
My turn

The figure changed its stance again into neutral.

"500 Hp sounds crazy strong dude."

"That's right. In and out attacking sounds like the bast move especially since we don't know what attacks it has itself."

"Yeah...? Sure.."

I lacked the knowledge of how combos or even attacks that could defeat some sort of foe like this one.

I rarely ever played games when I was in the real world. Whenever Liam would speak to me I would think of him as a complete and utter nerd. I struggled to take him serious.

After a couple of minutes we prepared and got to our positions.

Liam was behind him and I was infront.

As we got closer the figure changed stance and ready for our attacks to play out.

"Y-you sure that this will work right?"


My hand was shaking worried that'd I'd be knocked out by the spear if I crept any closer to the figure. I slowly edged forward to test the waters but instead of attacking me, it turned around in an instant and swung into Liams direction.

Liam slid and dodged the attack making his way onto my side. He stood up straight and aligned himself with the enemy.

'So is the plan just scrapped like that?' He truly sucked at communication.

His next attack clashed weapons with the spear user flinging Liam back a couple of meters. 

"Should I help you orrr....?"

"Nah its good." He was breathing heavily struggling to catch his breath.

The spear user spun their weapon once more but instead of changing stance, it slammed the spear into the ground. 

A high frequency clinging sound raged through the room. I dropped my sword as a result in this trying to cover my ears from the pain of listening to the noise of metal clashing in such a harsh way. 

I placed my self into a ball but kept a little bit of my eyesight uncovered to see it unfold between Liam and the Elyisum Guard. 

Liam was on the ground too struggling to get up but he had determination. Gritting his teeth with pure adrenaline and energy, he looked like he could pull off doing an attack at the Guard. 

He limped as the sound waves went on which i found to be quite heroic but also stupid since he was not a "hero" and he was ready to kill himself for no reason. 

For a moment I thought he had some sort of purple aura around him, but maybe i was wrong and my eyes were fuzzy for a moment perhaps. 

The sound stopped.

Liam finally got a hold of himself. The Guard still had 500/500 HP. 

I got up slowly looking at Liam while he was assessing the Guard. 

"H-hey man...? wanna take it easy next time. Im only one person and if u die here i dont think i can-" 

He rushed forward without a second thought, slashing the chest plate of the Elysium Guard, leaving a trail of a purple vibrant light following the movement of the sword, once again but this time it dealt heavy damage. It didn't react on time but it recovered back on its feet quite quickly. 


"Wow. "

I was upright now.

I saw something different in Liams eyes. It wasn't like before which was completely strange to say the least. 

He was quiet but vigilant ready to attack again. I then joined next to him to prepare another attack like his. 

He then held his sword like a knight would in a duel. I then got a closer glimpse of Liams eyes and it turned from strong blue to a pale purple. His expression was now ferocious and locked in. 

The spear user, guard, readied itself for his attack as well.

The dim room was lit by these two elements of unstoppable force ready to clash with each other. It was not cold but i did feel uncomfortable with the energy that has been created. I was paranoid.

Liams expressionless face staring at the guard with hostile intent has never looked so mesmerising but also vividly scary. 

It was silent, the only footsteps were the one that came from Liams feet circling around the guard.

He dragged his sword across the metallic floor which made a loud screeching sound that did some damage to my ears. But it was quite the opposite for my partner as he seemed to be transformed somehow into enjoying the torturous ambience he created. 

I froze up and couldn't say a word to anyone. If spoke I would break Liams concentration.

'Hurry up nerd.'

Liam stopped moving and so did the guard. 


Pat... pat... pat... the sounds of his footsteps reverberating across the room reaching the spear user guard and in less than a few moments, the atmosphere changed completely. 

Liams sword clashed with the spear, forcing each other backwards. I ran up on the spear users backside but it was soon they noticed me and swung their weapon into my direction.

Luckily in time I ducked but i was immobile since i fell over onto the hard surface smacking my bare face into the ground. 

The guard moved their position and ran around the room looking for an opening to launch and attack at Liam. 

Liam's movements became a blur as he tapped into an unseen well of power. The air crackled with energy as he deftly parried the Elysium Guard's spear strikes.

With a sudden burst of speed, Liam closed the gap, leaving the Guard momentarily disoriented.

As the Elysium Guard recovered, Liam's eyes gleamed with an otherworldly intensity. His sword glowed with an ethereal light, and with a single, fluid motion, he executed a series of blindingly fast strikes that left afterimages in the air.

The Elysium Guard, unable to keep up with Liam's newfound power, found themselves on the defensive.

Liam's sword danced through the darkness, effortlessly disarming the Guard and leaving the spear shattered on the cold dungeon floor.

With a swift spin, Liam sheathed his sword, the glow fading. Silence descended upon the dungeon room as the defeated Elysium Guard stared in awe. Liam, now bathed in an enigmatic aura, spoke in a low, commanding voice.

"Your journey ends here," he declared, his words carrying an undeniable weight.

The defeated Guard, humbled by Liam's mysterious prowess, acknowledged defeat. Liam, still cloaked in an air of mystique, turned away walking towards the door that illuminated purple ready for the next task.

I followed after him starstruck as to what the hell happened.