging the three together was very painful as it was quite literally like spiting a part of their soul. But it didn't last long as they adapted to the pain and pushed through.

And soon, after what seemed like a lifetime to them, they looked and saw that the primordial energy, the gamma energy, and the divine energy were swallowing one another, and in the middle of the huge combination of the energy, there was a small marble of what looked like an all-white and black energy.

 It was small but don't underestimate the power of this marble, as it began sucking in all the energy around it inside of it.

"It's growing and it may take a while." Bruce said after studying it a while.

Then he turned to Hulk and said, " Let's go ahead and-"

 He paused, as he felt something squeezing his heart and Hulk did to.

They both realized nothing could make them feel this way except one thing.

His Family!

Bruce said nothing and immediately returned to reality. He quickly got up and yelled out to Eria, " I will be back Eria, also if you see strange people appearing here don't be scared there my family, so take care of them and tell them to be calm."

Confused, Eria couldn't even ask him anything as she saw Bruce with his hand covered in a silver energy as he punched a hole in space and flew into it. 

Even the other two women were confused at his actions, But Eria just remembered what he said and readied herself for anything coming.


[Marvel Universe, Planet Sakarr]

A few mintues ago,

Back in Marvel where we left off, we can see that the previous bright planet of Sakarr and even part if the whole galaxy was covered in an all-consuming darkness.

And down on the planet, what was previously a lively planet was now in ruins and was full of death and black creatures running amok all over the planet.

But the creatures on the planet seemed to be running towards a certain part in the north of the planet.

Following them, we arrive at the Kingdom of The Green Scar. But it was now in ruins and full of fire and all of the black creatures surrounding it.


There was an explosion, and a trail of smoke burst from the balcony of the palace. Following the trail, we can see a seriously injured Red She Hulk flying out if the castle and crashing into a pile of those monsters killing a lot of them.



"Ughh!" The voice of Betty groaned out.

"Shit, now I'm surrounded and I'm blacking out. Not a good day Betty, not a good one. Fucking monster." She spat out, alongside a bit of blood.

She could move just enough to lay on the side of the rocks she landed in.

Now you would think the that rest of the monsters around them would rush in and attack her to finish her off.

But no, they all stood still, seemingly waiting for something or someone.



A mighty roar echoed out as a man jumped from the same place of the palace Betty flew out of.

Betty watching him fall in her direction just waited, not giving a flying fuck about him or her current state at all.



The man landed in front of her and walked directly to her side. 



The sound of a heavy object hitting the ground beside her echoed, Betty turned her head and looked at the thing that killed so many people and even, even....

She grits her teeth as she remembers him stabbing the ground of the planet with this sword and releasing a plasma like wave of darkness in the planet and all over the area of the palace as well.

Effectively killing the light and life of the planet, and..... she didn't know how Caiera was, she hope that she was alive.

And Wanda was off in a mystical plane, she said she was fighting off a spiritual being that came with the man above her, who it was she didn't know. But from the way Wanda was moving and acting it must have been someone truly horrible.

Betty thoughts almost made her tear up, but she wouldn't give her attacker that pleasure. So, she hardened her heart and grit her teeth.

"It is a beauty, is it not?" The deep and raspy voice of the person that put her in her current state sounded in her ears.

Turning her head, she stared definitely into the man covered in water like darkness above her, the man only chuckled and said, "So much light and life, now embracing their destiny of the all-consuming of Darkness."

'He was speaking of the planet and the people on it,' Betty realized. This only made her heart rage with anger and her eyes flaring up with fire.

"What a shame, such a strong desire to keep fighting, I would have given you a quick death, but the sword desires your blood and soul."

"A shame really." The man said, then he outstretched his hand and the sword wiggled alive and shot into his hand.

Then she said, " You will get what you deserve, and your soul will burn in agony Gorr!" She roared spat out his name with disgust.

Gorr just looked on with a plain look on his face, then he smiled sinisterly and, "You know when I killed the spirit of this planet, she said the same thing."

Then his voice took on a demonic tone and the darkness around him covered his body and the dark planet trembled as his voice echoed all throughout it.





Then he used the darkness to grab Betty's arms and legs raising her up in the air, and flew up to look her in the eye as he says,


Betty just smiled in his face, and this just enraged Gorr even more.



A swift punch to the face, and her nose was broken. Then Gor grabbed her face by the jaw and turned her bloody face to him and said,


Then he moved back and raised his sword and pointed it at her heart. Then he looked at her face to see some form of despair or useless struggle.

