
The Elven King From Another World

I'm out with my friends when I black out. The next thing I see is a message saying a system is starting. _________________________________________________________ Updates when I can. I'm not going to ask for donations or anything, but I would love feedback as this is my first novel.

Universal_dude · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 2 : Terrasia

After awhile I'm woken up to talking, but can't exactly see what's going on with with my eyes blinded with light. I can't recognize the language so I stop trying to listen to the conversation.

After awhile I feel something prodding my mouth, thinking it's food I open my mouth, the unknown object is put in my mouth, and I bite down. What happened next gave me trauma for the next couple of seconds, instead of me swallowing food, I got a throat full of a liquid, and above me I hear a yelp. After putting two and two together I realized it, I WAS BEING BREASTFED!

After awhile I just accepted my fate and drank the milk until the woman who I presumed was my mother put me down in a crib. She then started talking to another woman who was also in the room. I tried my hardest trying to translate to no avail, then...



"Yes! Finally I can find out what they were talking about." I thought to myself.

"...-ean it's weird your highness." The woman said to my mom who apparently is the queen, "Your child is male, and every elf is a female."


"I understand that he is male, however it was said in the prophecy sent by the goddesses that the first elf male shall be the one to protect Suland from invaders." My mother told the woman.


Well looks like my life is going to be interesting.

Little did I know that looking down upon me from the heavens were 4 goddesses who each had a different tattoo on them. One had a skull, another had a cross, another had 2 crossing swords, and the final had a rose. They all chuckled to themselves after seeing my reaction to finding out about my "the only male" situation.

"I'm surprised he didn't choose the same STATS that the other 6 chose." The goddess with the cross tattoo said.

"Mhm. At least he wasn't like the one who put everything he could into strength." The goddess with the skull tattoo added.

"I'm surprised that you were allowed to choose the elven boy as well." The goddess with the swords tattoo said to the goddess with the rose tattoo.

"Well you know the saying," The goddess with the rose replied, "Even in life and death all is fair in love and war."

However there was one thing they could all agree on, the life of the sole elven male was going to be a hectic, yet interesting one.