

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

CHP30: Laws of Lightning & The Mistake of A Lustful Young Master

Hope you enjoy this chapter Guys.

Next up is the destruction of a certain sacred land. All because of the lust of One young man, who can't control himself.



[Golden Crow Trial Space]

As Bruce was waiting on the crow to calm herself, he decided to locate the lighting seed. 

Looking around for moment he saw off in the distance behind the Crow's soul imprint, a huge whirlpool of flames and lighting in the shape of a pretty big tornado.

Seeing how dense the energy was Bruce thought to himself, 'No wonder this entire land has all those spirits.'

'This place is packed full of fire and lightning energy, so much that it would kill anyone under the peak sovereign realm or the heretic god's inheritor.' Then he thinks,

'The people of this continent are lucky the Crow is not an evil or cold-hearted, and made this place in a separate dimension.' or else they all would have died.


Just waving his hand a little Bruce cleared the illusion of the sea of flames.

Bringing the Crow out of her thoughts, seeing her look at him he asks, "So what is your response?"

Taking a moment to get the right words as he was shocked at how he just waved his hand and dispersed the illusion she made.

She then seriously looks at him and after a moment of silence she says, " seeing how you gave me time to ponder my choices and didn't destroy me or force me to bend to your will, I can see you are not an entirely evil or bad person."

"That said, I know you are well beyond my power, even if I was in my peak, I can tell it wouldn't be much of a problem for you to destroy me. "As well as the other true Gods from the ancient era."

'Maybe only the Ancestral God could maybe combat him.' she thought in her mind for a split second.

"So, I will give you the seed freely and wait for you to finish what it is you are going to do with it."

As she said that, the whirlpool of flames and lighting parted as a purple seed surrounded in purple sparks of lighting came flying to them.

Soon it arrived in front of her and after a second of hesitation, she floated it over to Bruce. 

But before Bruce could grab it, she suddenly cut in fiercely saying,

"Do note that if you do try anything evil or wrong with this seed, no matter how powerful you are, even if I will cease to exist!"

"I will do any and everything to expose you and alert the truly powerful people in the god realm!"

As she finishes saying that she saw Bruce just only smile.

Then he said," I truly admire your and the cultivation worlds strong wills to never fear and waver." 

"To keep going against all the odds, because you believe that one day you will ascend to that supreme peak and finally be truly free."


As he speaks the temperature goes bone cold like hell's gates have opened.

"You so called cultivators' fail to even realize that you are trapped by your own wills to be supreme, and you think you have truly reached the end of the line."

"You are so lost in your designs that you have created a delusion that nothing can escape your grasp once you reach what you think is a supreme realm."

"And you all fail to realize that'....,"Hmmm, how to put in your people's own kind of words."

"Ah, there is always a broader sky above your own." And once you even catch a glimpse of that greater power, you go insane."

"Case in point."

He utters that word and suddenly the surrounding profound energy of the space began to boil and buzz, as if something was burning it out of existence.

Then the light around them darkens to where it's nothing but them in an empty green and red void.

Horrified by this the Crow Looks at Bruce and sees that the usual white part in his eyes have become blood red.

And his regular glowing green eyes have begun spewing out some green miasma. The green miasma defied gravity and began to float upwards, like fire from a torch.

This is not the end.

As no sooner did she look at his eyes, did a gigantic shadow cover them both from above, and as the Crow looked up, her last embers of her soul almost ceased to exist.

But Bruce did not allow that to happen, and so, barely sane from what she saw, her mind almost collapsing she could only scream out one-word, "DEMON!"

Then a green and red hand smashed down directly on her.


Back in the real-world Bruce with the seed in hand hearing the Crow scream looks at her. Seeing her soul imprint flicker and almost fade out of existence said, "Enough."

And just like that she woke up!

Her eyes dimmer from their previous powerful gold and red glow opened. And as she looked at Bruce, she could only as quick as she could, lower her sight as she thought she wasn't even worthy to look upon him.

Bruce seeing his said in his mind to Hulk, ' Might have over done it a bit.' Hulk looking on at her also says, "it doesn't matter, the people of this world are just ridiculously arrogant, just give her some strength with our soul energy."

Bruce agreeing with him does exactly that. Then a small amount of soul energy stretched out from Bruce and covered the Crow like a blanket.

Making her eyes brighten a bit, but also close as she went to sleep.

Bruce seeing this just turns away and sit in a meditative position and begins studying the purple seed in his hand. Hulk also surprisingly does the exact same as him in their mind.

You when they were training in the dimension they made back in marvel, they found out that they both can meditate and study different things at the same time.

As this can greatly speed up their already ridiculous comprehension speed and learning.

Soon they block out the surrounding things and enter a meditative trance.


At the same time Bruce was comprehending laws. Back at the scarlet Mountain range a young man can be seen talking to himself.

