

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
86 Chs

Chp17: I Will Take Him to Asgard

Alright, guys the first two major fights if the first volume is done. Now the rest of the chapters till chapter 20 will be an info dump and Bruce and Hulk will deal with the possibility of becoming a God.

Also, since multiple people have chosen Wanda, I'm going to put a little twist on things between her and Bruce. It'll be something that happened in the past three months before he was shipped off the planet.

Also, spoiler, his son will be revealed soon. This starts the arc of him becoming a God and finding a way to give His wife Ciera a physical body. This will also start the beginning of Bruce and Hulk starting their own pantheon. 

Won't spoil you too much of who will be in it. But if you have suggestions feel free to let me know. With that being said thx for the love and enjoy this chapter.



[Earth, Semi Ruins of New York]

(Wanda/Jean/Phoenix POV)



"And that is the end of this catastrophic battle." Phoenix says to both Wanda and Jean. 

Jean looking up at the fading darkness and the planets fading trembling, can't help but smile and say, "Thank god it's over." As she says this Phoenix releases her control over her body. Giving Jean back full control.

Wanda looking on at them and then to the sky can't help but say, "I wonder where our to titans are."

As if on cue the clouds that reformed above them splits open. Revealing Thor in all his glory and Banner who is half awake and half asleep.



"Greetings friends!" Thor boasts loudly as he lands on the ground near them. But in the eyes of Wanda and Jean they both can see he looks as if he is about to fall over any minute.

 As they gaze at the blood and bruises on his face, a groan could be heard right beside him. Turning they see Banner in his semi nakedness. 

"Awe man I feel as if my body was compressed and stretched all over the place," Banner says out loud. 

"BANNER MY FREIND!" The loud thunderous voice of Thor beside him blasts in Bruces ears. Grabbing is right ear to shield it from Thors voice Banner says, " Please Thor, not so loud my brain feels like jelly."

Thor closing his mouth in embarrassment, as he just realized Banner may be still suffering some injuries. "Sorry friend, just happy to see you are alright," he says softly after a moment.

Banner just smiles at this. Then opens his eyes slowly he looks over in front of them seeing the two beautiful women standing next to them. His eyes linger on Wanda a little bit longer though before he releases his hold on Thors arm.

"It's good to see you guys are alright considering what happened earlier," he says after a moment.

The moment he stands though Wanda, Jean and Thor are taken aback by his appearance. Bruce noticing their confused faces worriedly asks," what's wrong, is something wrong with me," he says feeling all over his body.

Wanda and Jean look at him and say," Have you gotten taller!" "And your eyes and your hair too!"

Bruce realizing their confusion laughs a bit as he says, "Ha!" "Yes, I have gotten taller." 

"You're almost the same height as Thor and your eyes as well!" Wanda says a bit shocked at his changes. Especially his eyes they look as if they are swirling like a green tornado.

She almost got lost in his eyes." Felt like he was sucking out my soul just from looking into them," she thinks.

"And your body to is just crazy!" Jean echos in the back. Banner, sweat dropping at these remarks just looks at himself and then Thor. Then back to him and back to Thor.

After looking back and forth between him and Thor. Banner realizes he must have entered the next stage. As before when he entered the first stage he grew from his 5'9 height to his now or used to be 6'1 height.

Now looking at him he sees his height has grown again from 6'1 to 6'4! Talk about growth. Then remembering what jean said bout his body, he looks down at it.

"Woah," he says in his mind. His body looks as if it has been sculpted from marble almost. His chest bigger, his shoulders broader. And his abs are very defined. 

His arms are as thick as some trees with veins all over them. His complexion is almost like jade. Almost divine! He realizes something. 

"I'm close to becoming a God," he unconsciously mumbles out. And everyone hears him.

"WHAT!" "WHAT!" the sounds of Jean and Wandas voice brings him out of his head as he realizes he said that out loud.

"So, it is as I thought then." Thors voice draws all of their attention to himself.

"You know Thor?" Banner says. "Aye I know, my father told me." Thor response while nodding.

