
Was it a good trade?

It's already been a long time since Eden wanted to discover the real identity of this voice. He had in part discovered who it could be, but he wasn't sure. It could just be someone else and not this Kye, and in other words, Gil's brother.

He had also thought of the pros and cons. Sure he will lose the stronger spell he could have seen in his life, but this spell won't be of any use if he continues his journey with people.

Sure if he was alone, he couldn't hope for more since he would be able to receive the benefits of a teal while staying alone. In other words, he will have everything for him, be it the XP, the resources, or even the dropped equipment. But until where?

He will stay alone all his life, and he didn't see any point in staying alone. It was a hundred times funnier with people than being alone.