He had long black hair and simple robes on his person. This young man can is secretly following a group of cultivators to the cavern of the monster king of this area.

The Scarlet Dragon!

Upon getting closer the young man sees the group of cultivators stop around hundred miles away from the cavern.

"We are almost there Jasmine, soon we will have the first seed of the Heretic God." The young man said smiling to himself.

Getting no response from his companion the young man says her name again, "Jasmine?"


"Jasmine!" The young man said sharply in his mind.

"Quiet Yun Che, I sense something is different here!" A sweet and meticulous voice berated.

Although annoyed at her yelling at him, Yun Che still went quiet, like she said. The said in his mind, "what is it, Jasmine."

Soon hear voice loudly yelled in his head," Run now!

"Do not look back but run!"


Yun Che taken aback by this, got a little mad and was about to rebuttal back at her words, never got to say anything, as the mountain where the dragon was exploded.

And a Dragon roar sounded out into the world signifying the birth of a new and improved Scarlet Dragon.



And an aura above Sovereign Profound Realm covered the land for miles on end.

Horrified Yun Che quickly ran. But barely, as the simple feel of the aura injured his chest and spine a bit.



Coughing up blood and moving as fast he could, Yun Che never looked back.

If he did, he would have seen that the cultivators who were there for the dragon's profound core get incinerated immediately upon getting hit with the aura of the Dragon.

But he did hear a voice rumble the clouds and continent as a whole.



Letting out a final roar the now fully blood red dragon covered in red flames blasted a hole into the sky, then raising his hand he revealed the fire seed and said, "I have no use for you anymore, thanks to law energy my benefactor gave me."

As he said that, he then threw it like it was trash away from him. Then with once flap of his huge wings he blasted of the ground.

Looking like a red ball of fire as it flew away, the dragon shot through the hole in the sky.

All while thinking, 'I hope I could meet you again, my benefactor.'

As he disappeared from the planet, the seed he threw, by some profound plot armor was in the direction Yun Che was running.

As it was thrown by the Dragon its speed reached him in an instant. And well,



Screaming out as the seed struck directly in his left leg and blew his foot off, Yun Che lying in the ditch he was blasted in by the seed, cried as he wondered, 'What have I done to deserve this.'

Although shocked that Divine Soul Cultivator was on the planet, Jasmine seeing his state of being quickly comes out of the pearl. 

Then she grabs him by his collar as she using her speed ran away from the area, as soon it will be packed full of people from all over the planet.

While thinking to herself, "Well he got the seed, but it's going to be a minute to use it, as his left leg and foot are trashed.'

Quickly disappearing from sight as she flew away from the mountain range.


Back at the trial ground of the Golden Crow, it has been two whole hours sense Bruce and Hulk began comprehending the law of lightning.

*Crackle* *Crackle*



Soon on his body, greyish green tree branch sized streaks of lighting began manifesting and moving around on his body like angry dragons trying to destroy all around them.

As Bruce opened his eyes along with the swirl of green, there now was flashes of dark greenish gray lighting. Kinda like a hurricane at sea.

The lightning fades from around his body as he says, "Finally acquired the law of lighting."

Just like fire there are different levels to the law of lighting, first is blue, then purple, then white, then red, and finally Black." 

If you want to know how he knows the levels of mastery in laws, it's because of the Mantra in his soul. It gives the different levels of mastery from him to know his level of completion.

"And just like fire if I add my own power into the law, it takes on the properties of my own essence."

Here's an example, Rasing his left-hand Bruce uses the first level of the law of Lightning, Blue. 



As it buzzed alive on his left hand, he imbues Gamma energy into it.



And like something out of an apocalypse, the greenish grey lightning distorted the space around his hand and burned the profound energy near him.

Smiling at his control over this, Bruce ceases his action completely.

"I must say these elemental laws are quite easy to understand, if I must say so myself."

If any cultivator of great power heard him say this, Theye'd say, 'of course it's easy for your freak, you're just a fucking monster.' 'A freak of nature bitch!'

Then they would curse his entire bloodline for generations. But Bruce in response would say to them, 'Laws are a great power?' 'Bitch please.'

'I know people who could eat laws as a side dish and shit out some crazy anti matter energy and wipeout me and your entire creation.' Then he'd kill the people who said this crazy shit.

Back to the real world, Bruce now done with the seed, throws it back into the clouds of flame and lightning.

Then, looking back at the Crow who is now wide awake and more vivid and powerful he smiles and says, "Thanks for the help, Bye!"


And he disappeared in a green flash of light, stunning the already dumbstruck Crow.

'Fucking Demon, Thank God he left!' The Crow screamed in her mind.


Bruce appearing above the continent thinks what law is next, but then he says, "why don't I try some food." "Even though I don't need to eat for substance, be good to take a little break."

Then thinking of where to go, he thinks of the other continent, Profound Sky.

