

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

Chp19: Asgard & Odin

Bit of a shocker in the last chapter huh? Well, I am to surprise you guys with this story. Other than that, I just wanted to let you guys know that this chapter and the next one will be an info dump.

And mini time skip. Nothing major like years but like a couple months or maybe three months. Something like that. 

Other than that, hope you guys enjoy this chapter.



[Asgard, Bifrost Bridge]

(Thor/Banner POV)



In port of Asgard on the Bifrost bridge, we can see Thor and Bruce appear in a flash of rainbow color light. Landing on the bridge Bruce is amazed by the beauty of the design of the bridge and golden building its connected to.

Thor seeing his friends' expressions can't help but say," Come on Banner you've seen nothing until you see the beauty of Asgard itself."

Banner just nodding along as they exit the port. Upon stepping out from the port onto the main Bifrost bridge leading to the kingdom of Asgard. Banner is once again slack jawed from how beautiful it really is.

"HA!" "HA!" "HA!" Seeing his friend's face Thor laughs out loud joyfully.

Banner hearing Thor looks away in embarrassment.

"It's just I've never been to your home before and after all I've gone through these past few years, this place just gives me if only for a moment a feeling of peace." Banner said.

Thor taken aback from the serious words of Banner was about to respond but is cut off by Heimdall's voice.

"My prince what do you wish to do with Loki." Hearing Heimdall both Banner and Thor frown. 

Loki in all his quirkiness, right now is on his knees and gagged. This was done by Thor himself as he didn't want to hear Loki's venomous voice.

Thor looking back at the chained in anti-magical Uru cuffs just says," I was having a good moment with my friend here I almost forgot about you Loki."

Loki now awake just rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Don't worry Heimdall I will be taking him with us, as the All Father is dealing with his punishment."

Thor says as he walks over to Loki and unconsciously using the 'Odinforce' he picks up Loki with nothing but magical energy.

Then he turns to Banner, levitating off the ground and says teasingly, "can you keep up, oh great and powerful World Breaker." 

Banner incentivized by this remark just smirks and wills his energy to fly. Which by the way he just figured out he can now do by himself and with no outside help.

Thanks to the mantra changing his body and genetic makeup with his gamma and divine energy.

Divine energy that is now infusing a little of itself a time into Banner as a whole into a new being and a different type of God.

The first of his kind. The name of his race? We will find that out later when he fully accepts his Divine power in him.



A small boom echos as Banner takes off from the ground outlined in a thin film of green color.

"Please do try to keep up Oh Mighty Thor!" Banners mocking voice enters Thors ears as he fly's past him.

Thor smiling also takes off, not caring about Loki's wellbeing at all. Soon the whole of Asgard is rocked by sonic booms and joyful laughter from the two friends.

Heimdall looking on at the two friends smiles as he says, "you are right my king, Thor is starting to become a great king." " Even better than you."

After saying this Heimdall turns back to his post and reenters his watch of the cosmos.


[Space, Hulk Mothership]

In the Hulks ship his warbound and Wanda are making their journey back to sakkar.

Wanda looking on at the people that have come under Hulk can't help but smile and think, " you have finally found a place for yourself Banner." "I hope we can find a place together somewhere as well."

"We should be long now," said Korg. "Good I can't wait to get back home!" Elloe joyfully said.

" It's good you are all happy but don't forget the message from our King." Hiroim's voice said out with authority. 

All of the warbound went quiet as they thought back on the new that Hiroim told them. "Still can't believe the king and queen had a child and we weren't even aware of it." Korg said.

Now you would think hearing this Wanda would be upset, mad or jealous of this. But no, this is what she was thinking hearing this while also connected to her child in stasis.

"So you have an older brother." "Thats good you won't be lonely." Soon you will be able to come out and be with your family."

He thought were interupted by a loud and peircing voice.

"Hold on, should we be discussing this in front of this human!" Meiks sharp voice cut out. "I mean who knows why she really is here."

"For all we know she could be trying to take over our planet with her weird but powerful powers!" He said loudly again.

All of them except Hiroim, began thinking of her powers when she destroyed a planet sized asteroid and split open a space storm earlier on in the journey.

Just remembering the color and vibe they felt from the red energy she used sent shivers down their spines.

Wanda almost blasting Meik out of existance for interuptting her talk to her child, takes a beath and thinks what would Bruce do to difuse this situation.

Then getting an idea she just smiles and looks at them before saying, "you don't have to worry about me." "I'm just here for because of my friend your king is all" she says.

"Besides I here to help him and by default help you." "So don't be so quick to judge me, not all humans are despicable." She said that last part with a red glow in her eyes looking directly at Meik.

Meik being on the receiving end of the look squirms in his seat and then looking back at his monitor. Ending that little squabble.

Wanda smiling pauses as she thought she felt something in the ship with them. "Hmmm, what was that." "It almost felt like Bruce."

Deciding she needed to keep a watchful eye open. Wanda marks all the warbound with her power. "We will see soon enough what that was."

"Look planet Sakkar!" "We made it back home." "Yes!" The joyful voices yell in excitement from seeing their old planet again.

"Alright settle down, remember we need to be on the lookout for the king's son." Hiroims voice cut in.

"And remember dont scare or hurt him, as he can do what his father can to." "So you will problably die in a fight with him", He says.

Wanda hearing this decides to help out.

In the cargo hold, a red figure of a woman is hiding out in camoflage waiting and hiding for her moment to strike. 

Not aware she was almost caught a few minutes ago.

Soon the ship reaches the planets orbit and renter the planet. What will happen, who knows all we can do is hope Bruce can settle it before someone dies.


[Asgardian Royal Palace]


Another small boom echos as Bruce and Thor arrive at the royal Palace of Asgard.



Flying in front of the front door they land, and Loki just drops hard on the ground courtesy of Thor.

Once they land a group of guards approach them and with one of them walking up to Thor.

"Prince Thor your father is waiting on you, the guest and the traitor Loki." The leader of the guards said.

"Aye, my thanks friend." Said Thor

Thor then looking at Banner says, "We are here." "When we enter, just keep the proper respect and answer truthfully when he asks you something." "As nine times out of ten, he already knows."

Thor saying that last part a bit quietly from his own experiences with his father.

Banner smirking just says, " I got it, let's go." And off they went with Thor opening the doors and Loki floating behind him.

Entering the palace Banner once again marvels the beauty of Asgard.

"It is beautiful is it not." A voice filled with power and authority like no other catches Bruces attention.

Turning his head to the center on the golden room, In the middle on a golden grand throne outlined in red and white gems. 

Sits the ruler of Asgard Odin.

"Welcome to Asgard!"