"Your father?" Banner says. Wondering how Odin knows this. "Yes, he does." Thor response. 

"You see Banner, when you were on your way to earth, in your rage you were unconsciously realizing the presence of your divinity as well as your rage." Thor says.

"And a lot of people felt it." Pausing for a moment to let that sink in. Thor continues," Some of them where afraid of the power and felt that you needed to be destroyed." "And they were going to try and kill you before you even made it to earth." 

"But my father stopped them." "I don't know how or why, but he did." Thor says.

"And now that I see you, I can sense it as well." "Also, the battle we just fought; even though it wasn't you in full control." I still could feel it sleeping inside of you waiting to be unleashed." Thor finishes. 

Banner contemplating on all he just heard is brought back out of his mind from voices of Wanda and Jean.

"Whoa!" "Whoa!" They both say.

Taking the lead Wanda says, "Back up, you're becoming a God Bruce?" "How?!" she almost yells at him.

Bruce looking at both of them just says, "Yes and I couldn't explain this to you even if I tried."

Wanda lost in her own thoughts looks away. Jean on the other hand is just completely shell shocked by Bruce as whole. She remembers being almost as tall as him. But now she has to look up at him.

And unbeknownst to all of them. Inside her mind the Phoenix was also watching everything. "So, it was you I felt all that time ago, singularity!"

Yes, the Phoenix just realized that Bruce was that powerful signal that she and all others of great power across the multiverse felt.

"That explains why I cannot see him and his counterparts," she says. The Phoenix then says, " Well I'll have to keep an eye out for him and see how far he can go." "In this creation."

Back on the outside, Bruce after checking out his changes remembers his WarBound!

Turning around to the destroyed city he yells out, "Hiroim, are you there!"

His voice booming out into the surroundings of the now desolate city.

And after a few minutes of Bruce fearing the worst. A familiar voice calls out to him from the sky. Followed by a small pod ship warping in from space. Catching all of their attention.

"My liege!" From the back entrance of the ship Hiroim calls out, while jumping down near all of them.

/THUD/ A small echo sounds as Hiroim lands nearby. Bruce looking at him sighs in relief. Looking at his king Hiroim is very glad he is alright and safe.

"Are the rest of the group all safe?" Bruce asks. 

"Yes, the rest of the group are back on the mothership." They are looking after the other heroes from earlier." Hiroim responds. Bruce nodding then says,

"You release them we have done what we came here to do." Bruce says. Hiriom nodding presses his ear comms relaying the message while also explaining their king is alright.

While he is doing this Bruce looks over at Wanda, Jean, and Thor all looking at him with face of sorrow.

"What?" he asks.

"We just remembered why all this happened." Jean says in response. 

"Yes, I was quite surprised that you had a wife." "But also saddened by the news of her death, my friend." Thor says. Wanda just nods along, her thoughts unknown.

But one could see a sort of longing feeling in her eyes if they looked closer.

"Yeah, I came to avenge her and all the lives that died from that bomb." Bruce says. "But I've done enough damage already." He speaks.

"Yes, you have." Strange says as he comes through a portal with Tony behind him.

Banner looking at them again was about to break their skulls. But upon taking a closer look in Stranges eyes. He can see the anger and pain from loss. 

"But what loss," he thinks.

As if to confirm he thoughts Strange says, "my sanctum has been invaded and all those who were my friends and collogues in magic have all been killed."

Wanda looking on in shock asks, "By who!"

As he was getting to answer a voice in pain draws his attention.

"ARghhh!" Looking over he can see the very culprit. "LOKI!" he roared out.

Thor sensing the killing intent in his eyes steps between them and says, "Calm yourself Strange." " I know what he has done is unforgivable, but he will be judge and punished by Asgardian law."

Strange even though he wants to shred Loki into mincemeat stops. He can see he wouldn't even be able to grab Loki. from seeing Thors eyes lit ablaze with a blue hue.

"Besides you need to fix the damage that has occurred here today." Thor says.

Strange breathing slowly and heavily nods in agreement. Besides the punishment awaiting him will not be a small one." As he has even pissed of my father like never before." Hearing that eases Stranges mood a bit.