But all he saw was a smile, which confused him and further enraged him. So, he yelled saying, "what are you smiling for, you have nothing left, nothing!"

"Because of me."

A simple voice was heard all over the planet, but it contained such raw power and rage that the entire planet was shaking.

 Even the black creatures below them bowed and froze in fear as it resounded in their minds.

Gorr hearing this was stunned, as he didn't sense anyone behind him, and as he turned to look at the source of the voice, what greeted him was burning flaming red fist.



The force of which knocked Gor out of the planet and across the galaxy in less than a second. And erased every single black creature for miles where Betty was located.

Even the bonds on holding her were erased, but before she could fall on the ground she was caught in the big arms of Bruce.

Rasing her head, she could see the burning eyes of a never-before-seen wrath in his eyes.

His whites were completely black, and his green was pulsing like it had a heartbeat. It was red in them as well, like sparks of flame floating.

"I'm sorry Betty, I really am," as Bruce said this, he used the law of life and infused it inside of her, healing her completely. He even went a step further infused the law of fire inside of her heart and body increasing her power as well.

Then letting her down he took out the ticket and said," my son is, is...."

"He is alive." Betty said.

Bruce was relieved, but what she said next almost made him lose it and immediately transform.

"But Caiera is not, Gor killed her when he arrived and stabbed the planet with his sword."

Bruce clenched his left hand into a fist so hard that he warped space around it and there was a sonic boom.

It was silent, but Betty could have sworn she saw his skin wriggle and convulse. "I... I see, thank you for telling me Betty." He said after a minute.

Then he tossed the ticket he used over to her, his tone devoid of emotion said, "Use this once you have Skarr, and it will teleport you both to someplace safe."

She nodded and immediately started running back to the palace, wasting no time moving at all.

As she was running her thoughts were, 'Gorr is fucked!!!'

Bruce waited for a few seconds, and when he saw a flash of silver light, he knew she was gone alongside Skarr.

After she left, he looked at his kingdom sensing all the death and he even scanned the planet for even a single survivor or an ember of Caiera spirit.

But he found none.




The voice of his long dead and forgotten father rang in his ear bringing memories of his dead mother, and every word struck Bruces soul like lighting.

His anger was rising and rising to a never-before-seen level in history, the roars of the Hulk echoed in his soul, and you could even hear it on the outside of Bruce.

Bruce's skin started to steam and even swell, he started trembling, and convulsing but he controlled it. He didn't want to destroy the planet, then he looked in a certain direction of the cosmos.

"Your right, it is my fault she died."

"But I wasn't able to fight back when I was a child."

The wind picked up forming a hurricane. His voice changed and became dark and deep like the Hulks as he spoke.

"But I am able to do so now, so shut up and watch as give you a preview to what would happen if you ever tried to use my family against me."

His voice rumbled the space around him, creating waves all around.

And the voice he heard, went silent.

'Thats what I thought!' Bruce and Hulk said at the same time to the shrinking the green door that tried to open, all due to his anger and massive amount of gamma flooding his body at this moment.


Snorting at what just happened, Bruces body began to glow green and red. He knew he had to get off the planet. And so,

 He took a step.

A single step.

But that single step broke the space in front of him and he directly moved in the empty void.

And a few miles off from him, he saw a returning Gor, who had a pissed of expression on his face. And much bigger horde of his creatures, they looked like a never-ending sea of darkness.

Gorr who was at the front spotted him immediately, he smiled viscously and said, "First the queen, then the planet, and now the little puny Hu-"

"Be quiet."

Gorr was interrupted as Bruces demonic dark voice spoke and shook the space. 

*Rusling noises*

Bruce began removing his cloak and shirt he put them in his personal pocket space, all he had on were an all-black pair of pants and boots. Gorr was confused and a little startled as he watched this.

Then raised his hands in an outward position. (Like pain from Naruto)

And he evilly said, " I'm going send to you to your already dead and pathetic excuse of a family."



And his body exploded, releasing his gamma and divine power. It washed all over the galaxy and alerted every single being in universe. Big or small, powerful or weak.

It did not matter who it was or who you were, Even Galactus and the celestials were moved.

From the red and green explosion only one thing resounded thought the universe, hell, and even the astral plane.


And the cosmos knew, The Embodiment of Wrath has Awoken.



Wasn't expecting this huh?

Whelp, you live, and you learn, but who knows maybe Caiera is alive or not. 

Who knows, find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z-

I'm joking, but really who knows.