

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime e quadrinhos
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86 Chs

Chp14: Battle of The Strongest Pt.2 (fin)

I decided to upload this chapter just cause you guys are awesome with the support. As you know this is my first time writing a story. So makes a grown man cry knowing you guys enjoy it so much.

Also, for the third wife a person requested Jean Grey/ Phoenix force or Scarlet Witch. Good choices, if you guys have anyone else let me know. It can be from any verse, manga, anime, or DC. Anywhere you can think of. 

Enjoy this chapter.




It is a beautiful day for the continent of Australia. As today the sun is high in the sky. And a cool breeze is blowing, for all the nice and plushy animals.

On the plains of Australia, we can see different types of animals.

Kangaroos, Koala's, and other animals, just enjoying the water and cool breeze today. Some are drinking water. Or even eating, just everyone enjoying their day. 

Nothing can ruin this day, they thought, but a green comet falling straight down in the center of the continent says differently.


Falling down surrounded in gold and green fire, Hulk smashes down dead center in Australia. The fire around him spreads like a tsunami from Hulk's body. Killing everything in hundred-mile radius. 

"GRAAHHHHH!!" Hulks voice roared out as he is sent through the entire ground. Reaching the magma of the sea floor.  As Hulk looks up, and he realizes he is under the entire Australian continent itself. 

Glowing a brighter green. And enraged out of his mind.  Hulk's body increases in size and green veins extend from his neck to all over his body. 

Then enraged out his mind Hulk does something absolutely crazy and that will affect the world for generations. He blasts up from the magma he is under and reaches under the rocky bottom of the continent.

Once he is under the rocky floor, he grabs the continent while flooding it with his gamma energy. Once he has his grip on it, he roars, as lifts it out of the sea....

While carrying the entire Australian Continent, he makes it above the water. Then he hears a sonic boom above him.  Hearing that boom, he grins as he knows Sentry has arrived.


A with roar, he throws the entire continent to sentry amplified by his gamma. Sentry just arriving in taken aback by the continent fly to him at great speeds.

"HAHAHAHHA, YOU CRAZY MOTHER FUCKER!!!" Laughing as the continent reaches him, Sentry erupts in a pillar of golden flames.

Melting the edges of the continent before it can connect with him. But not quick enough as it smashes into him knocking him above earth's atmosphere.

Hulk using his gamma surrounds himself with a green cover as he wills his energy to fly up to Sentry.


Sentry above the earths shakes the dizziness and pain from his head. As having an entire continent thrown at him amplified with gamma hurts like a bitch. Wiping the blood from his face, Sentry hears a sonic boom below him.

As he looks down, he can see Hulk racing to him.

Sentry looking on as this green menace rushes at him with an even faster speed than before, smile and responds in kind.


He erupts from his spot as well. From as distance we can see two lights shining brightly closing in on each other. Soon they meet in an epic collision.



The entire earth trembles and shakes from there clashing. And with our two fighters we can see them floating in front of each other.

Hulk glowing even brighter and Sentry pulsing with gold flames all around him. Senty looking at Hulk says, " Ya know we have been fighting for an entire day now." "It'll soon be to days in about an hour."

Hulk smiling says, "what getting scared of losing or are you tired."

Sentry Laughs and says," No not scared." "Getting tired yes and you are to Hulk." He says in a serious tone."

"He is right we are getting tired," Hulk hears Banner say in his mind. Hulk snorts at Banner but agrees in his mind.

Then looking at Sentry he says, " Then we won't stop till one of us drops first!" As Hulk says this his power increases even further. Erupting around him in a green pillar of energy.

Sentry smiling says nothing more and also erupts in his golden flames.


They reach each other in an instant. And then...


The sky explodes in green and gold color as they continue their fight.


[New York, Sanctum]


Back with Tony and Strange, the portal opens at the entrance of the sanctum.

"Go ahead and go in I'll be in a moment." "Have to put up some more wards around the place for protection." Tony hearing strange nods. As he limps in the door, he spots a couch to sit on.

Smiling happily as he won't be on his legs anymore. He limps over to it and sit down.

"Woooo." He exhales. As he sits, he starts to wonder why it is so quiet here.  And there was no door man like there usually is when he visits.  Leaning hid head back on the couch he closes his eyes to rest for a moment.

''Sniff,''' 'Sniff'', opening his eyes for a moment. Tony sniffs around as he can smell a copper no. He can smell iron. He questions himself for moment. Then his eyes shoot open as knows the smell. The smell of blood.

Just in time to because Strange comes in. And before he can say anything, Stranges says, "something is not right here." " To quiet and this smell." he says. The he thinks to himself, "What is thi-" Stopping right there as he knows this smell. "Blood." He says to himself. 

The waving his hands to cast a detection spell, he frowns as he catches wind of a foreign magic presence. And a dark one. One he knows all too well.

"Dormammu." he says. As he opens his eyes, he looks in the direction of the presence of the magic. His eyes shoot open as he knows where this hall leads. The artifact room!

"NO!" he roars out as he runs in that direction. Tony confused and wary says to Jarvis in his ear comm. "Jarvis sent my new suit the one made from Vibranium." "Yes sir," Jarvis replies.

Tony gets up and waits for his suit. With Strange as he makes it to hall, he can see the blood and bodies of his fellow guardians. "NO!" he yells. He stops running and walks down to the very end of the hall. Not forgetting to use his magic to collect the bodies of his dead friends and companions.