"I'll just focus my efforts on making sure this never happens again." He thinks to himself. But he is still angry.

Looking over at Bruce a bit shocked at his different appearance he says, "I want to apologize Bruce."

"For everything, even the bomb." "Although I didn't know about it, I should have kept a better eye on things. "And talked with you about my concerns." "Before plotting and planning in the dark like some villain." He says that last part with a small smile. 

"I hope you can forgive me for my actions." "Even if you can't, I hope one day you will be able to." He speaks.

After hearing this Bruce says," in all my life all I ever wanted was to be left alone, help sick people, and maybe one day if I could, I'd start a family." As he was speaking this, all of a sudden, the area around them got a dark and heavy feeling. As if something was crushing their very souls.

Bruce in the center of all this doesn't know his body and eyes are shimmering with dark green color. His eyes most of all looking like they are sucking the light and life of the world around them. 


The ground cracking beneath him as he speaks,


/TREMBLE/ The earth around them trembling in fear as if a great beast is awakening.





The sky above them forming dark storm clouds, highlighted by green flashes of lighting. And the clouds twisting and rumbling as if it's a storm arriving.

"BRUCE!" Thors mighty voice and divinity brings Banners attention to him.

"You need to take a deep breath and calm down, do not let your divinity rule over your emotions!" Thor says, as he prepares Mjolnir just in case.

Bruce hearing him, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. After a few seconds, all the rumbling and trembling ceases. As does the heavy and dark pressure on the bodies of everyone around him.

Opening his that are now back to normal bright green swirling cooler he thanks Thor.

"Thank you, Thor." "No problem my friend!" Thor says as he releases Mjolnir from his grip.

Banner turning back to Strange and Tony who look like they just died by how pale they were just says, "I will never forgive any of you." "But I won't spend my life heating any of you either."

"So, going forward stay out of my way, and if ANY of YOU ever think of crossing me or the people in my care again"... His eyes lit ablaze with dark stormy green again, as he says, " I'll with make what happened here today, look like a picnic as I burn your souls!"

His voice sounding with Hulk together making it sound very demonic. Finishing saying that Banner calms down and walks away to Hiroim.

"That was very horrifying." Jean says after a moment to Thor and Wanda.

Wanda just nods as her eyes follow Bruce with hidden emotions.

"He needs help with his emotions, because now that he is approaching Godhood things could be horrifying for all of the universe." She speaks.

"He was already powerful with just Hulk." And we saw what happened half an hour ago with Dormammu, he didn't even have full control of him, but he destroyed the moon, Jupiter, and parts of Saturn."

Thor nods in agreement, before speaking, "Aye, he does need help and cannot be alone in this moment." 

And after pondering for a moment he says,

"So, I will take him to Asgard."


A few hundred miles away from them in the dirt slowly healing. Lays a half dead and alive Ross. 

"ARGHH" Ross growls out as his mouth heals just enough to say, Damn that fucking monster!" 

Pausing as realizes, he barely survived and could hardly even fight back. Gritting his teeth in rage Ross says," I will find a way to kill the son of a bitc-"

"No, You Won't." Voice sounding out from behind him says.

Terrified Ross reaches for his gun but feels it not there, "Looking for this?" A deep but beautiful voice says while holding out above Him.

Ross looking at the weapon, pauses as sees a familiar red hand holding the handle and the barrel facing him. Looking back behind and seeing the familiar red woman, he almost yells out, "BET-"

"Ah, Ah, ah!" said the red woman. As she pushes the gun in his mouth. Silencing him.

Ross scared of this development goes limp and still. The red woman seeing that he is finally quite says, "Betty is asleep right now, but she would agree with me in feeling like you have outlived your useful ness."

And before Ross could say anything.



His head hits the ground with his mouth smoking with gray ash. Red She Hulk smirking at this, raises her head.


Then, with her black and red hair set ablaze with a red and orange fire as she says, 



No chapeter tomorrow i have an exam. But tuesday there will be.

Venomous_Xcreators' thoughts