Knowing the next l he wants in on the continent, he decides to just explore it until he finds a food place.


Teleporting away from his current spot smiling and in a pretty good mood as well, hoping nothing ruins it. :( :(


[Divine Phoenix City]

In one of the cities of the Divine Phoenix Empire, we can see Bruce walking along the road in a rundown part of the city.

Seeing the rundown part of the city and the poor people and kids struggling to get by even little.

The people couldn't see him as he was walking in a separate space. Perks of Space manipulation. 

'We live to serve and protect our citizens, huh.'' What a load of Bull Shit!' Bruce thought to himself.

You from the half hour of Bruce exploring the city all he saw were fat nobles trashing the poor. And the poor only backing down because they couldn't fight back.

And if they able to fight back they couldn't because they would be ganged up on by the soldiers. The so-called people who swore to protect the very citizens in the city.

Snorting and coming out of his thoughts, Bruce spots and old grandma and a young girl looking no older than 15 selling cake pops.

Rasing his eyes at this, Bruce decides to get one, reaching into his pocket dimension he pulls out the currency.

He got a lot of this because of people constantly trying to rob him when he concealed his natural aura.

Hence why he is walking in a separate space now. 

Walking over to the Granny and young lady, Bruce startles them from just reappearing in front of them out of nowhere.



Both ladies screamed. Bruce putting on a comforting face and aura, eases their minds.

"I apologize for scaring you, I'm new in the city and saw you selling cake pops and I would like to by four of them if I can."

The young girl blushing from seeing his face and smile, cutely nod while pinching her grandma who was still stuck in trance from seeing Bruces face.

"Ouch Mei, you don't have to squeeze so hard, just admiring the view is all." The old lady said glaring at her granddaughter.

"I apologize for her behavior," said Mei.

Bruce just smiled and said, "no worries."

All three just having a good time until a group of six young men appear from some brothel down the street.

But the sad thing is right behind them there was a man holding a little girl who was naked and dead in his arms, crying and cursing them to hell.

Eventually he got up and ran at the men with a knife to try and kill one of them even though he knew it was usless.



Just like that of the young men decapitated the man and threw his head to his dead daughter body.

"Trash!" he said while starting to piss on the dead bodies. Once he finished what he was doing and walking back to his group, they all laughed at it.

"Haha!" "ahha!" "haha!

Them laughing was like knives stabbing into the people around them, crushing their already spirits even more.

Then the people near them ran away to avoid the young men's attention and wrath, as the robes they wore had the symbol of the Sun Moon Divine Hall!

Soon the young men kept walking and with one of them seeing Mei and loving what he sees quickly grabs the young man in front of him and lustfully says, "oh look brother Ye, a cute little flower." 

"I bet she is still a virgin and taste quite sweet like honey and wine."


Hearing his companions' words, Ye Xinghan looks over at the stall where he sees Mei, ignoring Bruce as he can't sense any power on him.

So, nodding at his friend, him and all of his companions slowly walk over to the stall with all of them wearing evil Lust filled smiles.

As they neared the stall one of the young men lustfully said, "Young lady you have the honor of catching my Sun Moon Divine Hall's young master Ye Xinghan's eye.

Then the young man who brought Mei's beauty to the attention of Ye Xinghan evilly said, "Yeah, he needs your mouth to help him get rid of a sore part on his body, it's going to take a while so you other wastes get lost, he heheheh-"



The sound of something filled with liquid bursting sounded out and the smell of blood roamed.

"Ah what is this!"

"Ah Brother Shen's head is gone!"

"Be Quiet." A voice filled with such malice and rage that you could smell it said from behind them.

Ye Xinghan looking behind him and seeing the man he overlooked staring directly was terrified and quickly yelled, "you filth, do you know what you have done!" "I am the young mas-





The sounds of heads bursting rang in his ears like drums. Then trying to run he fround he couldn't even move a muscle.

His eyes bloodshot from fear and horror Ye Xinghan knows he has meet a demon in human skin!

"You don't deserve to even exist!"

"Your very presence is a stain on this creation and planet!"

Every word Bruce spoke seemed like it was the will of the heavens themselves, as it struck directly into his soul. 

But what Bruce said next made his heart give out completely.

"Ye Xinghan of the Sun Moon Divine Hall, you and your entire home will be erased from existence in full!"



As Bruce spoke, the clouds above the entire city darkened like an abyss and crackled with green lightning. 

The wind soon began smelling like ash and death had arrived.

And Bruce along with the young master of the Sun Moon Divine Hall disappeared from sight.

The people along with granny and Mei all hand one thought on their minds.

"The Sun Moon Divine Hall Are Finished!"



Hey, I have a question, do any of you guys' care if I kill or do something crazy to Xia Qingyue?

Cause I was going to do something with the devouring stuff from Bruces stomach soon, let me know what you think.