Once he reaches where the final guardian lays dead at. He reaches down and puts his hand on the fallen person's head.  Still trying to reign in his emotions he says, "forgive me my friend, I must see what happened." Then he uses a forbidden magic of soul reading and searching.

As he goes through the memories, we can see his face going from sad to rageful. And at the end he screams out two names. "Loki!" "Dormammu!"

Opening his eyes that are both glowing with orange mystical symbols, he yells out in a rough tone, "The both of you will pay dearly for this." As he begins to think of all the time he was away and the time framing off this, also the shadow wizard people. 

All this from Dormammu, as he could sense his mark on Loki!

He realizes he was played like a fool by both of them, the ground cracking as he thinks these thoughts. "But for what purpose," he says in his mind.  He is brought out from his mind as Tony's voice says," Strange is that door supposed to be opened."

Catching his breath, he looks over at the cracked and opened door and realizing something. Not wasting anytime, he runs in.

"Right leave the injured guy here alone." Tony says. "Though this is really fucked man," he says as he looks at the dead bodies organized on the ground.

With Strange, as runs in the room and looks at each artifact trying to find anything wrong. Eventually he passes by an empty podium. Looking at the writing on the podium for the name of the artifact, he says one word, " Shit!

The name of the missing artifact reads, " The Door of Pathways."


[Ruins of New York]

(2days later, Loki Pov)




With Loki again, we can see him cloaked on the ground waiting for his opportune moment. As he is waiting, he thinks to himself," wonder if Strange has seen the gift I left him." Smirking as he thinks this.

He suddenly begins to feel like something is wrong. But can't think of anything. 'Everything is laid out.' ''Thor doesn't know anything, as he is on the other side of the universe by now." "And neither does father. "

Cringing as he thinks the word father. Loki says to himself," no need to be getting cold feet and wasting this opportunity."

As if on cue, a bright gold light crashes a thousand feet from him. Followed by a green light.



Sentry getting up breathing hard punches back at Hulk. His hand glowing gold and wreathed in flames as he strikes.


Hulk's own gamma fist reaches down in contact with Sentry, letting off a blast that cracks the entire Newyork coastline in half.


When the dust settles both fighters covered in their own blood and their energy, standing tall.  Both taking heavy slow breathes. As they are on the last final stretch.

"I have to say Hulk I haven't enjoyed a fight like this in long while." Sentry says while catching his breathe.

Hulk catching his breath says," Yeah I have enjoyed this as well." "But," he says in a serios tone. "It's time to end this once and for all, as we have been fighting for two days straight."

Sentry also getting serious says, "Yeah lets!"

As they both say this, the clouds above them get dark and the wind blows as if expressing the final moments of this epic fight. 

And with a single breath they both take off from there spot.



And with a right hook Sentry his Hulk in the face. Hulk gritting his teeth response in kind with a left.


Erupting with final bit of strength Sentry creates a massive golden flame covering them and the area around them. Hulk also explodes with gamma energy, lighting up the area and corroding everything around them as well.




Blow after blow they hit each other in the face.  Raining down destruction all around them. Sentry using his psionics and his solar energy targets Hulks Mind as he punches with all of his strength. And blows the ground away beneath them to finish this.



Hulk feeling himself slipping from that last hit from Sentry, hears Banner in his mind, "Hulk we are both in this together so we will fight as one." "Besides one more push and we reach the third stage in the mantra." "SO, LETS DO THIS!!!!" They both roar out.

And in a last-ditch effort they pour all of their energy that they have left. From gamma to soul energy. As will win roared to life, a sliver of his defiance divinity came out in a black flash of light. Increasing his power and covering the green of his fist. Signifying his will and defiance to lose this fight.

But they both don't notice this, as they connected with Sentry.



As the dust settles, we can see both fighters out of the powerful forms. And in their human skin. Both bruised and bloody. 

"Hah....Hah.... Hah... you monster," Sentry says as he falls down to the ground. Signifying the end of their fight.

And with Banner, we can see our winner slowly healing. Looking at the damage he just did." Well, if some people didn't' hate me before they will now," he says this as he looks on what his last punch did.

In front of Banner and behind Sentry, the ground was split inhalf all the way down to the point you could see magma from the core of earth.  The line was so long it reached to the of the state of New York. 

But all of a sudden, 



"ARCKKK," Banner yells out as he is stabbed in the back. Looking behind him he can see, "LOKI!!" he roared out with is eyes lit in a green blaze.

"Um you might want to take a look at yourself first before you waste your last moments looking yelling me." Loki says with a grin.

Banner confused until he feels a searing pain from his back and chest, looks down. There he sees black tattoos forming on his body. And in his mind, he hears a dark and terrible voice. 

Under him his shadow extends like its opening something. As it does a voice is heard.

"Hurry up and finish the plan Loki!" A dark and deep voice thunders out as the clouds grow dark and the sun eclipses. Starting a rain of darkness on earth.

"Ahhhhh," Banner yelling in falls to his knees in pain, as he can feel the dark presence trying to corrode his soul. And destroy him and Hulk. A shadow covers him, and he looks up he sees Loki looking at him with a sneer.

Loki now in front of Banner with a mirror and one hand on the dagger. Says with mock sadness, "well so long poor mortal." And gets ready to push the dagger all the way into Banners heart.

But before he can a mighty but very angry voice is heard from the sky.


Followed by an all too familiar Mjolnir covered in a building size bolt of blue lighting striking down at them. Like the heavens releasing their wrath.